
Marzo de 2023

Grabaciones de los seminarios digitales disponibles

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La Universidad Católica de América lanza el programa para apoyar a las madres en el recinto universitario

El Proyecto Guadalupe de la Universidad Católica tiene como objetivo construir una cultura de acogida completa para las madres, los padres y los bebés en la universidad:

"No mother, father, or couple should have to take up this immense challenge alone. It is our sacred duty as a Catholic community to journey alongside families as they nourish new life in the womb and outside of it. We approach this vital goal with a profound sense of humility, and an awareness of room for improvement on our campus. We also approach it with a keen sense of hope: this is the moment for love to prevail, as we extend a hand to parents and their children, and especially to those who are most vulnerable as they learn of an unexpected pregnancy. 

Living out this call requires not just words but actions; not just advocacy, but accompaniment. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, we have reflected on how we might better serve families on our campus. This report, and the changes it conveys across our University policies and operations, are the fruits of that effort...

We pledge that a pregnant unmarried student at Catholic University will be met with support and with love. The University stands ready to accompany any pregnant student through her pregnancy by assisting her with her material, spiritual, psychological, and physical needs, as well as with continuing to pursue the completion of her academic program. No pregnant mother – and no expectant father – on our campus should feel alone, and none will be alone if they allow the University to walk with them through this season."  


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En las Noticias:

Brooklyn: la diócesis da los primeros pasos hacia 'Camina con madres necesitadas'

Paula Katinas

The Tablet

15 de febrero, 2023

"Ansiosa por demostrar que las parroquias locales están listas para ayudar a las embarazadas que eligen la vida y no el aborto en los Estados Unidos pos-Roe, la diócesis de Brooklyn se une a un programa nacional destinado a brindar asistencia y materiales para las futuras madres.


La diócesis está a punto de dar sus primeros pasos en 'Camina con madres necesitadas', una iniciativa iniciada por la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB), para llevar el cuidado de las embarazadas y madres hasta el ámbito parroquial...


Christian Rada, director de educación sobre Matrimonio, Familia y Respetemos la Vida de la diócesis, dijo que, como primer paso, está pidiendo a las parroquias de la diócesis que realicen un inventario de sus programas actuales para ayudar a las embarazadas...


Rada también planea realizar sesiones de capacitación para explicar el programa. La USCCB ha publicado una 'Guía para la Acción Parroquial' que detalla cinco fases para establecer un programa Camina con madres necesitadas...


Los feligreses podrán diseñar un programa Camina con madres necesitadas único para su parroquia en particular. Es probable que algunas parroquias colecten ropa de bebé, biberones, pañales y otros artículos para tenerlos a mano y dárselos a las madres, mientras que otras probablemente servirán como guías de recursos para orientar a las mujeres hacia centros para embarazadas y otras organizaciones que puedan ayudarlas...


Debido a la estructura de la diócesis, el hecho de que sus parroquias están organizadas en 22 grupos llamados decanatos, las parroquias pueden intercambiar ideas fácilmente. 'Cada uno de estos decanatos tiene su propio sentido de identidad y su propósito con los vecindarios en los que se encuentran. Así que vamos a buscar la colaboración entre diferentes parroquias', dijo Rada. 'Cuando se juntan para una reunión del decanato, pueden decir: 'Oye, estamos haciendo esto para Camina con madres. ¿Qué están haciendo ustedes?'


Esperamos un intercambio de ideas. 'Nuestra diócesis es muy diversa y existe la necesidad de ayudar a los que viven en las periferias, especialmente a las poblaciones de inmigrantes y personas sin hogar', agregó Rada".


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Obispo Mark Brennan:

Apoyo a madres y niños en West Virginia

The Intelligencer Wheeling News-Register

11 de febrero, 2023

"... Today, with abortion on demand now in West Virginia’s rearview mirror, we have an opportunity to begin to heal the scars left by decades under the Roe regime. We can demonstrate that we mean what we say about the inherent and immeasurable value of every human life.

The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston is working on it.

We are working to build resources at the Parish level under the banner of our initiative, 'Walking With Moms In Need.' This program is a readymade tool kit for our Parishes to identify and inventory local resources for pregnant mothers, identify interest and ideas for Parish-level responses to unexpected pregnancies, and readymade materials for organizing help and support for moms...

I encourage all people of goodwill to rally around these efforts, and similar endeavors where you find them. As West Virginians, we can pattern our communities on the love, hope, and optimism represented by the bond between mothers and their children."


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Arzobispo William Lori: ¿Persona o cosa?

Catholic Review

24 de febrero, 2023

"... Science is touted by some as the sole source of truth – except when science yields some inconvenient indicators. Very early on, the child developing in the mother’s womb exhibits unmistakable signs of humanity: a distinctive DNA, brainwaves, the ability to feel pain, human features. Science would lead us to conclude that the child in the womb is not a thing but a person, indeed a vulnerable person in need of our protection.

When many expectant mothers see an ultrasound image of their unborn child and hear the child’s beating heart, they choose to bring their baby to birth. We should encourage and help them, especially mothers in difficult circumstances. That is why parish initiatives such as Walking with Moms in Need are so important. That is why pro-life pregnancy centers deserve our support, and why government assistance for mothers and their children should be supported, including by legislators opposed to abortion.

In 1979, when Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, she spoke about loving the poor and disenfranchised – a work to which she devoted her life. But she included among the poor and disenfranchised the unborn, the unwanted child. She spoke of the millions whose lives were taken by abortion. And she added that abortion is 'the greatest destroyer of peace.' If we can treat the unborn as a thing, not a person, we can treat anyone that way."


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Juntos para la Manifestación por la Vida atrae a cientos en el parlamento de Georgia 

Andrew Nelson

The Georgia Bulletin

18 de febrero, 2023

"... Keri Ninness leads the Walking with Moms in Need ministry at St. Joseph Church, Marietta. She said the ministry, which is promoted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is proactive to anticipate needs of women and families, has resources to wrap around women and families seeking help and is committed to aiding mothers while they are pregnant and for years following.  

Women are in great need and face many hurdles to overcome when they are pregnant, she said.  

'We are saying the answer is not abortion,' she said. 'We don’t think the answer to your pain is abortion.'


Ninness said groups committed to this cause need to connect with resources before the first call ever comes in from a woman. There needs to be [contact] made with area schools, doctors and other places with care so women who are stressed do not scramble for themselves with nowhere to turn, she said. This effort must be geared toward the long term, starting while the woman is pregnant to last years into the future as birthdays are celebrated, Ninness said."


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Intención de oración

Que El Evangelio de la Vida desate un fervor generalizado para servir a las madres gestantes que atraviesan dificultades.

Padre Nuestro... Ave María...

Gloria al Padre...

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Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB

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