Worship at POP


Saturday at 5:30 pm

Sunday at 8:15 & 10:30 am


Sundays at 10:30 am

Live Stream Worship
Worship On Demand
Prayer List

Communion Details

5:30 PM-Weekly

8:15 AM-1st, 3rd & 5th

10:30 AM-2nd, 4th & 5th

Sunday POP Spanish Language Worship 9:15am or watch it live HERE

Sunday POP Amharic Language Worship 3:00pm

BOSL Nominating Committee

The Board of Servant Leaders is soliciting nominees from the congregation for two members-at-large for the BOSL Nominating Committee. The nominees for this committee should be ineligible or uninterested in joining the BOSL. (BOSL nominees will be solicited later.) Send suggestions to Ralph Gillmann by March 31.

Recent BoSL Actions in Preparation for Upcoming LCMS Triennial Convention

On behalf of PoP, the BoSL voted to participate in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod's Triennial Convention in the following four ways

1. We submitted nominations for the Synod's President and Vice-Presidents. Each church can submit two nominations for each position. The BoSL voted unanimously to submit the following nominations:​ For Synod President: Pat Ferry and Tim Ahlman​ For 1st Vice President: Wally Vinovskis and Jon Braunersreuther​ For Regional Vice President: Jeff Kloha and John Denninger​

​2. We registered our two designated voters, one pastor and one lay person, to vote electronically for Synod President ahead of the Convention. PoP's two voters will be Pastor Michael and Jon Straw.​ ​

3. We nominated Jon Gross to run for circuit delegate to the Convention. At the Circuit Election Forum, Jon was elected as the alternate delegate for our circuit. He will attend the Convention in August if the elected delegate is unable to do so. ​

4. We submitted an overture to be considered by the convention delegates during the convention. We did not write the overture but agree with the proposed actions. It is titled "To Recognize the LUTHERAN CHURCH—MISSOURI SYNOD’s Successes, Failures, and Opportunities in Ministry With Communities of Color." The key proposals are the following: ​​

"RESOLVED, That the Synod President commission a task force to study the LUTHERAN CHURCH—MISSOURI SYNOD’s history of mission, ministry, and education within communities of color, to be completed before the end of this triennium, so that we better recognize and give thanks to God for our successes and make confession of our failures; and be it further ​​ RESOLVED, That the results of this task force’s study would also provide us with tangible ways to move forward in our present and future outreach efforts in communities of color; ​"

The entire text of the overture can be read HERE or email the office for a copy.​


Difference Makers Grant Update

The Difference Makers initiative was founded to expand the charity and recognition of Prince of Peace in our community and communicate the Gospel in new ways. It is a program of grants to “difference makers“ who are making an impact for the good of others and for Christ.

Applications for grants were screened and awardees selected by the Outreach Ministry Team last September. One of the recipients is Great Commission Families Ministry. Efforts consisted of guided tours emphasizing spiritual and biblical aspects of the places visited and the people associated with them. Historical evangelist Bernie Beall reported: I guided a group from Classical Cottage School through the Museum of the Bible and a different group to Mount Vernon; led a group of home school families from Falls Church on a 6-hour spiritual heritage hike around the major monuments in DC; and took a couple dozen students from Immanuel Christian School to Capitol Hill (Capitol & Library of Congress).

Bernie wrote: “People are always amazed and grateful when I tell them I can do this because of a grant from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. THANK YOU for helping me serve your neighbors in spiritually edifying ways. My prayer for all my ministry outings is that it's a spiritually significant time for every person with us.”

TechFluent is a non-profit organization on a mission to reduce income inequality in under-resourced communities across the United States. They have spent all of the $4,000 Difference Maker Grant received from POPLC to purchase Microsoft Dynamics 365 licenses for 25 learners, giving them access to the software for a year to practice hands-on in the application. According to Liz McGlennen, Executive Director, "we cannot overstate the importance of uninterrupted practice for our learners, as it is a critical part of their learning process and success. Without the support of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and donors like you, we could not have provided the necessary training environments for our learners."

