November 2023


The application period for the FAA’s Federal Contract Tower Program (FCT) is now open and closes on Dec. 1, 2023, at 4 p.m. CST! This is a competitive grant program to sustain, construct, repair, improve, modernize, replace or relocate airport-owned towers; to include, acquire and install air traffic control, communications, and related equipment to be used in those towers. Overall, these development projects, along with other critical airport infrastructure funding provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), will improve the safety and efficiency of the national airspace. The FAA has approximately $20 million in funds for Federal Fiscal Year 2024 specifically for this program. You can find information on how to submit your project for consideration at


The following information from Associate Administrator for Airports, Shannetta R. Griffin, P.E., includes additional details about the competitive grant program:

Dear Airport Sponsors: 


I am very excited to announce the third round of competitive Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Contract Tower (FCT) grant process for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. Applications will be accepted as of November 1, 2023, for funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) for the purpose of modernizing airport traffic control towers across the nation, including many at small towns and municipal airports.


The BIL FY24 competitive FCT grant process provides approximately $20 million per year, for five years (FY 2022-2026) in funding. Grants will be awarded to airports that own their Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and participate in the FAA’s Contract Tower Program and the Contract Tower Cost Sharing Program. The FAA will fund projects that sustain, construct, repair, improve, modernize, replace or relocate airport-owned towers; to include, acquire and install air traffic control, communications, and related equipment to be used in those towers. Overall, these development projects, along with other critical airport infrastructure funding provided by the BIL, will improve the safety and efficiency of the national airspace system.

Grants awarded under this program are at a 100-percent federal participation. No airport match is required. You can find detailed information on the competitive grant program, including the FAA’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), instructions on how to apply, and the application form (FAA Form 5100-144) at Be sure to check this page often for additional information.

Please note, if your airport applied for an ATCT project under the FY24 BIL Airport Terminal Program NOFO that closed on October 16, 2023, and is eligible under this new FCT competitive grant program, you do not need to reapply for consideration of the project this year. This program complements what the FAA already has available to eligible airport sponsors through other federal financial assistance programs including the Airport Improvement Program. 

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Office or Airport District Office, and, as a friendly reminder, the open application period will close on December 1, 2023, 5 p.m. ET. 

We strongly encourage airports to send in their applications as early as possible.


Shannetta R. Griffin, P.E. 

Associate Administrator for Airports 


Guidance to sponsors applying for funds:

1) Confirm your application is complete. If it is not complete, your application will be rejected.

2) The FAA prioritizes “shovel ready projects.” They are doing their best to ensure the funding is being spent quickly which is a great program goal. Do your best to clearly and accurately communicate how quickly you can have all costs known.

-Do you have the project listed on a consultant selection within the last 5 years? 

-Do you have a design? If not, how long will it take to complete? 

-What level of environmental work will be needed and how long will that take? 

-Do not list an impossible date to have bids in hand as it will jeopardize the project if you are selected.

3) The FAA clearly lays out their selection criteria in their FY 2024 BIL Notice of Funding Opportunity (FCT).  Ensure your project information accurately checks as many boxes as possible.

4) Carefully estimate your project. The FAA will not issue grants for amounts greater than what is on the application. If you short the project in your estimate, that shortfall will have to be made up somewhere and it will not be through the ATP-FCT program. If your estimate is too high, you’ll decrease your odds, as there is only so much funding available.

5) Be reasonable in your application. This is a competitive program; the project should be appropriate for your facilities.

6) Do not wait until the last minute to turn in your application! If it is late, your submission will be rejected. If you wait until the last day to submit, you are one computer or internet issue away from not being considered in the program. Please submit your application early to avoid this situation.

7)  When submitting the application to the FAA please forward the application to MoDOT Aviation at

8) This is the third year of a 5-year program. If your project isn’t selected, re-evaluate your submission and be ready to submit again next year.


The open application period closes on Dec. 1, 2023, at 4 p.m. CST. Good luck, and if the FAA selects your project, we will look forward to working with you!



Based Aircraft information is due Dec. 1, 2023! It is time to update your based aircraft at

Additional information about entering prior to mid-December can be found on the following link: National Based Aircraft Inventory Program.


It’s that time of year again, for the “Call for CIP!" Sponsors, please get with your consultants and/or consultants, get with your sponsors and update your CIP in ASM. Links to the letters that were sent out during the month of October 2023 are below:

CIP 2025 NIPIAS Airports Letter

CIP 2025 State Letter

Submissions will be due Dec. 15, 2023.  Also, please send Brian Boehmer ( a copy of all CIP submittals when complete.  


If your airport had a pavement condition inspection last year, we now have the updated results on MoDOT’s Aviation IDEA tool here: This tool contains pavement condition information for NPIAS airports across the state. You will find the most pertinent information on your airport under the airport details section. You can find your individual airport pavement management report by going to airport details, selecting your airport, clicking network, then documents. 


If your last pavement inspection was held in 2020, you should be inspected again this year. Work required for this project includes collecting work history information pertaining to the pavement system and a visual inspection of pavements at the airports. The results of this effort will assist you and MoDOT in understanding the current condition of your airfield pavements and provide tools to assist in the future management of these pavements. You can expect to see this information updated around late October next year. If there is an immediate need for this data for prioritizing projects, please let us know as soon as possible so your airport data can be prioritized. (Please note, you would only receive pavement condition data, not a full report. We only want to do this if there is a specific/immediate need for this information.) Woolpert may contact you to obtain needed work history information. A representative of Applied Pavement Technology (APTech) will contact you to plan for the visual pavement evaluation which will likely occur in December or January (depending on the weather). The inspectors will have radios and all necessary vehicle markings including a strobe light, and will work around the aircraft traffic with as little interference as possible. There should be no reason to close the airport while they are there. You may issue a NOTAM about the inspection work, however the work is weather and travel dependent so please check with APTech to confirm the schedule.

ANNUAL DBE (Disadvantage Business Enterprise) UPDATE

Did you know MoDOT Aviation has an overall 15.49% Federal Program DBE goal? Each year we must compile DBE activities on federally funded aviation projects throughout the state for submission to the FAA. This submission shows where the department is at with awarded, ongoing and completed projects throughout the year. This year, MoDOT has updated its DBE reporting sheet to mirror the FAA DBE Uniform report. This change should result in consistency on reporting requirements for consultants who work across state lines. The primary differences between our sheet and the uniform report are the MoDOT version of this reporting sheet has additional guidance, cells that auto calculate percentages and totals and error checks utilizing conditional formatting to show where additional review is needed. There is also a data combiner file which will allow combining data from multiple contracts within the same project, sponsor and consultant. As is typical, the compiled data is due by the start of December so there is an opportunity for staff to review submitted data and compile all data for the FAA. MoDOT is always looking for opportunities to improve, so any feedback on changes to the new system is appreciated.

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For additional questions or concerns:

MoDOT Aviation Section

Missouri Dept. of Transportation | (888) 275-6636

P.O. Box 270 Jefferson City, MO 65102

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