September 2021
Grab a cup of coffee and join us for
WIHA Office Hours
You're invited to join WIHA staff and your health promotion colleagues from around the state for conversations on health promotion at our October Office Hours web meeting. We hold Office Hours quarterly for WIHA program providers and others with an interest in health promotion programming that supports healthy aging. Office Hours will be held October 12 from 9:00 - 10:00 am. Here's what we have planned:

New Resources for Brain Health Support
In partnership with Wisconsin DHS, WIHA has been collaborating on a Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) infrastructure project to share strategies for maintaining good brain health. Hear from Kathleen Smith, BOLD Grant Manager at WI DHS, and learn more about the project and how you can utilize these resources to support brain health in your community.  

WIHA Program Updates, 2021 Planning and Partnership Development 
From Leader training to workshop planning and more, learn what's on the horizon for 2022 when it comes to health promotion programming. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and hear from your colleagues on plans for the upcoming year.

We hope to see you at Office Hours. If you have questions, please contact Kris Krasnowski.
How to Join Office Hours

We recently sent calendar invitations for this meeting to WIHA Program Providers, but you can also copy and paste the meeting information below into your calendar.

Tuesday, October 12 9:00 - 10:00 am

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID:
819 5723 9757

Passcode: 991399

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799
WIHA Program News
Leader/Facilitator Training
Training dates have been set and registration is open for 2022 Leader/Facilitator trainings. It's a great time to shore up your program capacity by having new program Leaders trained. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible. Click the link below to visit our Leader/Facilitator Training page.

We have also updated the WIHA website to make it easier to find Leader/Facilitator training information. Labeled "Become a Facilitator," the button is now located at the top right of the page on the website (see image above).

Note: We have extended our special offer for the Stand Up and Move More Facilitator Training. The cost for February and March 2022 facilitator trainings will be $100 per person. The price will raise to the standard $250 fee for all subsequent trainings. Contact Erin Eggert with questions.
UPDATED! In-Person Safety Plan

As public health guidance changes, we continue to update our in-person safety plan for those of you who are offering in-person workshops. We developed these protocols to ensure that all safety precautions are taken when offering in-person workshops. Please see the link below for the most recent safety plan - updated on September 16, 2021.

If you have questions, please contact your WIHA Program staff lead (listed below).
Be Active Tips

Physical Activity for Lifelong Success (PALS) program providers and others who want to encourage physical activity now have some new "tips" graphics to use in newsletters, on social media or in other communication.

Check out all the tips at the link below OR download Tip #9 at right.
Questions? Contact the WIHA staff lead for the program in question:
Thank You, WIHA Leadership Circle!

Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll addthem to our subscriber list.

Email Kris Krasnowski.

Thanks for all you do to support healthy aging in your community. If you're interested in making a contribution to the work of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, please visit the link below.