April 5, 2023
Keeping the general aviation industry connected
AEA Names Nick Brown Director of Workforce Development
The AEA has named Nick Brown as its director of workforce development. He will be in attendance at the AEA International Convention & Trade Show in Orlando, April 24-27, and will formally assume the role of this new position effective June 15.

Brown, an Air Force veteran, currently serves as the aviation electronics instructor for Kent Career Technical Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he is certified by the state of Michigan to teach career and technical standards.

For more than seven years, Brown has provided career, academic and counseling support to high school juniors and seniors. He has instructed students on ASTM’s NCATT standards and helped certify more than 600 students. More...
Today is Last Day to Save $100
AEA Convention offers more training and networking than ever
There's something for everyone. The 66th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show is packed with regulatory, technical and business training specific for your repair station operations. To see all the sessions and their full descriptions, click here.

Today (April 5) is the last day to save $100 off the advance registration fee. Daily registration options are available for $275 per day for AEA members and $375 per day for non-members.

Register and join aviation's technology experts, April 24-27, at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Orlando. More...
Comments Due on FAA's SMS Proposal
Comments are due by April 11 on the Federal Aviation Administration’s notice of proposed rulemaking to expand the applicability of safety management systems. Technically, the NPRM is proposing the expansion of 14 CFR Part 5.

On Jan. 11, 2023, the FAA proposed to update and expand the requirements for safety management systems and require certain certificate holders and commercial air tour operators to develop and implement an SMS program. Noticeably absent from the NPRM was the inclusion of certified repair stations.

While absent from the direct effects of the NPRM, the FAA did request comments and information regarding a future rulemaking project to expand the applicability of Part 5 to include repair stations certificated under Part 145. More...
Ask the Industry
Is your shop seeing an improvement in lead times when ordering parts and supplies from manufacturers?
Select one option below.
Honeywell Aims to Simplify Vehicle Operations
The advanced air mobility market is not just creating novel vehicle designs with new form of propulsion but also driving a change to operations.

While the end state is a fully autonomous vehicle, there’s an evolution between a pilot on board and a vehicle flown autonomously. Honeywell’s research and development efforts are putting it in a position to help bridge that gap and support the needs of its eVTOL customers through the implementation of simplified vehicle operations. More...
Kovachik Aircraft Services
60-year Ontario Maintenance Center Adds Avionics
All it took was a love of airplanes, hard work and a small maintenance shop beside a grass strip for Victor Kovachik to create a family business that would span six decades, and likely many more. Based in Burlington, Ontario, at what has become one of the province’s busiest airparks, three generations of Kovachiks have made their mark, helping to transform the once-small business into a thriving, modern company by adding new capabilities and new facilities.

Today, the family business includes three aircraft maintenance shops. The largest and busiest is at its original location – Burlington Executive Airport, which lies just southwest of Toronto, nestled near the forested Niagara Escarpment UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and a short hop by aircraft to the famous falls. More...
Daytona Aircraft Services
Serving the Southeast
Although Daytona Aircraft Services Inc. was started in the late 1990s, it would be a good model for building a new-generation aircraft maintenance and avionics upgrade provider. Like so many other successful companies, it built its core business doing one thing extremely well and then expanded its offerings to meet evolving customer needs. In its case, it began providing aircraft airframe and engine maintenance and increased its avionics offerings as opportunities emerged.

“I joined the company in 1998, and back then it was Daytona Beach Jet Center,” explained the company’s director of maintenance, Jake Clemens. “Actually, we were the second FBO in the new Sheltair Aviation network. In 2003, they decided to get out of the maintenance business, so we were spun off as Daytona Aircraft Services.

“It was a great decision. We’ve been growing our capabilities and services ever since. Today, we provide a complete list of maintenance, repair, and overhaul services and full avionics upgrades for piston, turboprop, and up to midsize jets. We’ve become very well known for our expertise with legacy Citations.” More...
New Avionics Products to be Unveiled April 24
More than 30 companies will unveil new avionics products and services in Orlando, April 24. Sponsored by Gogo Business Aviation, the New Product Introductions session is one of the most popular events every year during the AEA Convention and has evolved into a must-see showcase for members and the aviation media.

The NPI session takes place during the convention's opening session, which begins at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time in the Sun Ballroom of the Gaylord Palms. The opening session will be livestreamed by Aero-News Network. Watch...
Registration Opens for EASA-FAA International Safety Conference
Registration has now opened for the EASA-FAA International Safety Conference, which takes place June 13-15 in Cologne, Germany.

