A publication of the Howard County Office of Children and Families
Family Institute
January 2022
Selecting High Quality
Child Care
Selecting child care can be an overwhelming process. Every parent wants to find quality care that meets their needs; a healthy and safe environment that your child is happy to attend; and a program that is convenient in location and hours and affordable. Learn how to choose a child care program that works for your family.
Monday, January 10 / 7:00 p.m. / Free Virtual Workshop / Registration
Tuesday, January 18 / 12:00 p.m. / Free Virtual Workshop / Registration
Sibling Rivalry
When siblings spend a lot of time together, sibling rivalry can increase. This workshop is for parents experiencing challenges between their children such as arguing, name calling and fighting. Learn why sibling rivalry occurs and get practical tips to help prevent and bring an end to these challenges!
Thursday, January 20 / 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. / Free Virtual Workshop / Registration
Brain Builders: Optimize Your Infant’s Early Brain Development From Birth to 18 Months
Babies are primed to start learning from the day they are born. In this workshop, parents and caregivers will gain an understanding of an infant’s developing brain and how daily interactions and simple activities can be learning moments to support brain connections.
Tuesday, January 25 / 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. / Free Virtual Workshop /
Nothing I Do Works: A Parent’s Guide to Challenging Behaviors
The Pyramid Model is a comprehensive, research-based approach that considers all factors that impact children, their families and a child's behavior. Learn how to help prevent negative behaviors from happening, and what to do when they occur. Ask questions and leave with techniques and resources that you can use immediately. Recommended for parents of children ages two to eight.
Wednesday, January 26 / 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. / Free Virtual Workshop /Registration
Howard County 2022 Child Care Fair
The Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services is hosting its annual Child Care Fair on Saturday, February 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the North Laurel Community Center. Coordinated by the Office of Children and Families, the event provides parents, guardians, grandparents and child care personnel with “one stop shopping” for child care, preschools, school-age and summer programs, as well as personal contact with teachers and directors. Learn "How to Choose an Early Childhood Program" as well as access resources available for young children from various county and community agencies. Register now to get updates.
Howard County Library System
Road to Kindergarten
The mobile PopUP library is coming to a neighborhood near you! It brings preschool classes and resources to communities without easy access to library branches. With the goal of preparing children for kindergarten, the mobile unit instructors will:
- Teach classes
- Lend books, activity kits, toys, and other library materials
- Lend Chromebooks and hotspots
- Provide information on library classes and events
- Provide information on community resources/services
Families with children zero to five are welcome to participate. For more information, click here.
Project Literacy
Project Literacy, an adult education initiative of the Howard County Library System (HCLS), provides instruction for the National External Diploma Program, a program for adults to earn a high school diploma. Tutors help to improve skills in reading, writing and math to meet the entry requirements. Upon completion of the program, a Maryland High School Diploma is awarded.
Project Literacy also offers English classes for English Language Learners of all levels. You can learn how to read, write, pronounce, and have conversations in English. Classes are offered in-person and virtually.
Project Literacy can also help you with requirements to become a U.S. citizen. You can participate in workforce preparation classes to build vocabulary, learn soft skills, explore career paths, and promote cultural awareness.
Trafficked in America
East Columbia Library / Lucille Clifton Rooms A and B
Tuesday, January 25 / 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Commemorate Human Trafficking Awareness Month by joining a live screening and panel discussion of PBS Frontline’s "Trafficked in America," which investigates how a group of teenagers from Guatemala were forced to work against their will at an Ohio egg farm and how their case illuminates the problem of labor trafficking in the U.S. Register here.
Tips for Choosing Summer Programs and Camps
It may be cold outside, but it’s not too early to plan for summer camps. Most camps and summer programs begin registration in January or February. Register early as camps fill quickly.
