A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
Ontario Government makes historic investment allowing University of Guelph to expand veterinary training, addressing critical workforce shortages (Mar. 23, U of G News)
Investments will support a new collaborative program increasing number of veterinarian graduates in Ontario by 20 per cent per year and an incentive program to expand number of large animal veterinarians practicing in underserviced communities.
HQP and AFI scholars explore food security and circular economy in Guelph (Mar. 20, U of G, Food from Thought)
A group of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) and Arrell Food Institute scholars from various academic disciplines recently participated in a field trip on March 13 to learn about food security organizations and circular economy initiatives in the City of Guelph.
HQP scholars using OMICs technologies to study the immune response of parasite-infected sheep (Mar. 15, U of G, Food from Thought)
A group of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) scholars, all graduate students in the Department of Animal Biosciences, are using cutting-edge OMICs technologies to investigate the immune response of sheep to gastrointestinal nematode infection and identify potential key regulator genes associated with immunity.
Can corn and cover crops work together? (Mar. 14, Farmtario)
Presented at the 2023 Ontario Agricultural Conference, long-term data from University of Guelph’s Ridgetown Campus have established the benefit of red clover underseeded to winter wheat.
Breeding climate-resilient cattle (Mar. 14, U of G, Dairy@Guelph)
Research at the Ontario Dairy Research Centre suggests cows with a naturally higher immune response also have a higher tolerance for increased temperatures, meaning that this research may allow dairy producers to breed cattle that better withstand heat stress.
New apple variety at U of G may juice up cider industry (Mar. 10, U of G, Office of Research)
The U of G researcher's work started in 2001 at the Simcoe site of the Ontario Crops Research Centre. The new apple variety, called Providence, holds promise for the cider industry.
Picture this: Technology developed to bolster climate change studies (Feb. 16, U of G, Food from Thought)
After being tested, cameras that cost about $900 less than those currently used will be installed on each of the 18 lysimeters at the Ontario Crops Research Centre in Elora.