How do we model the path for the future? How can we ensure safety while considering sustainability? What actions are we taking to manage and further develop a safe, modern and sustainable aviation system?

This year’s conference will gather senior aviation professionals from regulators, manufacturers, airlines and associations from all over the world to discuss global aviation safety and sustainability topics from the perspective of the regulators and industry. More...
Meet the Nominees for AEA Member of the Year
Each year during the annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show, two prestigious awards are presented: the AEA Member of the Year, which honors an individual from an approved maintenance organization; and the AEA Associate Member of the Year, which honors a manufacturer, distributor or service provider. Award recipients will be honored Monday, April 24, during the AEA Convention’s opening session.

AEA Member of the Year nominees include: Dewey Conroy, Pacific Coast Avionics; Dave Fetherston, NexAir Avionics; Monica Gualandri, Sarasota Avionics; Keith Robertson, North East Avionics; and Michael Sichmeller, West Star Aviation

AEA Associate Member of the Year nominees include: Aspen Avionics; Avidyne; Dallas Avionics; Universal Avionics; and WBParts Express. More...
EASA Publishes Updated Guidance on 'Remote Towers'
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency recently published ED Decision 2023/005/R amending the existing EASA guidance material on remote aerodrome air traffic services, commonly known as Remote Towers.

The concept of Remote Towers enables the provision of aerodrome ATS from locations or facilities where direct visual observation is not available, and is based on a view of the aerodrome and its vicinity through means of technology. This concept is considered as one of the most relevant novelties introduced in ATM/ANS over the last decade, whose implementation is being facilitated by dedicated guidance material which has been developed and is being maintained by EASA since 2014, in cooperation with a dedicated rulemaking group composed of affected stakeholders’ representatives. The EASA guidance builds on the existing EU regulatory framework and considers and addresses a variety of relevant aspects of designing, implementing and operating remote towers. More...
AEA Regionals Return: Save the Dates
Later this year, approved maintenance organizations, manufacturers, regulators and educators will come together for two days of training, networking and professional development. More specifically, the AEA Regionals are where aviation’s technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. These two-day events allow technicians and business owners the opportunity to learn industry best practices; connect with regional sales and product support representatives; satisfy training requirements; see the latest products and services in the exhibit hall; and receive important updates on the most current regulatory news affecting their business.

For decades, these events were well-known by AEA members as Regional Meetings, but they were more recently branded as Connect Conferences. Following feedback from members in a survey conducted earlier this year, the AEA Regionals will return in 2023 on dates and locations preferred by the membership with a refreshed schedule and training format. More...
Podcast: Inside the Numbers
Examining the State of the Industry
The General Aviation Manufacturers Association recently unveiled the 2022 General Aviation Aircraft Shipment and Billing Report. When compared to 2021, all aircraft segments saw increases in shipments, and preliminary aircraft deliveries were valued at $26.8 billion, an increase of 6%.

Take a deep dive into the data and the state of the industry with Jens Hennig, GAMA vice president of operations, in this episode of AEA Amplified, sponsored by Genesys Aerosystems, a Moog Company. Listen...
2022 GA and Part 135 Activity Survey
FAA survey measures safety, determines funding, and informs the impact of aviation on the economy
The Federal Aviation Administration’s 45th annual General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey is now underway, reporting on calendar year 2022. The GA Survey is the only source of information on the general aviation fleet, the number of hours flown, and the ways people use general aviation aircraft.

Data from this survey are used by governmental agencies and industry to:
  • Compute safety metrics, such as fatal accidents rates. 
  • Understand the impact of the GA industry on jobs, economic output, and investments in aviation infrastructure. 
  • Track the success of safety initiatives, including avionics recommendations. 
  • Determine funding for infrastructure and service needs.
  • Assess the impact of regulatory changes.

