Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association

January 2025

Eastbluff Sign
Hello Scott,
Welcome to the Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association, "e-newsletter." The Board of Directors believes that this format will allow them to communicate more effectively with you, the Association members, keeping you up to date on all the news that involves your Eastbluff community.If you have any suggestions, please pass them to
Tritz Professional Management Services. 
Board Meeting Highlights

The Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on January 6, 2025.

To communicate and inform owners and tenants of what is happening in Eastbluff, the Board is working with HOA Connection to provide a short email blast highlighting board decisions and issues after each meeting.


If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact Tritz Professional Management Services at 714 557-5900 or email morgan@tpms.net. Thank you.

No Executive Session meeting was held.

In the Architectural Committee meeting, the Board acted as the Architectural Review Committee and acted on the following. (1) 2207 Aralia - approved a Major Landscape application with conditions to modify the front and rear yard hardscape and landscape, including driveway replacement, garden walls, gates, garden lighting, café lighting, barbeque counter, fire pit, and pool and spa with supporting equipment. (2) 2661 Basswood approved a Moderate Landscape application with conditions to construct a pool and spa with supporting equipment. (3) 2918 Carob - approved with conditions a Category 5 application to replace roof material with standing seam metal and asphalt shingles and install PV solar panels and supporting equipment, including a battery. (4) Notice of Completions: Took action to require owners of the following property locations to make corrections to improvements made at the property to bring it into compliance with the approved architectural application - 921 Alder; 2854 Alta Vista; and 2100 Aralia. (5 Notice of Completions: Reviewed and accepted the NOC with minor deviations from approved plans at the following property: 2206 Aralia. (6) 2300 Arbutus - determined that modifications to the front yard hardscape and landscape were being completed without an approved application, and notice is to go to the owner to cease work and submit an application. (7) Extensions: Approved construction extensions at the following property - 921 Alder for 12 months.

In the General Session, the Board took the following actions:

  • Approved the December 2, 2024, and December 23, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
  • Approved the November 2024 monthly financial reports subject to year-end audit.
  • Approved the budget timeline for the 2025-2026 budget as follows:

January – obtain feedback/requested budgets from the committees

February – draft budget

March – approve the budget

April: If the Board of Directors cannot adopt the budget at the March Meeting, this is the last meeting at which it can be adopted.

  • Approved the Flock Safety one (1) year subscription for License Plate Reader cameras to be in. stalled at all entry locations in the amount of $26,000The contract with Flock Safety, including the blue lights, will be paid for out of the current budget, and no Board Member or community members will have access to the footage.
  • Tabled further action on the Flock Safety Camera Policy until the February meeting.
  • Approved the revised Election Rules, Voting Procedures, and Candidate and Director Qualifications.
  • Approved the proposal submitted by LaBarre/Oksnee Insurance on the master insurance policy renewal in the annual premium amount of $14,936.17 with no worker's compensation coverage.
  • It was the consensus of the Board to invite Matt Ober from Richardson - Ober to an Executive Session Meeting on February 3, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the Board's concerns over legal services.
  • Approved the proposed increase of $2.50 per month for the Homestead Website subscription fee used for the Association website.
  • Approved an amount not to exceed $500 for the Neighborhood survey platform.
  • Approved the proposed Homestead website increase of $2.50 per month.
  • Approved an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the survey platform.
  • Approved the May 19, 2025 Election timeline as follows:

February 7, 2025 - Candidate Nomination Procedures & Deadlines

March 19, 2025 – Pre-Ballot Notification

April 18, 2025 – Procedures & Instructions for completing election ballots

Election Meeting Date & Time – 5/19/25 at 6:00 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center located at 801 Narcissus Avenue, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625

  • Approved the following 2025 Meeting dates are as follows; those with an asterisk depict an in-person meeting:

January 6, 2025

February 3, 2025

March 3, 2025*

April 7, 2025*

May 5, 2025

May 19, 2025, Annual Election Meeting*

The election candidates will be invited to speak at the start of the board meeting on April 7, 2025.

  • Approved the proposal submitted by Earthco for the sod installation on Catalpa for the controller in the amount of $804.00.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on February 3, 2025, via Zoom.

The Board encourages all owners to attend the monthly board meetings and stay informed on Association issues.

Professionally Managed by

Tritz Professional Management Services

Office Address

1525 East 17th Street

Suite A

Santa Ana, CA 92705


Morgan Bomboy, Community Manager


Gricelda Ayala, Assistant Manager


Board of Directors

Paul Jones, President

Sydni Webb, VP

Jenna Edwards, Treasurer

Al Maguire, Secretary

Ron Rubino, Director

The next meeting of the Board of Directors after this notice will be held on February 3, 2025

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