In This Issue

  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Issac's Parsha Corner
  • Sisterhood Luncheon
  • Capital Campaign
  • Upcoming Events and Classes

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, MLK and Rabbi Wolfe Kelman, Rabbi Kelman's uncle, who made the shidduch between MLK and Rabbi Heschel, which led to all three leading the famous Selma march.

Tu Bishvat and MLK Day:

What a great pear

Read an article written by Rabbi Kelvin a few years ago for Martin Luther King Day in the Times of Israel.

Click For Article

Isaac’s Parsha Corner – Shmot 2023

Isaac Shulman 

What Is in a Name?

“And these are the names of the Children of Israel who came to Egypt. They came with Jacob, each along with his household: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, and Yehuda. Issachar, Zebulun, and Binyamin. Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. And all the souls who were Jacob’s progeny were seventy. And Yoseph was in Egypt.” (Ex. 1:1-4)

“The Jews had four merits which enabled them to leave Egypt. They retained their original names, their own unique language, their family purity, and their unity.” (Midrash Rabah Vayikra 32:5) 

The difficulty with this Midrash is that the redemption had been predicted by God himself at the Covenant of the Pieces. The Midrash may be attempting to answer why they left before completing the full four hundred years of enslavement. The difficulty with that answer is that it is missing in the text! It should have read “four merits that enabled them to leave early”. Furthermore, how does repeating the birth names demonstrate that they did not later change the names? 

The answer may be found in another pasuk.  "And a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Yoseph.” (Ibid. 8) How could Pharaoh not know Yoseph? It was Yoseph who single-handedly saved the entire world, enriched Pharaoh beyond riches, enslaved the entire nation of Egypt to Pharaoh, and developed an ongoing tax code that existed in his time. Pharaoh knew all this, and that Yoseph was the one who did all of it. However, in his mind it was not Yoseph the son of Jacob who received the credit. Pharaoh had given Yoseph a new Egyptian name, “Zaphnath Paaneah.” He did this to disassociate Yoseph from his birth family and to create the myth of the great Egyptian astrologer/necromancer/dream interpreter. “Don’t you know that a man like me practices the art of nichush (necromancy)? (Genesis 42:15) The enslavement of Yoseph’s family could only have occurred had the family not followed Yoseph and had adopted Egyptian names. If they had done so, they would have been no different from Yoseph. The pasuk subtly points this out by reporting “and Yoseph was in Egypt,” a totally unnecessary comment. It serves to distinguish within the pasuk between Yoseph who had his name changed by Pharaoh and his brothers who did not. 

The Midrash in attributing the four merits associated with the redemption is merely making a point. The definition of our people is in our uniqueness. We are like no other nation. We act differently, dress differently, speak our own language (Yiddish and Ladino are also particular to our people) and name our children after beloved and respected family members. The emergence of Hebrew following our most recent redemption is similarly associated with great merit. Even the least practicing Israeli converses in a language of redemption! May it continue to bring us merits of redemption soon and in our time.

Shabbat Shalom 

* Dedicated to my dear wife Wendy who inspired our recent partial Aliyah to Katzrin in the Golan.   

The luncheon is open to all our members who would like to join Sisterhood. 

* Next Sisterhood Meeting: January 31st at 1pm at the shul.

Cemetery Inquires: 

For inquires in reference to burials, funerals or information on the cemetery, please call Barbara Bascom at 732-921-5608 or email [email protected] 

Isaac Shulman's Parsha Class on Thursday Evenings

Pasha Class At 8:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Dinner and Discussion

Wednesdays at 7pm

We will be using the wonderful "Tzurba" booklets, which contain English translations of all the major sources, from the Torah to the Talmud to Today's Torah luminaries. You can also join by Zoom but you will have to provide your own dinner. All are invited.

Special Thanks to Betty and Ed Epstein for sponsoring class on January 11, 2023.

Click Here to let us know if you'd like to attend and would like to sponsor a dinner.


Wonderful Women in Judaism 

Thursdays at 1pm

A weekly adventure where we'll discover new insights into well-known women and meet some extraordinary women you've never heard of. Please let us know if you would like to attend and if you are interested in having this as in-person (we will also have it on Zoom). If you are interested, but the time is a bit off, let us know, and we'll try to tweak it to maximize attendance. 

Email us to RSVP for Class
Register Here

Thursday, Jan. 26, 6:00pm 


Please join the Bradley Beach Library and Congregation Agudath Achim for a conversation with local author Michelle Weinfeld about her debut memoir, "From Generation to Generation: A Memoir of Food, Family, and Identity in the Aftermath of the Shoah."


In her memoir, Michelle explores her grandfather's story of surviving the Holocaust, how being the grandchild of a survivor has affected her life, and the life lessons her grandfather taught her. Each attendee will be entered into a raffle to win a signed copy of the book. Additional copies will be available for purchase and signing after the conversation.

We’re very happy to cosponsor this program with Michelle Weinfeld, the daughter of Jerry and Joanne, one of our newest members.

This is an in-person event. Registration is required at or call 732-776-2995.

To Volunteer Click Here

Blood Drive

Ari Blech, Judy Fields and Rabbi Kelman at the Bradley Beach Blood Drive held today, January 11th at the firehouse.

Thank to all who supported this event!

PLEASE NOTE: Rentals are available in the community, or if you would like to post your home, please contact the office. We have some listings that are available.

Board of Directors

Dr. Leonard Bielory, President

Sharon Shulman,

Vice President

Rick Strulowitz,


Ari Blech, Secretary

Lani Kaye, Trustee

Ellen Sokoloff, Trustee

Fanie Strasser, Trustee

Beth Cotler, President-Sisterhood



Agudath Achim Bradley Beach Website