DPP Lifestyle Coach Network Newsletter

April 2023

Newsletter Highlights

Free Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training:

DTTAC Live Webinar: "Grovin' Groups"

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 from 12:00-2:00 PM

Free Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training:

DTTAC On-Demand Webinar: Making Moves Forward

National Diabetes Prevention Program Audience Profile:

Black or African American Person

Engage your focus population with understanding of culture, beliefs, and barriers to help.

DPP Navigator Updates

Start receiving referrals from the DPP Navigator today!

Free Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training!

 Live Webinar: "Groovin' Groups"

In Lifestyle Coach training, we emphasize the power and importance of group engagement, support and problem solving as participants work towards lasting lifestyle changes. While groups can most certainly be positive, productive and powerful, facilitating groups can also be challenging. Whether it is the Negative Nelly, the Silent Samor the Chatty Charlie, managing challenging group behaviors and dynamics is a key role of the Lifestyle Coach. In this webinar, participants will discuss common challenges faced by group facilitators and strategies to prevent and/or manage these challenges as they arise.

Click on flyer for registration information and free registration code

Free Advanced Lifestyle Coach Training:

DTTAC On-Demand Webinar: "Making Moves Forward"

Lifestyle coaches facilitating the National DPP lifestyle change program often have participants with a variety of health conditions that may impact their ability or likelihood to engage in physical activity. From participants with mild joint pain to participants with disabilities, barriers to physical activity can feel like overwhelming obstacles to participants hoping to achieve program physical activity goals. In this webinar, attendees will explore strategies for helping participants find success with their physical activity goals, regardless of physical limitations and abilities.

Click Here to Register! Use Discount Code NC23Web at Checkout

National Diabetes Prevention Program Audience Profile:

Black or African American Person

The CDC's National DPP Health Marketing Support Team is excited to announce the release of the newly developed Black or African American Persons Audience Profile. If your team engages with the Black or African American audience about their health—specifically prediabetes or type 2 diabetes prevention and the National DPP—use this profile to enhance your understanding of this audience. This resource reviews social and health demographics, including diabetes prevalence and risk factors, and actionable approaches to building relationships. You can download the Black or African American Persons Audience Profile here. 

DPP Navigator Service Updates

Did you know that the DPP Navigator Service:

  • Receives both Spanish and English DPP Referrals from healthcare providers?
  • Is always looking for Spanish DPP opportunities for our Spanish speaking referrals?
  • Receives an average of 31 referrals per month of people who are potentially eligible for a DPP?
  • Works to refer these people out to DPPs statewide?

Want to receive referrals from the DPP Navigator?

  • Let us know when your next DPP cohort will begin by filling out this form.
  • Email the DPP Navigator team to let us know how we can help at
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