Join us next Sunday

October 22, 2023

10:30am Sunday Service: Choosing Family

Reflecting on the ways we acquire our "people". Who is in our web and how do we connect with them? Is our family only the group we are born into, or the people we gather along the way?

Speaker: Rev. Margaret Weis

Masking in the First Universalist church building is now optional, please respect any distancing requests by fellow attendees. A mask-required section of the sanctuary is designated for those preferring to stay masked.

Worship Link

Via Zoom:

Via phone:
Dial 1-646-558-8656,
and enter the
Meeting ID: 131-764-422
Upcoming Events &
Additional Announcements

Tuesday, October 24 | Drop-In Discussion:

What Floats Your Boat?

From Noah’s Ark to cruise ships, what is this compulsion we have to travel by water? We will discuss ways and reasons people have historically had for traveling via boat and share some of our own boating experiences. Beth Ares will facilitate. Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!

Remembrance Sunday: Name Deadline 10/24/23

First Universalist's annual Remembrance Sunday, honoring all who have died in our lives, will be October 29. This service will feature a litany of remembrance. To have the name of your loved one who has passed in the last year included in the litany, please email it to by Tuesday, October 24. For online folks, please send us a digital photo of your loved one by the same date. If attending in-person, plan to bring a photo or memento of a loved one for a collective grieving altar built together in the Sanctuary.

Thursday, October 26 | Eastman at Washington Square: Double Bill - Mythology Through a New Lens!

Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. October 26 is "Great Romantics and Beyond": Eastman Opera Theater is excited to feature a preview of a double bill of two 21st-century operas by important living composers. Dr. Okoye and Jake Heggie offer stories of abuse, redemption, empowerment, and desire.Admission is free!

Saturday, October 28 | Fall Work Day

Please join us for our upcoming Fall Work Day from 9am to noon as we spruce up our building and prepare for the coming winter. There will be tasks for all skill levels. For details, please contact Ed Deller at

Housing For All: Sock it to Me!

Winter is coming, that’s for sure, but people experiencing homelessness aren’t sure of much of anything. Where can I sleep tonight? How can I stay warm and safe? Housing For All, our all-congregation, two-year social justice project, is gearing up its Service arm by collecting socks to distribute to organizations that provide shelter and/or assistance to these folks. You can begin your participation in Housing For All by bringing new, white socks to a collection box in the Clara Barton Lounge during the month of November. Let’s fill it up to overflowing! Thanks!

Small Group Ministry: Opportunities for Connection

Longing for deeper connection in our church community? Our Small Group Ministry (SGM) groups have openings and welcome you to join one that fits your schedule. Members covenant to share, listen and build beloved community while exploring topics both thoughtful and light-hearted to achieve greater self-awareness and spiritual growth. Current groups meet in-person or virtually every other Monday or Wednesday afternoons, or Wednesday evenings. 

Find the SGM description on our website by clicking on the "Connect" tab, then "Small Group Ministry". Or email Rev. Michelle at

Joys & Sorrows

Please send your Joys and Sorrows to be read at our Sunday Worship service to

Note: When you email a joy or sorrow to us, you are giving us permission to read it aloud at our Sunday service and possibly publish it in this weekly email. Thank you!

To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to: 
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)


Rev. Margaret Weis,

Sabbatical Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates,

Minister of Life Span Faith Development

(585) 310-2484

(Off Summer Until 8/27/23)

Dr. Brock Tjosvold,

Director of Music

Emma Barry,

Office Manager

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(585) 546-2826 |
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 Tuesday - Friday
9am - 4pm
(closed Monday)
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