Great news! There is still time to help us reach our end-of-the-year giving goal. Did you know that 25% of all donations to the ministry of FCA occur in the month of December alone? Specifically, our local budget relies on an average of $1,000 a month in one-time donations. We would love to reach a goal of $12,000 and meet that need during our end-of-year giving campaign.
It takes the right people with the right programs in the right places to continue the growth in our efforts. Will you prayerfully consider a special year-end gift so that even more coaches and athletes will become followers of Jesus Christ? Your special gift today will help us to achieve our goals for 2025. Every dollar counts.
I am so thankful that God brought us together to see more people engaged, equipped and empowered to make disciples. My prayer in this season is that you and your family enjoy the presence of our Savior and Lord throughout the coming year.