'Root and Run'
Yoga and 5K Training Program!
Join us for this 7-week session with Colleen
Kick off is Monday April 24th at 5:45PM
We are going to step off of our yoga mats and on to the race course this Spring to support The Lahey Cancer Institute 5k Walk & Run!
Join us for this supportive seven week training program where we will pull together as a team and take our discipline outside!
We will be led by Colleen Campbell, Roots' newest yoga instructor to be and Road Runner’s Club of America Run Coach!
Over the course of the seven weeks we will meet twice a week for the run training portion of our program and meet twice for our 'Yoga for Runners' workshops that will focus on and address the areas of the body that runners need to stretch, lengthen and strengthen.
Monday's and Wednesdays at 5:45 PM run training
Starting Monday April 24th
Yoga for Runners Workshop Sessions:
Saturday, May 6th at 11AM and Saturday June 10th 11AM
Race Day June 11th at 8AM
Run training sessions will take place at Marshall Simmonds School in Burlington, where we will start with dynamic warm-ups, learn proper running form, complete laps, intervals and sprint work as well as hit the neighboring streets for hill training.
Colleen is experienced with coaching all levels. If you are a first time runner who needs more guidance and support or seasoned runner who needs help shaving your race time, Colleen has you covered.
The 'Yoga for Runners' stretch sessions will be taught by Colleen, Ginger, and Nicole and take place at Roots.
This will be a unique opportunity to get to know and work as a team with your Root's Yoga studio friends and outside community, while challenging yourself to something fun, exciting and new!
Please share with your friends.
Everyone is welcome!