The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
January 4th, 2022
Amazon donates .5% of the price of eligible purchases to a charitable organization of your choice for the same Amazon products at the same prices. Please shop AmazonSmile and support the Bellevue High PTSA!
Our PTSA General Meeting will be held on Jan. 12th (Wednesday) in BHS library in person and through Teams. Dr. Anderson will have his Principal Coffee @ 8:15am, followed by our PTSA General Membership Meeting. Please join us and find out all we are doing to make this school year great. Our PTSA board members and committee chairs will be there to answer any questions you may have.
Principal Coffee & PTSA General Membership Meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-800-4133,,653468693#  United States, Seattle 
Phone Conference ID: 653 468 693# 
Please do not hesitate to contact PTSA co-presidents with any questions
Or contact our board/committee members directly
Jungyeol Kim and Rebekah Brown
Co-Presidents of BHS PTSA
Great news! So far, we already raised $67,075 for our “Make an Impact” fundraising campaign! We are so close to our $70,000 goal this year. One of the best ways for parents to support our school is donating to our school PTSA. Please keep on joining us in supporting our students, teachers and school by donating to the PTSA Make an Impact Campaign! Donations help pay for an additional mental health counselor at BHS, college preparation and counseling as well as grants to various academic, athletic and school clubs. Every donation, no matter the size, will help. Donate today and Make an Impact! 

Please Donate at:
($1000 or more)
Gordon Lyon & Rebekah Brown
AJ and Mike Brush
Sharon and Gena Chang
Leslie ang David Feller
Christine Grieve
Nobuyoshi Kageyama
Meghan Lewison
Jialing Liu & Zu Wu Liao
Lijiang Fang & Loretta Tao Liu
Matt Millen & Kim Millen
ThuVan Pham
Joe & Michelle Razore
Amy Reller
Jungyeol Kim & Steve Cho
Jennifer Stelly
Xiong Wang
Christi Whitten
Xiaojun Zheng
Bharti Arora
Susan Audia
Jing Bai
Zannah Becker
Laura Bede
Lisa Pujol Boe
Stephanie Brown
Carrie Browne
Jingjing Cai
Yujie Cao
Patty Carrel
Namhee Kim Chae & Wonseok Chae
Xiaohua Chen
Sarah Chese more
Sungyun Choi
Christi Clark
Jeff Cody
Hongling Da
Thien-Di Do
Jun Fan
Shalisan Foster
Janice Friedman
Carlos de Torres Gimeno
Kathy Green
Rachel Hall
Patrick & Beth Halvorsen
Langfei He
Kerry Hill
Danwen Huang
Hui Huang
Kathleen Isdith
Kate Jack
Karin Johnson
Dana Kaefer
Jasmine Kim
John Klym
Ashley Koo
Michelle Lai
Josephine Lee
Melissa Lloyd
Hui Li
Mingqin Li
Na Li
Yuhong Li
Carl Lombardi
Jing Ma
Heather Mckay
Miao Meng
Connie Min
Lesly Mohr
Glyn and Jim Nordtrom
Yoko Omori
Hwa Park
Minshik Park
Youngchul Park
Brenda Pick
Sandi Plenge
Heather Serres
Dian Schuler
Troy Tidwell
Denise Stolte-Reinisch
Mellissa Rohde
Melody Rong
Ally & Scott Svenson
Simon and Lucille Tam
Jeff & Jody Tangney
Jack Tang 
Yin Yin Wang
Elizabeth Westburg and Bradley Wheeler
Tony Williams
Michelle Whitten
Jennifer Whittier
Cony Wong
Gilbert Wong
Xin Wang & Hongyu Wu
Leong Xu
Liang Xu
Yanli and Leon Xu
Joanna Yin
Junhua Wang and Xun Zhang
Cathy Zhang
Xiaojun Zheng
Vishal Anand
Rakhi Aggarwal
Thomas Bailey
Charles A Borberg
Dawn Brandl
Julia Braun
Feng Cai
Dan Casey
Fernando Campos
Hongxia Chen
Xiaolei Chen
Dmitry Chesnokov
Angela Cho
Polly Colby
Merin Designs
Yuanyuan Duan
John Ederer
Farnaz Farringer
Sean Floyd
Holly Furr
JianXia Gao
Hyangjin Hong
Nancy Huenefeld Gese
Wei Han
Wei Huang
Kathrine Hauser
Cathryn Heed
Dustin Ingalls
Stephen Jiang
Ying Jiang
Rebecca Johnston
Jungmin Kang
In Yung Kim
Janna Lee
Judy Lee
Marianne Lachini
Yan Liang
Mingqin Li
Qiuya Li
Steve and Cindy Linkon
Cristy Livingston
Meiling Liu
Julia May
Hyun Jin Kwon
Carolyn Oliveira
Tina Pappas
Svetlana Pestova
Hoifung Poon
Yijing Qian
Youshen Qiu
Liz Quinn
Mazie Park
Annie Roth
Christine Schultz
Alper Selcuk
Xiaofei Shi
Mi Shin
Dosung Sohn
Tanya Stoney
Christine Strandell
Fangting Sun
Jing Sun
Yang Sun
Kayo Takashima
Satoshi Tanimoto
Claudia Tanaka
Yu Tao
Ning Tian
Yanli Tong
Amy Tsai
Kylee Tonkin
Joni Scalzo-Ulfwengren
Ellen Wang
Laura Weingaertner
Jongin Wong
Kayo Yamaji
Kai Pung Yim
Asako Yoshimura
Lanfang You
Melissa Young
Dongchen Zhang
Yong Zhao
Zhongwei Zhou
If your company offers matching, please take a moment to submit a match request and stretch your donation. Bellevue High PTSA’s tax id number is 91-1459440. 
Should you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Bellevue High PTSA and mail it to 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004.
Got questions?
Contact Loretta Tao Liu at
Thank you very much for your support! 
The 2021-22 Wolverine Guard Program is going strong!  We already have received applications and hours for some students.  For those who aren’t familiar with it, WG is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year.  Students who complete the WG requirements earn a certificate of recognition and who get WG two years during high school, get a special tassel at graduation. 

