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First Nations - January 2023
We like stories with a happy ending.
Conflict is resolved and things are made right again.
However, real life doesn’t usually work that way.
And yet - God is working and there’s a story to tell, even though it may unfinished.

The Canadian church is in the middle of a story in regards with relationship to the First Nations communities.
We do not yet love each other as neighbours as God intended.
But there is progress - small steps in the right direction.

Ben Peltz, who runs ministries for First Nations people on behalf of VMC, has seen a gradual shift on behalf of Canadian churches in the past 12 years.
We started with significant historical ignorance and perhaps a good dose of apathy,
We moved towards “Oh that’s interesting. I don’t know much about that.” 
Then a little further to “I don’t know as much as I should but I see the overall significance.”
And now, due to the discovery of the unmarked graves at residential schools in 2021, there is an increased awareness and an intentional desire within the church to address the broken relationship between us.

It’s not perfect.
Ben still encounters pushback from time to time, but is hopeful by the overall trend.
It’s moving in a good direction.
After all, loving our neighbour is the second half of the Great Commandment.
Let’s keep on - as we walk in step with the Spirit.
Step by step.

Photo creds: Chris Robert (Unsplash)
The Survivors (film documentary)
by Stephanie Armstrong

This YouTube documentary portrays the stories of 10 survivors of the residential school system from Mistissini, Quebec. 38 min. For a better understanding of the residential school system and the effects on the students and their families, this documentary is a must-see.

Warning: Various forms of abuse, suicide and trauma

Photo creds: The Survivors YouTube
What We Have Learned by Murray Sinclair

"The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada believes that in order for Canada to flourish in the twenty-first century, reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canada must be based on 10 principles. This book outlines the Commission’s central conclusions about the history and legacy of residential schools and identify both the barriers to reconciliation and the opportunities for constructive action that currently exist." (

To purchase: What We Have Learned by Murray Sinclair (

Photo Creds:
Blanket exercise:

Read more here to find about this group exercise called "The Blanket Exercise," a program of KAIROS Canada, an ecumenical movement for ecological justice and human rights around the globe. This has been described as an unique participatory history lesson that fosters truth, understanding, and respect:

Photo Creds: Kairos website

Mapping exercise:

Read more here to find about this intriguing mapping exercise called "Mapping the Ground We Stand On," a ministry of PWRDF (The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund - the Anglican Church of Canada's agency for sustainable development and relief). If the blanket exercise could be described as a history lesson, this would be a geography lesson:

Photo Creds: PWRDF website
Meet Ben Peltz

"I'm a husband, father, and pastor living in Peterborough, Ontario. My wife Shoshanna and I grew up in Ottawa and came to Peterborough for school in 2006, at which time we became involved in ministering to youth, young adults, and First Nations People. Since 2010 this has been my primary vocation. Currently, my ministry runs through Vision Ministries of Canada and includes providing spiritual support for students at Trent University, pastoring Curve Lake Christian Assembly, and collaborating with James Bay Cree Christians to serve youth in their communities. To contact me click here!"

My church's website: Curve Lake Christian Assembly

My personal ministry website: Ben Peltz
Farewell, with much thanks!
When Rebecca Cummings joined the VMC team back in October 2018, little did we realize what a gift we had been given. Serving as Treasurer and Director of Operations, Rebecca has overhauled critical process, procedure and policy that support and enable VMC’s ministry to flourish. We are thankful for the competency, professionalism and dedication she has brought to this role. Most of all, we are grateful for the way her love for Jesus and love for his Church permeated everything she did. 

At the end of December 2022, Rebecca wrapped up her employment at VMC and is easing into retirement with her husband, John. Knowing her skills, capacity and eagerness to serve the Lord, we doubt that she will be idle in this next phase of life. We thank God for the gift of her leadership and caring presence at VMC. 

May the Lord bless and keep you, Rebecca. May you sense his life-giving presence and power as you continue to make your life available to him. 

As we say goodbye to Rebecca, we welcome Darcy Wallace and Jeremy Malloy into their new roles at VMC. After serving as VMC staff accountant for a couple years, Darcy became the Director of Finance in December 2022, a role that includes serving as VMC Board Treasurer. Jeremy joined our operations team a year ago in preparation for his new role as Director of Operations, effective January 1, 2023. 

We are grateful for the manner in which God has taken care of our personnel needs, resourcing our team with two highly skilled and experienced leaders. We trust the Spirit will guide and empower both of them as they serve the churches and leaders of the VMC network.
TS2023 - April 28-30, 2023
Sensing an urgent need to invest in the emerging generation, we have repurposed our national gathering to focus exclusively on young leaders this year. Over the final weekend of April, we intend to gather a select group of young adults in central Ontario, to consider what the Spirit is saying to the Church in Canada. Through featured presenters, panel discussions, breakout sessions, prayer and worship, we hope to encourage and inspire young women and men in their passion for Jesus and his mission. 

Will you help us to identify those who should be at this event? We are looking to pastors and official church leaders to recommend one or two young adults from their congregation who are known as people with unusual kingdom influence. Ideally, we are looking for 20-35 year olds (approximate age range), whose love for Jesus, personal character and potential gospel-impact is evident to most. Neither the pursuit of nor involvement in full-time ministry is required to attend. Generous travel subsidies will be available to help participants make the trip to Ontario. 

Action Required: Who is the Spirit calling to mind, even as you read this? Attendance at this event is by invitation only. As a key congregational leader, will you nominate 1-2 young adults from your ministry context who you sense should be at this event.

Please send us their names and contact information in the next few days, so that we can contact potential participants by early February. We have been praying and, as names arrive, will continue to seek the Spirit’s guidance about who to invite. Please pray with us for discernment.

Send your recommendations (name & contact info) to:
VMC Storytelling
Every week, we share stories from across our network of churches - on Facebook, Instagram and our website - that show how God is at work in and through His people.

Here are a few stories:
Leadership Transition (Port Kells Church)
Churches Helping Churches (Ottawa Persian Church)

Watch for more stories by following us on Facebook, or Instagram or visit
Pray with us.
Please join us as we pray online together each month for our VMC churches and leaders.
To sign up or request further information contact Mike Stone at

The VMC prayer team gathers on the first Thursday of the month at the following times across the country:  1:00-2:00pm (Atlantic), Noon-1:00pm (Eastern), 11:00-Noon (Central), 10:00-11:00am (Mountain) and 9:00-10:00am (Pacific).