HUD Comparable Database Requirements
September 2021

The Data Center at NCCEH is the HMIS Lead Agency for the NC Balance of State, Durham, and Orange CoCs. As HMIS Lead, we can provide some guidance and support for Victim Service Providers (VSPs) working with their HMIS Comparable Database vendors to maintain compliance with HUD.

Victim Service Provider agencies receiving HUD McKinney-Vento funds (Emergency Solutions Grant or Continuum of Care) funds are responsible for entering, managing, and storing project data in an HMIS comparable database. Per HUD, “To be truly a comparable database, it must be a relational database that meets all HMIS data standards and the minimum standards of HMIS privacy and security requirements. It also must be able to produce the comma separated values (.csv) files required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).”

We want to help you have the resources to get there!

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HUD Resources for VSPs
Below are the current HUD published regulations and guidance for FY2022 (which begins Oct 1, 2021), which can be used to guide the expectations to follow for creating and maintaining an HMIS comparable databases:

This document reviews the process to be taken to determine if an agency or project is required to use HMIS or an HMIS Comparable Database.

This tool can be used to measure compliance, but rather to ensure that the vendor provides software that meets the minimum privacy standards and data collection/reporting requirements in addition to meeting the needs of the community.

This guidance sets forth the requirements of HUD for all HMIS enrolled and HMIS comparable agencies as it pertains to privacy and security standards. This includes software security, data security, client privacy, and grievance rights.

This guidance sets forth requirements of HUD as it pertains to data collection. It can be used to help users understand the data elements that are required to meet participation and reporting requirements established by HUD. THESE NEW STANDARDS BEGIN 10/1/2021.
  • Interactive Tool - This site is helpful for looking up individual questions.
  • FY2022 HMIS Data Dictionary - This guidance is designed for vendors and agency system administrators to identify the data elements required and understand the function and specific use of each element.

This guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving ESG dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.

This guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving CoC dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.

This guidance explains how the federal Annual Performance Report (APR) for CoC funded projects and the federal Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for ESG funded projects, should be programmed to meet HUD’s standards. This tool should be reviewed by agencies, and their vendors.

If your agency is CoC funded for coordinated entry activities, these separate reporting programming specifications are required for Coordinated Entry APRs.
NCCEH Resources for VSPs
Immediate Resources
As mentioned in the section above, the Data Standards are being updated on October 1st. If you and your staff need a review of what is changing, you're welcome to view our recorded FY 2022 Data Standards Training here or view the slides.

Ongoing Resources
Because comparable databases use the same Data Standards as HMIS, the Data Center has a few other resources that you can use!
  • Paper Data Collection Forms that include the required questions for each project type. You can review and print them here. (Keep in mind, new FY22 Data Standards will be updated 9/30)
  • Data Standards trainings explain and review the basic questions and what HUD means by them.
  • Ask our Helpdesk questions:
Reminders and notes
More HUD Resources - AAQ and TA
Since the Data Center cannot see into your comparable database (which is the whole point!), sometimes HUD can be the best direct resource.
  • HUD Ask A Question (AAQs) can be helpful for confirming the application of a standard or pushing a vendor to take steps for compliance.
  • HUD is offering Technical Assistance to VSPs trying to develop a truly comparable database. This connects you with an individual expert to provide in-depth program assistance.

Interested in updates?
You're invited to join our HMIS email listserv, monthly HMIS Users Meetings, and/or Annual Trainings to stay up to date! Just know that some content will not apply to your software. We also post all of our meetings on the News Archive page along with slides for reference. We hope to see you there!

Thank you for all of your hard work to make sure all of our neighbors find a safe home.
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |