What's your 24/7? This is the question we challenged our athletes and coaches to answer throughout 2024. As a coach or athlete, it can feel like the hustle and grind never stops. How you spend your "24/7" matters. Jesus is ready to give you the rest and rejuvenation that you need, you just have to slow down enough to receive it. As we get ready to enter 2025, may each one of us continue to focus our 24/7 on pursuing Jesus and all that He has in store for us.

AND...stay tuned for the 2025 FCA Theme reveal coming to you in early January!

Learn More About 24/7

Ministry Through Sports

2024 saw a shift to a more sport-specific approach to ministry. God opened doors to building connections with athletes through both basketball and flag football.

We were able to establish our 340 Hoops basketball program which brings youth together on the basketball court and provides opportunity to build character and share the Gospel.

We also had an opportunity to help run a flag football league at a local school that involved over 25 youth from two different schools. It was a great opportunity for mentorship and instilling Christian values.

Continue to pray for growth in these programs and even more opportunities to reach youth through sport-specific programming.

Fields of Faith

Our 2nd Annual Fields of Faith took a BIG step in the right direction this past fall as we saw our attendance quadruple from 2023. Over 200 youth and people from the community enjoyed an evening of food, games, worship and a gospel presentation/invitation. The night saw 18 youth dedicate or rededicate their lives to Jesus! Praise God! We can't wait to see where God takes this and other events in 2025!


We had our first opportunity to attend two of FCA's biggest conferences in 2024. First, we enjoyed several days of fellowship, worship, prayer, learning and growing at the International Capacity Conference. This event featured FCA staff from over 70 different countries around the world and was such an encouragement to see the work being done to fulfill the Great Commission.

We capped off our conference experience at Real Time which brought together over 3,000 FCA staff from around the world, including the United States. It was another incredible time of fellowship, worship and hearing about the work that God is doing through sports ministry.

Weekly Chapel

I was blessed with the opportunity to share at the weekly chapel services held at Free Will Baptist Christian School over the past year. Each week there are three chapel services - elementary, middle, and high school. Worship, interactive games, and a message are all part of the services. On several occasions over the past year, students were given an opportunity to respond to accepting Jesus as their savior or to recommit their lives to Him. Numerous students indicated a desire to do so and we are so thankful to God for the opportunity to continue to minister to this campus.

Ministry to Coaches

We had the opportunity to expand our ministry to working with coaches this past year. In collaboration with the 3D Institute, we were able to offer training for a group of local coaches and help them become a certified 3 Dimensional Coach. The goal is to help coaches realize the impact they have on the athletes they work with and equip them with the tools needed to coach the body, mind and spirit of each individual.

Learn More About 3D Coaching

God brought a HUGE vision to life during the latter stages of 2024. A small bus was graciously donated by a school system in Indiana to help us launch our mobile basketball ministry. We are extremely excited to get the bus on island and begin to prepare it for ministry. That said, the bus is still in Indiana and getting a 5 ton vehicle across the ocean is not an easy task. We are currently working through shipping logistics as well as registration and insurance requirements for when the bus arrives. The bus will then need to be customized to prepare it to head out on the road for ministry purposes. If you would like to make a special, one-time contribution to help specifically with Full-Court XPress preparations, we would greatly appreciate it!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for regular updates on the bus, its journey to the island and its preparations for ministry!

Support Full-Court XPress

Great news! There is still time to help us reach our end-of-the-year giving goal. Did you know that 25% of all donations to the ministry of FCA occur in the month of December alone? Specifically, our local budget relies on an average of $1,000 a month in one-time donations. We would love to reach a goal of $12,000 and meet that need during our end-of-year giving campaign.

It takes the right people with the right programs in the right places to continue the growth in our efforts. Will you prayerfully consider a special year-end gift so that even more coaches and athletes will become followers of Jesus Christ? Your special gift today will help us to achieve our goals for 2025. Every dollar counts.

I am so thankful that God brought us together to see more people engaged, equipped and empowered to make disciples. My prayer in this season is that you and your family enjoy the presence of our Savior and Lord throughout the coming year.

Donate TODAY!

Family Update

2024 has been a year of a lot of change and transition for our family. Isaac graduated from high school, Brady headed off to college and our household quickly dropped from 5 to 3. Even when your adult children leave home, it's a comfort to know they are surrounded by people that continue to love and support them in their journey.

We are truly blessed that Jada attends and Emily works at a wonderful school. We are also surrounded by an amazing group of co-workers, friends and church family.

God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. This has been evident throughout 2024 and we trust 2025 will be no different!

Prayer Requests

  • Praise for God's blessings throughout 2024
  • Seeds planted in the hearts of coaches and athletes in 2024
  • Formation of local leadership board
  • The Full-Court XPress (shipping, preparations for bus)
  • Pursuit of God's provision and guidance in 2025
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