• BOO!-ruch - This Friday!
  • SHSAT Prep Course for 7th Grade Families
  • First Edition of The Baruch Times!
  • Philanthropy at MS104


BOO!-ruch This Friday

One of our funnest events of the year is this coming Friday, the 27th. The event includes huge inflatable games, smaller non-inflatable games, arts, crafts, arts and crafts, mugging it up for the always popular photo booth, and yes... eating a little candy.

Volunteer to Help Out


We need your help to make sure this event goes as smoothly and funly as possible.

(And yes, I realize that "funly" is not actually a word... yet.)

Please sign up at the link below to join in and help the PTA provide the first of many amazing experiences for our students this year. You can sign up for as many or as few of the time slots that are available, as long as you sign up for at least one. ;)

(We still need support for set-up and clean-up, in particular.)


Kids! Wear Your Costumes!

Trust us. The majority of students get dressed up.

The celebration takes place in the yard during lunch hours, with each grade level basically getting their own 45 minute window of fun... and horror... but mostly fun... but also horror... but it's fun horror!


SHSAT Prep Course

for 7th Grade Families

7th grade families should already have received a Baruch Blast regarding this fantastic opportunity through TutorVerse, who, in cooperation with the MS104 PTA and Guidance Department, are offering a deeply discounted intensive study program for the Specialized High School Admissions Test, or SHSAT.

Jeff Wu, the Director of TutorVerse, will be hosting an informational session on Zoom this coming...

Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30pm

Please join us to find out all you need to know about getting your 7th grader started on the road to hopefully having the option of attending one of the very highly ranked specialized schools in New York City. The discount will be as much as 50% off of TutorVerse's usual fee, and a limited number of scholarships are available.

Your attendance is heavily encouraged as it will help us gauge interest, which will determine if we're able to offer families the largest discount possible.

You must pre-register for this highly recommended event.


If you have any questions leading up to the Zoom, please feel free to reach out to us at Baruch104pta@gmail, or directly to Jeff at hello@thetutorverse.com

We hope to see you on Wednesday evening.


The Baruch Times!

The wonderful and talented students in our "Newspaper" after-school program have released their first edition of...

The Baruch Times

Please click on the above (red) link to enjoy their work.

Well done, young reporters!


Philanthropy at MS104

Last week, all of MS104's sports teams wore special pink jerseys for breast cancer awareness, and our student's efforts helped raise over $1,200 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Big shout out to everyone involved!!

We're also hoping to sell remaining jerseys at Friday's BOO!-ruch celebration to add to that total, so please have your kids make extra sure they check out the merch table.

With Gratitude,

The MS104 PTA

Contact Us:

For school related inquiries, please email brivera@schools.nyc.gov

For PTA related inquiries, please email baruch104pta@gmail.com