The FAA and industry need accurate data on a broad range of aircraft. Participation is voluntary, and everyone who is contacted is encouraged to respond to the survey so that all aviation activity is represented. If you have questions, contact Tetra Tech at 800-826-1797 or email
On the Radar: Upcoming Industry Events
AERO Friedrichshafen
Friedrichshafen, Germany
April 19-22, 2023
The show will take place at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center. Discover what direction the developments in general aviation are going. With more than 600 exhibitors from 35 countries, 33,000 visitors and 600 journalists from all over the world, this event is the international community’s annual meeting place. More...
AEA International Convention & Trade Show
Orlando, Florida
April 24-27, 2023
Join us for the largest gathering of aviation electronics manufacturers, distributors and approved maintenance organizations in the world at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando. Register by April 5 to save $100 off the on-site registration rate. More...
Geneva, Switzerland
May 23-25, 2023
The European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition is the annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. The exhibition brings together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, flight department personnel, avionics firms, fractional providers, charter/lease companies and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspect of business aviation. More...
Avionics Training and Professional Development Classes
Basic Wiring & Avionics Installation (course sold-out)
May 22-24, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for certificated repairmen, new avionics technicians, aviation maintenance technicians and recent graduates interested in improving or acquiring the skills necessary to perform avionics installations. The three-day seminar employs in-depth theory and hands-on lab exercises to immerse the attendee in the best practices used to plan, manage, and install a general aviation avionics panel.
Basic Pitot-Static & Transponder Theory, Testing & Troubleshooting (14 seats remain)
May 25-26, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for entry-level avionics technicians or those looking for basic training on pitot-static and aircraft transponder systems. The two-day course covers the history and theory of operation of pitot-static instruments and transponders, as well as system setup, hands-on testing, and the troubleshooting skills necessary to perform FAR 91.411 and 91.413 checks.
Avionics Installation for Experimental Aircraft (7 seats remain)
June 7-9, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is targeted for the homebuilder or avionics technician who wants to learn about performing an avionics installation in an experimental aircraft. The class focuses on the Garmin G3X Touch system, and a simplified example harness is constructed as part of the hands-on portion of the class. While the G3X Touch system is the primary focus, the wiring principles and general guidance can be applied to any experimental avionics system. From the do-it-yourselfer to the avionics shop looking to carve a niche, this class has something for everyone.
In-flight Connectivity Foundations (14 seats remain)
June 14, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for certificated repairmen, new avionics technicians, aviation maintenance technicians and recent graduates interested in improving or acquiring the skills necessary to support in-flight connectivity system installations and maintenance. This eight-hour training enables aircraft technicians and operators to gain understanding on the basic airborne networks, IFC systems, and the services they provide.
Safety Management System Coordinator Training (15 seats remain)
July 12, 2023
Virtual-Live course
The AEA has developed a proprietary SMS program designed for maintenance organizations, sized for small businesses and leveraged by the 900-strong repair station membership. This program has been coordinated with the Federal Aviation Administration and Transport Canada Civil Aviation, as well as discussions with the Australian government's Civil Aviation Safety Authority and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency for future acceptance.
Certified Repair Station Training (10 seats remain)
July 17-21, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This weeklong course provides an interactive environment to learn, understand and implement the regulations that govern repair station design and operations. Current quality managers, technicians, mechanics, and repairmen who are involved in the management of a repair station as well as individuals looking to establish a 14 CFR Part 145 repair station should plan to attend.
Primary Flight Display Installation & Configuration (14 seats remain)
Aug. 9-11, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Technicians will learn how to plan, install, interface, configure and check out an installation of a primary flight display, EHSI and GPS/Nav/Com consisting of dual Garmin GI 275, a Garmin GTN 650 touch-screen, and a Garmin GTX 345 transponder. Designed for technicians who have experience with avionics installation practices and are looking for more training integrating common general aviation installations.
Avionics Testing Fundamentals (14 seats remain)
Aug. 14-15, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice, familiar with basic soldering skills and are looking for experience in LRU bench testing and avionics trouble shooting. Bench testing Nav, VHF Com and transponders will be the focus of study. Technicians will fabricate a general-purpose test panel that they will use in the course. Attendees will keep their fabricated test panel at course completion.
Transponder Service Training (14 seats remain)
Aug. 16, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in transponder LRU bench testing, transponder flight line testing and aircraft troubleshooting. ADS-B transponders systems will be the focus of study. Attendees will keep their fabricated wire harness at course completion.
Nav/Comm Equipment Service Training (14 seats remain)
Aug. 17, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in avionics flight line testing, LRU bench testing and aircraft troubleshooting. VOR, localizer, glideslope, marker beacon and VHF comms will be the focus of study.
Pitot-Static, Transponder, RVSM, and ADS-B: Testing & Inspection (12 seats remain)
Aug. 18, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Attendees will learn the proper methods for conducting pitot-static and transponder tests and inspections. This full-day course offers a regulatory review and an explanation of the proper administrative procedures for completing these critical certifications. Preparing and performing RVSM inspection tasks. ADS-B session covering installation, wiring and return to service review.
News from AEA Member Companies
Carlisle Interconnect Technologies received the Supplier of the Year award at the 2023 Airbus electrical standard parts annual supplier event in Toulouse, France.

