President's Message
Ellen Harmon
The St. Louis Audubon Society recently updated its mission statement to more accurately reflect where we are today and to align with our Strategic Plan. I will share it with you now:
St. Louis Audubon Society's mission is creating a community connection to nature for persons of all ages, diversity and abilities in order to:
· Foster an awareness and understanding of birds and other wildlife and their habitats;
· Educate our community so people can make informed decisions about the natural world; and
· Inspire conservation behaviors and enjoyment of nature.
As highlighted in the new mission statement, St. Louis Audubon is committed to developing our educational programming. We are always on the lookout for more young members, volunteers, and board members, and we seek greater engagement with underrepresented groups in our community. St. Louis Audubon Society's current VP of Education's term will be up on April 30, 2025. As a result, we are seeking a volunteer to take on this key role within the organization. This position, defined as officer and Board Member, will have a two-year term with one successive term possible. Please reach out to me at if you are interested.
Snowy days provide a great opportunity to fill your feeders and watch the display of colors and activity from our feathered friends. I recently watched a large raptor chase a Great Blue Heron across a lake and was able to take a picture of the raptor. It was a little unusual, so I sent the picture to Diane Bricmont, one of SLAS’ birding experts, who confirmed it was an immature Bald Eagle. It’s always exciting to see birds and wildlife in action! My feeders have been very active with all of the snow in our area and I enjoy the contrast of color from their plumage against the bright white.
Birds, birding, and bird-related issues have received a fair amount of attention in the media. This week, St. Louis Public Radio's St. Louis on the Air [1] featured our own Bill Rowe (SLAS past President and active Board Member), and Ben Koenig, a St. Louis birder with the goal of seeing every bird species in the world. The broadcast was, at least in part, triggered by an unusual yellow Cardinal sighting and photos taken by Taka Yanagimoto, the Director of Photography for the St. Louis Cardinals, after the yellow Cardinal, coincidentally, landed in his own yard. “It's not a rare species, but it is a rare condition called xanthism,” said Bill Rowe. “It's due to a [genetic] mutation. I've [also] seen cardinals that were partly white and partly red that look like peppermint candy.” It’s always exciting to catch sight of a bird you've never seen before, particularly if it is brightly colored. Numerous people called in to the show to talk about their favorite places to go birding.
Science Friday [2] discussed “What Scientists Have Learned From 125 Years Of Bird Counts.” The Christmas Bird Count is a citizen science program of the National Audubon Society [3] in which people report on what birds they see and hear in a defined area on one calendar day. I personally have participated in this program several times, most recently the count at Pere Marquette State Park and the surrounding area. Science Friday stated that “Scientists use that data to understand how birds are faring, where they’re moving, and what they’re up to when it’s not breeding season. With 125 years under its belt, the Christmas Bird Count is the longest-running community science program in the world.” All that is required to be a part of this important data collection is a little knowledge about bird identification and the willingness to spend a few hours out in nature enjoying birds!
On The Air [4] also featured a story about the impact of lead poisoning on Bald Eagles. They interviewed Kira Klebee, rehabilitation director for the World Bird Sanctuary. Kira explained that eagles are scavengers and can be adversely affected by feeding on roadkill or carrion left behind by hunters. “The primary source of lead poisoning for raptor species is ingestion of fragments of lead ammunition or lead fishing tackle,” Kira said. “Bald eagles are the ones most likely to register as high on this because it does not take a very large fragment of lead shot to spike their blood levels.” Sadly, the Sanctuary had to euthanize two eagles that could not be cured of lead poisoning despite intensive medical treatment. They currently are treating a Red-Shouldered Hawk and a Turkey Vulture for lead poisoning. Hunting and fishing are important to maintaining healthy populations of wildlife and fish, but participants need to be ever mindful that a single bullet or fishing weight can disseminate thousands or even millions of particles of lead into the environment. Properly discarding carcasses can be very helpful in preventing lead poisoning.
Enjoy the winter fun and stay safe!
Photo Credit: Taka Yanagimoto, Yellow Cardinal