December 22, 2024
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:30 a.m.
In the Church Sanctuary
Rev. Paul Bayerl Pastor
Bible Readings:
Old Testament: Isaiah 52:7-10
Gospel: John 1:1-14
Sermon: “Untangling the Lights”
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Whether you attend church in-person or worship with us via Facebook Live, you are all beloved members of our church family. | |
The Service is also streamed on Facebook Live.
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FELLOWSHIP HOUR: is held in the Fellowship Hall following the Sunday Worship Service. The hostess this week is Billie Yusczyk and her assistants. All are welcome to come and enjoy good food and good fellowship with your church friends. We especially welcome our church visitors. | |
Tuesday, December 24 6:00 PM
We welcome all who come and worship together with us as we joyously celebrate the birth of our Savior.
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This will be a candlelight service. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
The service will be held in the church Sanctuary. If all seats are filled, additional seating will be provided in the Manse where a small chapel has been set up and the service will be shown on a large screen via face book live.
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“DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT’ OPPORTUJITY In October an anonymous donor offered a pledge to match up to $5000 in donations for roof related expenses.
With a huge THANK YOU to the many church members and friends who made generous donations to meet this pledge, your donations have now exceeded $5,000.
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Announcing another $1 for $1 Match
Another anonymous donor has offered a matching pledge, this time to match up to $10,000 in donations by Members and Friends of HSCPC, for roof related expenses.
This is another wonderful opportunity to double the money donated toward badly needed roof replacement. All donations that have been made since the previous pledge was met will be included in this matching drive. Donation payments should be made to HSCPC - Memorial & Centennial Fund, with notation For Roof Related Expenses.
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During Advent each Worship Service begins with the lighting of the Advent candles, symbolizing Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. The candle ceremony is led each week by a family group.
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On December 15, Roy and Leann Kindberg lit the candle of JOY. Their daughter Jennifer couldn’t join them since she hasn’t yet returned from school for the holiday. | |
Thank you to our wonderful congregation for the very generous response to the solicitations for donations during this Holiday Season.
OPERATION CARE FOR HEROES Snack and food items were collected and Christmas cards were written by the Congregation, and sent Through the Operation Care for Heroes organization to troops serving overseas.
SPECIAL THANKSGIVING OFFERING This year’s Thanksgiving Offering was designated to help a young couple provide a special Christmas for their family. The young mother of 2 small children, (a 3 year old girl and 5 year old boy).is undergoing treatment for stage 4 colon cancer, and is unable at this time to help contribute financially to the family’s many everyday needs. Her husband is working hard to keep supporting the family at this time of extensive medical expenses, when he must be the sole provider.
Thank you to all for your generous donations. Mission Chairman Carla Tinsley has delivered the gift cards for the parents to use in providing a special Christmas for their children.
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SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFERING This year the Session designated the Christmas Offering for gifts, treats, and self-care items for 40 homebound senior citizens who are registered with the HOUSE OF HOPE and who are routinely supplied with meals delivered by HOH volunteers.
Monetary donations were used by the Mission committee to purchase a major gift for each recipient, along with smaller gifts and self care items, some also donated by the congregation.
With a Thank you to all for the generous donations, Mission Chairman Carla Tinsley, and committee member Larabee Johnson packed the items into 40 special Christmas gift bags, and they were delivered by Carla and Suellen Millroy.
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Gift bags packed and ready to be delivered to homebound seniors. | |
Will be received at the December 22 Worship Service
The Presbyterian Church USA receives four annual special offerings each year. At Christmas time the Christmas Joy Offering is received.
By giving through the Christmas Joy Offering, you honor God's gift of Jesus Christ by providing assistance to current and retired church workers in their times of need and by developing our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.
50% of your gift goes toward student development.
50% of your gift assists church workers in need.
You will find Christmas Joy Offering envelopes in the pew racks. You can also go to PCUSA.org for information regarding on-line, text and phone contributions.
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The December Mission Dinner once again served many hungry members and friends, some taking advantage of the take-out option and others enjoying the fellowship with others while dining in the Fellowship Hall.
Those who ate in enjoyed a delicious Lasagna dinner, and also participated in celebrating Bob Atkisson’s 90th birthday, with a special cake and lots of cards and good wishes.
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Planned and organized by the church Deacons
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The Fellowship Hall was filled with members and friends ready to enjoy a Christmas celebration party with lots of delicious food and a Chjristmas ornament exchange. The Deacons supplied entrees of chicken and ham, and all who attended brought a favorite Christmas dish for the Christmas buffet. | |
With so much delicious food, take-out boxes were provided when the party was over.
When everyone had enjoyed the delicious buffet food, it was time for the ornament exchange. Each guest drew a number from a container passed around by Pastor Paul, and when he called out a number the guest holding that number could select a wrapped package from the ornament table.
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Wrapped ornaments for exchange | |
Pastor Paul handing out a number to Suzanne Briley | |
Pastor Paul calling out numbers, | |
and guest (Liz Seleski showing her ornament | |
BIBLE STUDY Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings at 11am and Thursday afternoons at 4:30pm, with study of the Book of Revelation at both sessions.
Please Note: Bible study will not meet during Christmas week or New Years week. The assignment for Tues. January 7th and Thurs. January 9 is chapter 9 of Revelation
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Instructor Sandra Price, an experienced yoga practitioner, RYT200, and Certified Chair Yoga Instructor, offers CHAIR YOGA classes in our fellowship hall on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM.
Instructor Mary Dietz, a certified Silver Sneakers Chair Yoga instructor, offers SENIOR FITNESS class in our fellowship Hall on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall
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Church member Debra Monet is offering art classes on our church campus. How to draw, paint in Watercolor and Acrylic will be the main focus for the lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class is $20, a portion of which will be donated to the Church Building Improvement Project.
