Hello Optimist Club President,

The excitement is building for our International Convention, July 2 – 5 in Arlington, VA. Optimists worldwide will gather for inspiration, training, networking, and just to have fun! This convention promises to be a ‘member experience’ that you won’t want to miss!  We need your help to do this right!

Optimist International sets a break-even budget for each convention that keeps registration and meal fees at a minimum so that this event is as affordable as possible for the greatest number of our members. The registration fee covers the essentials of the convention, including the cost of meeting rooms, production costs, and AV costs etc.

But to make this year’s convention extra special for all attending, the Convention Committee and Host Committee need your help to add several special features that go “above and beyond” the basics, such as:

1)    An Evening of Entertainment on July 1st to kick off the convention with a bang for those traveling in from out of the area to set the stage for important results. The estimated cost is $5,000. 

2)    Coffee Breaks each morning. Conference hotel costs for coffee & tea start at $98 per gallon plus taxes and fees. Estimated cost per break: $3,500

3)    Youth Program for those attending with their families, which may include excursions to famous Washington monuments and sights. We will need to cover transportation and meals. Estimated cost: $2,500

Help us make this the best convention ever for so many members who invest their own resources to attend and handle the business of our organization. These Optimists deserve our support in making their experience one that inspires an even greater service to their clubs and communities.

Please consider a gift from your Club (or district) of $100 (or more), especially if you are not underwriting convention costs for your members. We also encourage members to give a personal gift as well. Districts, Clubs, and members can scan the QR code below (or click here to use the linked form) to choose a giving level and how you would like to give. All donors and sponsors will be recognized at the Annual Convention.

Please take advantage of the discounted early bird pricing and click here to register for the convention by May 1.

For questions, click here to contact Optimist International.

The International Convention Committee, Convention Ambassadors, and the Host Area Committee are working hard to make Arlington a member experience like no other in our history for all delegates. Please help our volunteers by making this a convention to remember!

Yours in Optimism,

Bob McFadyen

2022-2023 President