Day 7 Microaggressions
Day 7 Microaggressions

Now that we've covered the power of stereotypes, we turn our focus today to microaggressions. Microaggressions are defined as verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful racial slights and insults to the target person or group.  

Microaggressions take place in everyday life, fueled by implicit biases, stereotypes, and more. They are a daily reality for BIPOC folks in the workplace, grocery store, restaurant, social gathering, etc. Today's Challenge activities will unpack microaggressions and provide some actionable steps to address and intervene when they take place. 
Read this article from Harvard Business Review covering a framework for responding to microaggressions which includes three approaches: let it go, call it out immediately, bring it up at a later date. 
Read this article from Psychology Today discussing how microaggressions occur in everyday life, including the subtle and implicit biases that often fuel them.  
Explore this collection of resources from UNC School of Medicine, providing examples of racial microaggressions and microintervention and microaffirmation strategies. 
There are so many ways to engage in this year's 21-Day Challenge, featuring new and improved tools to help you reflect, discuss, and make connections through the Challenge. Check them out, and don't forget to use #YWCAEquityChallenge!
Whether it's your roller derby league or coworkers, there's power in group learning. Participate as a group or business and get tools to help you learn. You can also get your logo on the 21-Day Challenge page if you sign up as a group before June 16th.
YWCA Utah is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

Since 1906 YWCA Utah has been a voice for women, a force for change, and a place for hope as the largest family violence service provider and home of several programs to empower women and eliminate racism. Our enduring belief is that better lives for women—all women—will lead to stronger families and communities.