You're invited to join WIHA staff and your health promotion colleagues from around the state for conversations on health promotion at our October Office Hours web meeting. We hold Office Hours quarterly for WIHA program providers and others with an interest in health promotion programming that supports healthy aging. Office Hours will be held October 12 from 9:00 - 10:00 am. Here's what we have planned:
New Resources for Brain Health Support
In partnership with Wisconsin DHS, WIHA has been collaborating on a Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) infrastructure project to share strategies for maintaining good brain health. Hear from Kathleen Smith, BOLD Grant Manager at WI DHS, and learn more about the project and how you can utilize these resources to support brain health in your community.
WIHA Program Updates, 2021 Planning and Partnership Development
From Leader training to workshop planning and more, learn what's on the horizon for 2022 when it comes to health promotion programming. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and hear from your colleagues on plans for the upcoming year.
We hope to see you at Office Hours. If you have questions, please contact Kris Krasnowski.