Their Spring 2023 Cohort began on Monday, March 13th, which includes a diverse group of 25 learners, all of whom are BIPOC and primarily first-generation immigrants from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, and Afghanistan. Six of them are located in VA, specifically in Alexandria, Burke, Centreville, Fairfax, and Sterling. 


Annual Easter Flower Cross

Each year we ask you to bring flowers from your garden to help us fill the Easter Flower Cross. We put this outside for all to see as we celebrate our Risen Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to participate, just bring your flowers in on Easter and place them in the cross. Thanks in advance! From the Flower Guild. Arla.Albers@poplc.org

Important Dates

Mar 25 - Young Adults (youth room after worship)

Mar 26 - First Communion Class

Mar 27 - Men's Lunch 12:30pm Milano's

Mar 29 - 6PM His Family Time & Dinner for ALL

Mar 30 & 31 - POP School Easter Chapels

April 1 - POP Easter Egg Hunt

April 1 - POP Spring Clean-up

April 1 & 2 - Palm Sunday Weekend

April 6 - Maundy Thursday (7pm)

April 7 - Good Friday (7pm)

April 8 - Easter Saturday and Dinner (5:30pm)

April 9 - Easter Worship 

8:15 and 10:30am (Brunch 9:30am-12pm)

April 12 - The Gathering

April 16 - Meet POP Luncheon

For more details read below, visit our website, or email info@poplc.org

Save the Date!

  • VBS 2023 August 7-11

Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers Still Needed!

We are excited about the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 1st from 9:30-11:30am! There are a lot of fun activities planned for preschoolers to 4 grade students. Last year we had over 60 kids, and we're hoping for more this year. However, for the children to be able to enjoy those activities, we need volunteers to help with set up, run and clean up. If you are able to come for part of the morning or all of it, please contact M.E. Sorenson.


An Update from Liz Taylor

Christian Yoga

Please join 10-15 of us as we start our second yoga series with Leah Kocsis at 9:45-11:00 am on Thursday mornings. We all are so pleased with the practice Leah leads us in—for all levels of experience! (March 30, April 6, April 13, April 20, April 27,) Class is $15 per session. Please email Linda Ethington for details.

Altar Guild Help Needed!

The POP Altar Guild needs helpers to setup and clean for Communion on Saturdays and Sundays. Men, Women, Teenagers Welcomed! For information please contact Carolyn Thomas or Robin Beasley. You are welcome to join us on Friday, March 31, for our biannual meeting and cleaning at 4:00 P.M. in the church kitchen and come out to dinner with us afterward.

Sign up to be a Flower Donator

Every week we have lovely flowers on our altar wall. Could you be a donator of these for a week or two? Have a special occasion? It would be a great time to give to the Lord. Sign up at the welcome table in the narthex. You are welcome to take the flowers after the 2nd service on Sunday. Please bring your own container to transfer into. Suggested donation is $40. (These flower arrangements would usually run more than $100 if ordered through a florist. Our Prince of Peace volunteers do these for you for so much less and we thank them.) Arla.Albers@poplc.org


Donating Gift Cards to ECHO- Please Consider This

Donations are ECHO’s lifeblood, and the generosity of our donors has allowed ECHO to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people in need over the years. Some donations, however, are difficult for ECHO to use, and retail gift cards are among those. While some non-profits can use donated gift cards in their work, ECHO cannot.

We make food, clothing and household goods available to clients, but we do not give out store gift cards. If ECHO pays for housing or utility costs in an emergency, we pay the vendors directly. We give food, both non-perishable and specific refrigerated foods directly to clients, trying to treat everyone equally.

The accounting even becomes complicated for ECHO volunteers if gift cards are used to pay for purchases for the organization. We respectfully, and gratefully, ask our donors to help ECHO by donating money or by using the Amazon Wishlist to supply specifically needed items. The links are on our website at www.echo-inc.org.

Children Are Welcome in Worship

  1. It's how they meet Jesus. It's how they learn to worship.
  2. Busy Bags with quiet activities are located on hooks outside of the nursery (room 22). Please return them.
  3. We also provide a staffed nursery during worship for infants and toddlers if they need a place and people just for them.

Stay in God's Word!

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