Streams of Awareness

War Times

October 16, 2023

War Times

We have been bombarded this past week as we have followed  the news of Hamas terrorists savagely attacking Israel.  The slaughter, killings, kidnappings, gruesome torture and disregard for human life have been nothing but a reflection of what true EVIL looks like.  The past events of the week are indicative of how cold hearted monsters of steel, live out their malicious, wicked ways and expose the depravity that is rooted within them.  

Perhaps one of God’s purposes when he allows this tragedy is to use this horrible attack to expose not only the evil that abounds but also the many people, institutions and government who truly support it. These radicals are unknowingly bringing light to the darkness and helping us be aware of the secrecy of terrorists, not only overseas, but right here in our own backyard who are hiding among us. In  addition, entities who are too cowardly to stand up against the atrocities of this unprecedented invasion for fear of losing financial support, status or going against our ‘inclusive’ culture norms of today are being exposed.  

War has now been declared in the middle East and continues to escalate each day resulting in disaster, distress, and death, and seems to be far from our reach, but it has and does influence all of us.  For we don’t know how far reaching this war may extend and what nations will be involved to show support in war time battles.

Our country needs prayer today more than ever.  And we cannot be lukewarm about asking God for intervention, protection and a willingness to standup and stand tall for what he has proclaimed to be true. Psalm 37:9 For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. 

These actions of the past week have not only been hard to imagine but also have rattled our emotions touching on uncertainity, fear, lament, insecurity, anger, unbelief, and an unbridled sadness for the people and families that have suffered the loss of lives, property, and safety. 

When we sit quietly, even just for a few minutes and give God the floor of our thoughts, he will bring us back to his place of peace and overcome the jumbled sentiments that linger within.   

I know that God sits enthroned in his temple, confident of the plans he has made and the justice that he will bring forth; for he reigns over the universe that he created. God is not blind and nothing takes God by surprise, and this barbaric act of Hamas, no matter how horrid and how this tragic event is, it will be used by God to accomplish his purpose. 

God's goal has always been to bring people to himself, and show that no matter if it is in war times or times of peace, God remains faithful to his ultimate plan. As we have recognized in our own lives, when difficulty and trials offset our plans, that is when we strive to get closer to God. And ask God to come closer to us. We seek guidance, protection, clarity and a peace that is often muffled in chaos.

The door to God is always open and he welcomes us to call upon him. His goal is for us to call upon him......and for us to recognize his immeasurable riches, grace, kindness, comfort and faithfulness and to be glorified. I truly believe that God uses times like these to wake us up, and open our eyes to the evil that abounds and call on his name to show mercy. We lift our prayer and ask God to protect those who are being threatened and tortured and to pronounce HIS severe justice upon the monstrous evil doers who have acted upon their wicked ways.  

In this season, this time period, we are buried in what is happening now… but God works according to his timing and our one day or one season to God does not equate to his timeline.  We do not and cannot know how he will use what is happening today for what he has planned for his tomorrows. But I do know that God has rattled a bunch of dormant crevices where God has been left in the shadows and he wants his SON to shine through the darkness that is upon us.   

God sees the horror, the deaths incurred by the enemy and he also sees the tragic position of those who are gallantly fighting the enemy, and those who have been gravely hurt and killed by the destruction.   God has allowed these Hamas tyrants to accomplish their goals of evil; the attack, volatility, and the heinous violence of what has transpired has been made known to all the nations. But ultimately God will prevail and have his vengeance on these evil tyrants. God is good and his mercy endures FOREVER!    

IN the bible, God speaks often of war and hardened hearts, nations who have gone awry, and in the crossfire of fighting evil, many innocent people lose lives. That might sound cliché  BUT God’s story does not end in destruction or even in partial resolution, it ends in HIS total victory over death, and evil…. that we cannot yet see, but we must be assured that it will play out according to his plan.  

I know this is a heavy lift of comments but I could not go without saying something for I suspect it is on the hearts of many. May God give you courage to stand up for the truth that you know of God.  May whatever uncertain emotions that are tapping at your heart, be calmed by the reassurance that You are God’s child….he loves you with his full heart and will keep you tucked under his wings of grace, and fill you with kindness, love and mercy to be shared with many who are in need.   

May we join in prayer for those who are trapped in the middle of the Israeli/Palestinian war and may Hamas be crushed and buried.  May we never forget that you, God are watching, directing and allowing whatever happens on this earth. And finally Lord, May our awareness and fortitude be grounded on your truth, faithfulness and mighty power. And please GOD, protect us all as well in mind body and thought.Amen

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,

because they trust in you.

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!


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