Innovative Solutions & Support (IS&S) received a production order from The Boeing Company to provide its Global Positioning System sensor units for the Boeing T-7A Red Hawk trainer. Deliveries will begin in July 2023 with additional options for continuous deliveries throughout the life of the current U.S. Air Force Program.

StandardAero was selected by the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira or FAB) to provide comprehensive MRO services for the Rolls-Royce AE 3007 engines powering its fleet of Embraer ERJ-145 aircraft.

Honeywell announced that the United States Coast Guard has selected Honeywell’s IntuVue RDR-7000 weather radar system as an upgrade to existing systems on its Sikorsky MH-60 Jayhawk and Eurocopter MH-65 Dolphin multimission helicopters. Also, Honeywell’s 1-megawatt generator has been selected by Flying Whales Quebec to supply power for its new hybrid-electric airship, the LCA60T. 

Garmin and Daher announced the G1000 NXi integrated flight deck retrofit for earlier-production Kodiak 100s, bringing next-generation avionics technology to in-service versions of this multi-role turboprop-powered aircraft.

Prizm Aircraft Products is now represented in Europe, as the company recently signed Atlas Air Service as its first European dealer.

West Star Aviation promoted Norman Hunt to avionics technical representative at its East Alton, Illinois, facility.

Avgroup named Sid Strickland chief executive officer.

Clay Lacy Aviation has been recognized as a leader within private aviation for its safety management system. Its organization-wide approach has been validated and recognized by the FAA to meet the new standards of the FAA SMS Voluntary Program. The validation places Clay Lacy in the top 2% of Part 135 operators in the United States that have completed this process and developed a culture of safety promotion.

Duncan Aviation announced a Falcon 900EX was completely transformed and reconfigured at its full-service MRO facility in Battle Creek, Michigan.

SKYTRAC is providing Iridium satellite connectivity to a Sikorsky S-92, which will be used for search and rescue off the shores of Guyana.

Safran Electronics & Defense company Orolia has partnered with Xona Space Systems to develop support for Xona’s Low-Earth-Orbit constellation and navigation signals in its Skydel-powered simulation and testing products.

Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus has named its third on-campus residence hall Earhart Hall in honor of Kansas aviator and female trailblazer Amelia Earhart.
Request Your FREE AEA Pilot's Guide
Published annually by the Aircraft Electronics Association, the 2022-23 edition of the AEA Pilot's Guide marks the 20th annual edition. It is a consumer's directory loaded with educational articles, timely information and data about the ever-changing world of avionics technologies. The publication helps pilots and aircraft owners make better buying decisions and locate nearly 1,300 AEA member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. It also includes the manufacturers and distributors of these products, as well as technical schools and universities, engineers and consultants for the industry.

Individuals residing in the United States may request a free copy of the AEA Pilot's Guide at while supplies last. More... Offers Aerospace Career Paths
The sky is not the limit in aerospace. If you are ready to reach a higher altitude, visit this one-stop resource that was built by industry professionals and powered by the AEA. The site offers a spotlight on career paths in aviation and includes links to jobs, scholarships, aviation schools, veterans’ resources, information for educators, salary data and more. From the hangar floor to low-earth orbit, opportunities abound. More...
Opportunities Abound at AEA Jobs Board
For individuals interested in pursuing professional opportunities in the avionics industry, the job listings page on the AEA website is your one-stop resource. The AEA jobs board provides informational links on how to get AET certified, an avionics technician job summary and wage review, along with scholarship opportunities within the industry. Search the AEA's job listings and see what's on your horizon. Free resume posting is available. Are you up to the challenge? More...
Are You Hiring? List Your Openings
Is your business hiring? The AEA jobs board makes it easier for AEA members to find their next avionics technician, quality manager, inspector, sales representative or engineer.

AEA members may submit a free job posting after entering their username and password at Member companies that optionally choose to upgrade their job posting for a premium will have preferred online placement and also will be published in the next edition of Avionics News. For more information about premium job listings, contact Rachel Hill, AEA advertising executive, at
About the AEA
Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association represents nearly 1,300 member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified international repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. The AEA membership also includes manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers and educational institutions.
Aircraft Electronics Association
3570 NE Ralph Powell Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
Phone: 816-347-8400
Fax: 816-347-8405
Rachel Hill, AEA director of advertising
Phone: 816-366-5109

The "AEA Wired" e-newsletter is published twice a month by the AEA.