If you are a permanent Florida resident, you may be eligible for a homestead exemption, which can generally save you an estimated $750 to $1,000 in property taxes each year.
(Did you receive your pink homestead exemption receipt card in the mail? If so, no need to refile. Simply keep the card as your receipt that you have been automatically renewed for another year.)
A $25,000 exemption is applied to the first $50,000 of your property’s assessed value if your property is your permanent residence and you owned the property as of January 1. This exemption applies to all taxes, including school district taxes. An additional exemption of up to $25,000 will be applied if your property’s assessed value is between at least $50,000 and $75,000. The second exemption will be up to $25,000 plus an adjustment for inflation, per the passage of Amendment 5 last November. This exemption is not applied to school district taxes. In addition, a homestead exemption limits any increase to your assessed value to a maximum of 3% each year or the amount of the change in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower.
Three ways to apply:
• E File
• Visit one of our five service centers to file in person
• Complete the application online, print it out, and mail it to our office
All homestead exemption applications for tax year 2025 must be submitted by March 3, 2025. Once you qualify, we will renew your homestead exemption annually as long as you continue to qualify for the exemption.
Visit pbcpao.gov to E File and for information on other available exemptions for seniors, families, veterans, and more.