Arden Aibel Rothstein, the founder and 15-year President of FOFA, has stepped down from her central leadership position, but thankfully will remain on FOFA’s Board of Directors. Her decision was announced at the February 4th exhibition opening and catalog presentation at the Museo Estatal de Arte Popular Oaxaca (MEAPO) in Oaxaca featuring winners and their pieces from FOFA-MEAPO’s August, 2022 Sixth Young Artists’ competition. Amy Mulvihill, who has been FOFA’s Vice President, is President of the organization on an interim basis, working closely with Margee Rogers, who is Chair of the FOFA Board of Directors. Deborah Huntington will continue as Treasurer, and Karen Collins as Secretary.
(From left to right) Amy Mulvihill, Deborah Huntington, Arden Rothstein, Margee Rogers with an award given to FOFA by MEAPO in 2018
It’s been a mystery to those of us who have collaborated with Arden to understand how she has found the time to devote scores of hours each month to both the visionary leadership and detailed administration of this organization. At the same time, she is a practicing psychologist and psychoanalyst and a significant contributor to her field; a mother of two adult daughters, grandmother to three small grandchildren; and the wife of nearly 50 years of prominent psychoanalyst, Arnold (Chuck) Rothstein, MD, until his recent sudden death. Ironically Arden’s decision to step down as FOFA’s president, reached prior to his death, was intended to free up time to spend with him and their grandchildren.
Arden as Teenager in Ejutla Blouse
Arden’s passion and commitment to Oaxaca run deep in her soul, and she is nothing if not organized and resourceful. Her connection with Oaxaca was originally inspired by three summers (1961-1963) spent there as a high school teenager in a summer program begun by Franny and Leon Sciaky during the 1950’s. When they retired to Oaxaca from upstate New York, this visionary couple organized repeated eight-week summer visits for groups of adolescent American girls. In this way they shared their love of the region by introducing its people and cultural traditions, especially emphasizing the folk arts. “We were sheltered upper middle class teenage girls who got to hang out for an entire day with multi-generational indigenous families, watching how they lived, seeing their collaboration, how they created their art – all of which provided an entirely different vision of life from what we were used to,” recalls Arden.
Arden’s Sweet 16 invitation Featuring Her in Multiple Oaxacan Costumes
Franny’s Girls in 1962 (Arden is second row on the left)
By Arden’s time Leon had passed away and the program’s participants were called “Franny’s girls.” Some (including Amy Mulvihill) continue to be involved with Oaxaca through FOFA to this day, a testimony to how life-changing their adolescent experience proved to be.
Rothstein Family Photo in Oaxaca, 1997
Arden returned to Oaxaca for the first time in the late 1990s with Chuck and their daughters Chloe and Anya for a vacation. Ever the psychologist, she was fascinated by the inter-generational transmission of art and talent and developed the idea of writing a collector’s guide to Oaxaca’s folk arts, featuring master families in a range of modalities. With her daughter Anya, Arden returned in 1999 to do the research and photography of the region’s prominent artists for this project.
Their book, Mexican Folk Art: From Oaxacan Art Families, covers 100 artists from 50 families, and contains almost 700 color photographs of their distinctive works, family trees, pueblo maps and contact information. The book became well-known in Mexican folk art circles around the US, and some tour companies gave this volume to participants visiting Oaxaca. A party to celebrate the book’s publication was attended by over 250 family members and friends of the featured artists. Each one was called up by name to receive a copy from Arden and Anya; then they studied the book, thrilled to see themselves and their artwork in print.
The book project re-connected Arden with Oaxaca in a profoundly meaningful way and led to the formation of many new relationships with Oaxacan artists and fellow Oaxacan folk art lovers in Mexico, the US and abroad.
Photo of Arden in Oaxaca with Guillermina and Concepción Aguilar Alcántara (Ceramicists from Ocotlán de Morelos)
Arden and Anya also hosted many artesanos in New York where they did presentations in schools and enjoyed exposure to local museums, Broadway shows and fascinating venues such as Chinatown.
Irene and Guillermina Aguilar Alcántara (Ceramicists from Ocotlán de Morelos) in the Rothsteins’ Dining Room in New York City
In 2006 Oaxaca’s governor responded in an extreme manner to the customary annual teachers’ strike. The shocking violence that ensued resulted in a collapse of tourism, crippling the previously robust prospects of the folk artist community. When desperate artists contacted Arden for help, she sought out other Oaxaca afficionados in the US, including children’s book author and educator Cindy Weill who had recently published a book illustrated with pieces by Oaxacan folk artists. In a series of phone meetings with gallery owners and others involved with Oaxacan folk art in major US cities, the idea emerged to develop an organization to support the future of the “next generation” of folk artists to ensure that generations-old traditions would be preserved. This was thought to be the best way to counter the trend for young people to drift away from their roots, influenced by globalization and technology, now further jeopardized by uncertain income. The idea was to identify new talent through contests and provide the winning artists with educational opportunities to reinforce their artistic identities, improve their marketing efforts and expand their sales.
