Wednesday, July 28, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
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Computational methods for analyzing scRNAseq data
in health and disease

Martin Hemberg, Ph.D. carried out his graduate work in theoretical systems biology at Imperial College London under the supervision of Professor Mauricio Barahona. He was a post-doc in the Kreiman lab at Boston Children’s Hospital, working on analyzing ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data. In 2014, Martin moved to Cambridge, UK, to start his research group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute where his work has focused on the developing methods for analyzing single-cell RNA-seq data. His field of research is computational genomics, and he is primarily interested in developing methods and models to help understand gene regulation. In addition, Martin has a long history of collaborating with experimental groups, mainly in neurobiology, helping them analyze and interpret their data. At BWH, he will continue the same type of research, although he is planning on working on applications related to cancer and immunology.

Steps to claim CME credits for BWH Neurology Grand Rounds 2020-2021:
Text this code "FASJOQ” to 1-857-214-2277.
  1. A link will be sent to your email. Click on the link and complete the evaluation. After you complete the evaluation, your CME will be recorded. You will then be able to download a PDF of your certificate.

If you have any questions about the CME credit, please contact Partners Office of Continuing Professional Development at

The MGB CPD Team welcomes your feedback on their CME process. Please email Tracy Young-Pearse, Ph.D. with your comments.  

Upcoming Schedule:
8/4/2021 - Canceled
8/11/21 - Sashank Prasad
8/18/21 - Jackie Solomon
8/25/21 - Michelle Jones-London
9/1/21 - Humsa Venkatash
9/15/21 - Neurodegenerative Case Conference
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For questions, please contact Seminar Directors Tracy Young-Pearse, Ph.D. and William R. Renthal, M.D.,Ph.D.
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