For more class details, or to schedule a class, contact Debra at the Sunday coffee hour, or call her at 772-240-2063.
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The sewing circle meets every Thursday afternoon @ 1 pm in the office parlor, with Sheila Fortura serving as hostess. It’s a wonderful time to work on your own projects, and learn new handwork skills from others. For information you can contact Sheila at psfortura@att.net, or 772-708-8983.
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The church Thrift Store is open on Sunday mornings during Fellowship Hour after the Worship Service. It contains a large variety of items, both decorative and useful, that are just waiting to find their new homes.
Members and friends of the church are encouraged to pay the store a visit on Sunday mornings after Church. All proceeds from sales are donated to help meet the financial obligations of the Church.
Locally collected raw honey is also available for “purchase.” T J Gilson has made available jars of local raw honey collected by an apiary business in Palm City for which he works. The “sale price” is a voluntary donation which will be allocated for church structural and roof repairs.
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On January 10, 1926, Hobe Sound Community Church was organized under the supervision of the Presbyterian Church, USA.
As we look toward our 100th birthday, we are making plans for the exciting centennial celebration to take place in the year 2026. These plans include an ambitious and much needed Building Improvement Plan extending through 2025, and beyond. All donations to this fund-raising campaign to help maintain and preserve our historical church facility will be warmly received and appreciated.
THE FIRST PHASE OF THE BUILDING IMPROVEMENT PLAN consisted of installation of new storm resistant windows in the Sanctuary and Manse, and accompanying needed repairs. That phase has been completed.
THE SECOND PHASE OF THE PLAN consisted of renovations in the kitchen and fellowship hall. That phase has been completed.
THE THIRD PHASE OF THE PLAN consisted of repair and painting of the church steeple. Commissioner Harold Jenkins committed $35,800 of his MSTU district funds for the refurbishing of the historic Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church steeple. With a sincere “thank you” to Commissioner Jenkins, the work was completed as of October 19, 2023.
THE FOURTH (AND FINAL) PHASE will be replacement of the church roof and attached structures.
SPECIAL RECOGNITION is due to Elder Raelyn Holmes, the chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee. She has taken charge of all the detailed work involved in getting bids, selecting vendors, keeping track of work schedules, checking on work-site progress and being available to the work crew for questions. Thank you, Raelyn, for all the time and effort you have put into this and the many previous building improvement projects.
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The expenses incurred in maintaining our church and its missions continue to exceed our income. Please remember to consider the financial needs of your church, and continue to support the operation of our church by making your weekly offerings even if you continue to worship from home for a while longer.
You can send your weekly offering or any other donation via regular mail to the Hobe Sound Community Presbyterian Church, 11933 SE Juno Crescent, Hobe Sound, FL 33455, or drop it off at the church office during office hours, M-Th, 9 til noon. In addition, a link for on-line donations is available on the church website or by clicking the link below.
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Scan the QR code or click the link to make a donation through Paypal | |
THE CHURCH OFFICE hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM until noon.
Christmas week hours are Monday and Tuesday 9:00 - Noon. The office is closed on Christmas Day.
PASTOR PAUL’S OFFICE HOURS are Monday through Thursday, 9:30AM to 12:00 noon. If you want to meet with him, check ahead since he often has morning commitments outside of the office. He is available at other times by appointment.
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We invite you to access the church website frequently to keep informed of ongoing activities. It includes recordings of past Worship Services, a calendar of upcoming events, information and stories about all ongoing church activities, back issues of the MESSENGER, and much more. Each week the Sunday Bulletin, a Bible reading for the coming week, and the video from the previous Sunday’s worship service are included.
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2 Blake and Owen Croyle
2 Sabrina Morse
5 Isabella Fucigna
9 Xiomy Bayerl
13 Bob Atkisson
14 Mary Wilburn
16 Raelyn Holmes
20 Tom Fucigna
25 Audrey Ruggier
7 Holly and Jonathan Pratt
16 Jim and Jan Norrish
16 Kimberly and Steve Anderson
21 Bob and Diane Atkisson’
28 Sylvia and Randy Ryan
31 Andrew and Debra Monet
(If we have missed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know so you can be included here for the rest of the month.)
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PRAYER REQUESTS: PLEASE NOTE: In the future, the date of the request will be included and the name will be removed after three weeks. The names below (except those that are preceded by a date) will be removed next week unless a continuation request has been made.
This request should be made to Karen Metzger, kmmetz@bellsouth.net, or 772 220-4678, or to Diane Atkisson in the church office. phone – 772-546-5043, email – church@heartofhobesound.org or through the prayer request card found in the Church pew rack.
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Gary Shriver
Alan Reddish
Ellen Hamlin
John Frazee
Jan Norrish
Joan Benedict
Jim Wiggin
Stan Ball
11-24 Samantha Seegott
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Arline Holloway
Joyce Anne Hamlin
Elliot Phillips
Bob Atkisson
Frank Lund
Sabrina Morse
12-8 Clarence Welbes
12-8 George Marvin
12-1 Nancy Taylor
12-5 Michael Kaires
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To request prayers through the Prayer Circle, for yourself or someone else, contact Jan Norrish, 772-486-5514, jannorrish@hotmail.com,
To have a prayer request included in the Church Sunday bulletin and the MESSENGER, fill out the prayer request card found in the Church pews or contact the church office, phone – 772 546-5043, email - church@heartofhobesound.org
HSCPC WEBSITE: The MESSENGER is posted on our website each week. If you want to check content from a previous week, just go to www.heartofhobesound.org and click on the Newsletter link.
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