Initial FOFA Fundraiser in 2007 Attended by a Robust, Excited Crowd
Arden and Cindy got to work to form Friends of Oaxacan Folk Art (FOFA), Arden as President and Cindy as Vice President (now on FOFA’s Advisory Board). Although the original concept was to have networks in multiple cities in the US, it was the New York group that persisted and thrived. Arden recruited everyone she knew to participate in this venture and, over time, FOFA developed an activist board of directors and a solid small-donor base. In 2008 FOFA launched its first (of six to date) young artist competitions.
Thanks to the pro bono incorporation work by attorney William Scanlan, Jr.’s (a FOFA board member) law firm in San Antonio, FOFA was born as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization in 2007. Generous donations to help FOFA get off the ground were made by Ernie and Barbara Kafka, Susan and Dick Pasternak and, thanks to Arden’s contacts with one Mexican Consul General (from 2011-2013), Carlos Manuel Sada Solana, himself a native Oaxacan, a large one-time grant by the Western Union Foundation.
Carlos Manuel Sada Solana, Consul General of Mexico in New York, attended FOFA’s Contest Award Ceremony in Oaxaca in 2011 with Arden
Arden has been the public face of FOFA, while simultaneously assuming many important roles behind the scenes. For her many contributions Los Amigos del Arte Popular awarded Arden the Van Deren Coke Award in 2017 for her outstanding contributions to the preservation, education and promotion of Mexican folk art. Included among her many roles, she has been production manager of the six competition exhibition catalogues, coordinating the interviewers who write text and translators, while overseeing the work of graphic designers and photographers, and determining the layout and special content of each volume.
FOFA’s Six Exhibition Catalog Covers
She has also been chief fundraising grant writer -- especially to Los Amigos del Arte Popular (LADAP) that has repeatedly and generously awarded support for FOFA’s projects; site author of FOFA’s extensive website; creator along with board member and graphic designer Mariana Pedrero of the travel guide pamphlet “Planning Your Folk Art Itinerary: Oaxaca City and its Central Valleys.”
Arden has also served as networker-in-chief, relating to the Consuls General of Mexico in New York and Directors of the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York, museum officials, private collectors, folk art vendors and academics; frequent coordinator for and sometimes originator of the more than two dozen workshops FOFA has hosted in Oaxaca, recruiting many of the teachers and overseeing the unfolding of these ventures; and periodically, e-newsletter editor.
Cultural History Workshop Field Trip to Monte Albán
FOFA Participated in the Day of the Dead Event at the American Museum of Natural History at the invitation of the Consul General of Mexico in New York
Award Ceremony with (left to right) Carlomagno Pedro Martínez, Monserrat Raymundo Sánchez, Arden Aibel Rothstein, Laura Raymundo Sánchez
Carlomagno and Arden Cutting the Ribbon at a Young Artists’ Exhibition Opening and Catalog Presentation
She will continue in some of these capacities, picking and choosing where she will put her energies, with others from FOFA’s expanding circle stepping in to take responsibility for others. When asked what she is most proud of over these 15 years, Arden replied, “Helping young artesanos ensure their futures as artists who can support themselves and their families through their beloved art, via FOFA’s recognition, educational enrichment and promotion, and strengthening their identities as artists.” She notes that in some cases this entailed artists’ reversing career plans; in other cases, artists who “aged out” of the competition limits (30 years of age or less) have been followed by their own talented children who participate in FOFA’s competitions.
Fernando’s Winning Piece in 2008
Fernando’s Winning Piece in 2022
To illustrate, Arden explained that “Fernando Peguero García was going to be an accountant” when he entered his first FOFA young artists’ competition at the age of 20. Encouraged by winning first prize in ceramics in both 2008 and 2011, he decided to enter Oaxaca’s Benito Juárez University’s Bellas Artes (School of Fine Arts). In 2014 Peguero went on to win the extremely prestigious Mexican government’s annual National Youth Award. He credits FOFA for playing a fundamental role in his revised trajectory.
Bëërt’s Winning Piece in 2008
Bëërt’s Winning Piece in 2022
Weaver Bëërt Sánchez Martínez is another example; she explains, “he trained to be an engineer.” “Inspired in part by FOFA’s workshops over the span of a decade, this four-time Honorable Mention winner and one-time 3rd place winner began studying at Oaxaca’s Textile Museum, where he was then invited to teach. The museum encouraged him to apply for an international scholarship that enabled him to study weaving in France for six months.”
Winners in 2016 with Carlomagno Pedro Martínez and Arden Aibel Rothstein in the back/center
FOFA will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2023. As we look back on the organization’s accomplishments, we recognize that Arden had a hand in almost every activity. The FOFA board will continue to benefit from her expertise and commitment. And all of us will watch with interest to see where her time and talents take her, both in New York and Oaxaca.
Please consider supporting FOFA's ongoing efforts to enable talented young Oaxacan folk artists to achieve their dreams and maintain sustainable livelihoods.
For a comprehensive look at FOFA's programs, visit our website at:
Thank you!
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Brooklyn, NY 11217