June 2021
News from...
1785 Ross Rd, West Kelowna, BC
News from...
Westside WINE BY YOU
Hi Everyone. With Mother's Day last month and Father's Day upcoming, we thought we would share a little about us. As many of you know Deb lost her horse last summer so for this Mother's Day she was treated to a new horse to keep her going and she had the best day with 3 generations of Craig girls riding together once again! Now for Father's Day, we are sure Gord will be happy taking his quad for a long ride!
Having fun
This month we are showcasing 2 very popular wines that are sure to please all palates. Check them out below.

With our Covid restrictions eased we hope your wine cellar is ready to welcome your friends and family once again, and if not, be sure to give us a call, drop in or order online from our website at

And be sure to check us out on Facebook or Instagram and leave us a review.
Cheers and Happy Father's Day!

Cheers, Deb & Gord
PS Please note, we have changed our store hours: Open Tuesday thru Friday from 10am-3pm and Saturday by appointment only. We are closed Sunday and Monday. Best to phone us at 250-769-6625 to book an appointment.

In order to reassure you we are doing our best to curb the plane of the Covid virus, we added extra cleanings between customers, limited number of customers in the store at a time (by appointment), and are helping you to bag or bottle your wine.
Featured White Wine: Australian Traminer-Riesling
Floral stone fruit, honeysuckle and lime... Lively golden hue reveals a combination of floral notes and apple crispness with perfumed headiness of lychee, rose pedals and passion fruit. The long finish and medium body make this an excellent wine for sipping.

Excellent with Asian cuisine, soft cheeses and oily fish especially smoked salmon!

Ready in 6-weeks.

Featured Red Wine: Vieux Chateau du Roi
Raspberry, cherry and ripe plum... This California wine is a soft easy drinking red wine with plenty of character and charm. A wine for many occasions.

Serve with barbecued red meats and pasts.

Ready in 4-weeks.

Recipe: The BEST EVER Potato Salad recipe for this year's BBQ Season
We recommend sprinkling your potato salad with smoked paprika seasoning just before serving, to give it an extra pop of color and flavor.

Or feel free to also garnish your potato salad with egg (extra hard-boiled eggs), chopped fresh herbs (chives, dill, parsley, etc.), or a sprinkle of bacon!

Enjoy... View Recipe
Our Sponsors
Fermenters Guild - visit website
Store Hours

Please note, we have temporarily changed our store hours.
Open Tuesday thru Friday from 10am-3pm and Saturday by appointment (250-769-6625) and are closed Sunday and Monday.