Here are a few things to consider when selecting a camp:
- Type of camp (day, overnight, special needs)
- Location and cost
- Your child’s interests (sports, science, art, nature)
- Length of camp session
- Part day or full day
- Availability of after camp or extended hours
For more information, contact:
To find additional resources, contact the CARE Line at 410-313-2273 (voice/relay), email
Setting New Year Resolutions for Families
It’s a new year and a great time to focus on what’s next for your family, but where is a good place to start when you have small children? Set up a family meeting to reflect on past successes and challenges. Discuss what you would like to accomplish together. With young children, keep it simple and start with small goals that are developmentally appropriate for their age. Let children help with writing or drawing goals, then post them where everyone can see them. Developing goals as a family can benefit everyone. Children learn how to work toward a goal and develop a sense of accomplishment once it has been achieved. For more ideas on making New Year’s resolutions with your child, click here.
Caregiver Support Program
Explaining the Process: How the Office on Aging and Independence Supports Our Caregivers...Our Heroes
Tuesday, January 18 / 10:00 a.m. to noon
Free Virtual Webinar
Join the Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) for an informative webinar on Caregiver Support Options. Representatives from OAI's programs will share local resources and services for caregivers. Offered via Webex and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/HoCoCommunity. For more information and to register, click here.
Family Support and Resource Center
Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs
Friday, January 7 / 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Free Virtual Event
Learn what is involved in the planning process for a loved one with special needs, and the importance of preserving financial security and quality of life. The key issues of understanding the role of public benefits, making decisions about the future, using estate planning and trusts to protect assets, and Maryland ABLE will be presented along with the types of special needs trusts and their specific purposes. Presented by Elville and Associates in partnership with the Howard County Library System. Register here.
The Ins and Outs of Middle School
Thursday, January 13 / 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m.
Free Virtual Event
Do you have a student with an IEP that will attend middle school next year? Learn about middle school academics and school social opportunities. This event is part of continued training about special education sponsored by HCPSS. Register here.
20th Annual Autism Conference: Embracing Change and Transformation
Friday, January 14 / 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Event
Join professionals, parents and caregivers at the 20th Annual Autism Conference . The conference features real-time sessions delivered by experts working in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) field. Sessions will be recorded and available on-demand until February 28. Sponsored by The Center for Autism and Related Disorders. Registration and fee information here.
Manejando Conductas Retadoras (Managing Challenging Behavior)
16 de Enero / 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Presentacion Virtual
Presentado en español. Presentado por: Alexander Arevalo, M.S., M.Ed, BCBA, LBA Esta presentación revisará las razones comunes por las que los comportamientos desafiantes (rabietas, lloriqueos, agresiones, etc.) suceden y brindara información sobre cómo la terapia ABA ayuda a identificarlos y cómo ayuda con la enseñanza adecuada del comportamiento. El presentador también proveerá algunas estrategias que los padres pueden utilizar para abordar estos comportamientos en el hogar. Este seminario web se realiza en asociación con Pathfinders for Autism.
Focus on Inattentive ADHD: The Under-Diagnosed and Under-Treated Subtype
Monday, January 10 / 1:00 p.m.
Free Virtual Webinar
The “Predominantly Inattentive” (PI) ADHD subtype can lead to significant functional impairment and distress in higher education, the workplace, and social interactions. Individuals with this type of subtype exhibit fewer behavior-management problems, making the disorder difficult to diagnose and treat. In this webinar, you will learn about:
- The prevalence of PI ADHD in children and adults
- Common symptoms and distinctive features
- Daily-life difficulties
- Effective treatments
Sponsored by ADDitude. Register here.
Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You
Thursday, January 6 / 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Free Webinar
Learn how to take care of yourself so you can better take care of the children whose lives you touch. Presented by Devereux Center for Resilient Children. Register here.
My Teacher Hates Me!
Teachers play a huge role in the lives of children, in both positive and negative ways. Trouble with teachers can leave children feeling hurt or confused and parents at a loss for how to help. Child Mind Institute has provided several strategies parents can use to help their child build the skills needed to manage the situation:
- Take it seriously, children’s feelings are real and upsetting
- Talk it through, self-reflection is key
- Make a plan, brainstorm ideas and solutions
- Reach out, encourage your child to speak up for himself
It’s important that your child feels a part of a team and communication remains open.