For current guidelines, rules and required forms for WG 2021-22, please go to the BHS PTSA website, and look under BHS PTSA Programs.   

As a reminder: The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District's volunteer hours requirement for graduation.  However, hours that are earned to meet graduation requirements may also be used to meet WG requirements. You will need to download WG forms off of our website to both record your hours (and get supervisor’s signatures!) and the WG Application form.  Thank you to those students who are supporting people through giving your time and energy. You do make a difference! 

Please contact Patti Liffick or Nancy Huenefeld Gese (Your WG Co-Chairs) at with any questions that you have.  

Monday January 3rd
Girls JVC Basketball vs. Mount Si @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm

Tuesday January 4th
Boys JVC, Junior Varsity, & Varsity Basketball vs. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Girls Wrestling at Redmond High School 6:30pm
Wednesday January 5th
Girls JVC vs. Highline High School, Girls Junior Varsity & Varsity vs. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm

Thursday January 6th
Boys Swimming and Diving vs. Hazen High School & Renton High School @ Hazen High School Pool 3:00pm
Wrestling at Lindbergh High School with Highline High School and Interlake High School 6:00pm
Girls Gymnastics at Skyline High School with Inglemoor High School & Lindbergh High School 7:00pm
Friday January 7th
Boys JVC Basketball at Mercer Island High School @ MI Boys & Girls Club PEAK Gym 4:00pm
Boys and Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Basketball at Mercer Island High School JVG 3:30pm, JVB 5:00pm, Varsity Girls 6:30pm, Varsity Boys 8:00pm
Saturday January 8th
Drill Team at Newport High School Invitational 12:00pm
Boys JVC, Junior Varsity, & Varsity Basketball at Mariner High School JVC 4:15pm, JV 4:15pm (main gym), Varsity 6:00pm
Go Bellevue!!! Be well…
John Hill
Athletic Director
Bellevue High School
Please come cheer on the Girl’s JV and Varsity Basketball Teams at our Home Game against Juanita Ravens this Wednesday, January 5th. JV game starts at 5:40 and Varsity at 7:15.
The first 50 students to come the games will receive a gift card for a free slice of pizza from Pagliacci Pizza!
See you there!
Fill out the form below and mail with check, payable to BHS PTSA, mail to: 
Bellevue High PTSA Membership, 10416 Wolverine Way, Bellevue WA 98004 

Attachment with form; 
Calendar Of Events
BHS Community Corner
Description: Pacific Art Alliance (PAA) is a 501C non-profit organization founded by high school students in 2015. Our mission is to utilize art and expression to benefit people who are in need. We provide a source of inspiration, motivation, creativity, and education for children by hosting artistic seminars in schools, libraries, and other public venues. We are inviting more students to join PAA this year and lead the activities including planning events, teaching art seminars, and doing web development etc. If you are interested, please email Alyssa Lin at

For general information about PAA, please visit our website:
Help us launch the 2021-2022 school year by participating in bellevue School Foundation's annual fundraising drive. The Foundation's initiatives support 20,000 students, enrolled in 20 schools, and allow all students to achieve higher levels of academic success and social-emotional well-being, regardless of language, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and special needs.
The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
  •   School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
  •   Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

Ellen Wang

PTSA Secretary

Neil Chang

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Athletic Trainer: Ashley Lopez

BHS Main Office
