Provider News & Info

April 2023

We're replacing our claims payment system in phases. Here's what you need to know.

We would like to remind you that we're in the process of replacing our claims payment system in phases based on when a member's plan year begins (January, May, July, or September). Some PEHP members were migrated to the new system on September 1, 2022, and January 1, 2023. The next big migration will occur on July 1, 2023, which will include more than 100,000 members.


Since PEHP will be paying claims from two systems until September 2023, you need to submit claims with the correct ID number (as shown on the PEHP ID card) using the correct Provider Portal.


To avoid delays in payment, make sure to do the following:

  • Ask to see your patient's ID card at every visit. They will have a new card for the new plan year.
  • Bill services before the end of a patient's current year to the 174100 number using the Classic Portal.
  • Bill services after the start of a patient's new plan year to the M000 number using the New Portal.

If you need help finding something, check out these handy how-to guides and videos.  

How-to Guides & FAQs

Answers to FAQs

Got questions about the new claims payment system and the new Provider Portal?

Find answers to frequently asked questions:

  • How do I view remittance advice/EOP for a claim?
  • How do I check claim status?
  • How do I add office users to my new Provider Portal?
  • And much more!
Get Answers

Disagree how a claim was paid? How to appeal.

We recently made changes to the provider appeal process. Effective January 2023, all providers must submit a First Level Appeal Form.

As part of the appeal process, the provider must: 

  • Identify with specificity PEHP’s error in processing a claim or making a decision.
  • Include relevant documentation and identify the page number and sections that support your position.
  • Detail how the claim or decision should be corrected.
  • Each appeal must cover a single claim unless the same error, same documentation, and same correction apply for bundled claims.
Learn More

Spotlight: Your new PEHP account

Thank you for creating a new PEHP online account. Here are some things you can do when you log in to your PEHP account:

  • Check the status of a claim.
  • View remittance advice/EOP.
  • Add office users from your practice for specific roles.
  • Verify member benefit eligibility.
  • And more!

Watch Video Overview

If you encounter issues with your new PEHP account, please notify us via the Message Center within your account and we’ll investigate it. 

Download User Guide
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