Mindful Parenting
Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present instead of worrying about past mistakes or future problems. Mindfulness can be a very helpful tool for parents of children with special needs. The challenges of parenting can be overwhelming and can lead to stress, anxiety, depression and marital problems. Mindfulness includes breathing exercises, guided meditation and taking time to step away from difficult situations. It allows you to connect with your emotions and calm yourself in stressful situations. It’s important to slow things down and let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect, including you. When children see you stressed, they often become stressed as well. As a parent, you can model how to use mindfulness to get through tough times. Making these changes can benefit your children. For more tips from Child Mind Institute, click here. Spanish
New Mom’s Support Group
Howard County General Hospital
Tuesdays, February 8 to March 29 / 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Free Virtual Support Group
Share experiences with other new moms and babies up to 5 months old. This group offers support, referrals, discussions of parenting topics and opportunities to connect with other new mothers. Topics are most appropriate for first time moms, but new moms with other children are also welcome to attend. Register here.
Bust a Move!
Children love to move. Physical activity is great for growing bodies and minds. Keeping our bodies healthy and strong equips us for adventures (and challenges) that lie ahead. Learning new physical skills can also boost kids’ confidence, which is a key part of resilience. Here are a few activities that help build movement skills:
Jump the river. Create a “river” using masking tape or chalk, then invite kids to jump across
Weather wave. Move like the weather: swirl like the wind, wiggle your fingers like rain, stomp and clap like thunder
Move-along story. Turn any book into a move-along story by using your body to act out what’s happening
For more ideas, watch the video from Sesame Street.
"H" is for Hope
Crucial to an “I can do it” attitude is having a deep-rooted sense of hope. They may not know what will happen next, but hope helps children focus on their goals and believe they can achieve them. It may not be easy, but having skills to build upon and reassurance that they are taken care of helps. Explore these ideas to foster hope in children:
- Ask about goals. “What would you like to do? I’ll help you do it.”
- Yes, you can. Encourage children by pointing out positive character traits. Say, “I believe you can because you are a hard worker.”
- I’m here. Remind your child that you and others are here to support them.
For more information from Sesame Street, click here.
Use Positive Language to Improve Your Child’s Behavior
The new year is a great time to implement positive language and parenting practices to improve your child’s behavior. As children get older and begin making their own choices, you may find yourself using phrases like “stop it” or “don’t do that.” Using positive language describes the behavior you would like your child to perform rather than focusing on the negative behaviors. For example, instead of telling your child to stop running in the house, you can ask your child to use their walking feet. This small shift in language changes the tone of your conversation and enables your child to make logical connections which helps to clarify behavior expectations. Using positive language can lead to fewer tantrums, less whining and challenging behaviors, and can empower your child to make appropriate choices. The way we communicate with our children has a significant impact on their behaviors. The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations recommends that parents replace “don’t" with “do” - click the link to learn more about using positive language with your child.
Snoozefest: Tricks to Make Bedtime Easier
Getting a good night’s sleep can be a big problem for children with ADHD. Research reveals that twenty percent of children with ADHD have difficulty falling or staying asleep. That is three times the rate among children who don’t have the condition. Another study has found that sleep problems are also common for parents of children with ADHD. When children are awake, it’s difficult for parents to get to sleep. ADDitude provides tips parents can use to help their children sleep better. Tips include setting a bedtime schedule, practicing relaxation exercise and keeping the bedroom dark. Although it’s not easy dealing with sleep issues, it is worth the effort for the entire family.
Nine Light and Healthy Post Holiday Dinners
The holidays are over, and you may be feeling a little guilty about how many cookies you ate or how much turkey and stuffing was consumed. The new year offers an opportunity to get back on track. Once Upon a Chef has created nine recipes to combat holiday overindulgence. The recipes are light in calories and full of flavor. Try one or all of them to share with your family.
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