Wednesday, Sept. 11

Banner. Inside ASI Student Government Newsletter
Inside Student Government provides weekly summaries of all major board meetings within student government - the Judiciary, President's Cabinet, Business and Finance Committee (BFC), Lobby Corps, and the Senate/Board of Directors - as well as monthly summaries of University Student Union and Student Recreation & Wellness Board of Trustees (URECBOT) meetings.


Hey Beach!

I hope everyone’s had a great start to the semester here at The Beach! I’m proud of all of you for making it these past two weeks! With the hot weather, remember to stay hydrated and find some shade. Now, let’s dive into what’s coming up at ASI!

Ballot Bowl Competition: We’re competing against other CSUs to register as many students as possible to vote. Let’s beat Fullerton and win the Ballot Bowl! Use this link to register to vote or verify your registration: Online Voter Registration | California Secretary of State. Whether you register or just check your status, it counts toward our score in the competition!

Smorgasport: Get ready for an evening of excitement and entertainment at Smorgasport! Join us Sept. 13 from 6 to 10 p.m. in parking lots G3 and E1. This fantastic carnival-themed event, hosted by Beach Pride Events (BPE), is completely free and open to all Long Beach students! Come by for a night filled with fun activities, games and delicious food. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy a vibrant community experience—spread the word and make sure everyone knows about this unmissable event!

Senate Meetings: Join your ASI Senate every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in USU 234! Stop by to hear discussions on important topics and share your concerns or suggestions with your student representatives. Your Senators are here to represent you and assist with anything you may need on campus.

USU Beach Balance: Check out the Beach Balance Office in USU 313! Beach Balance offers a variety of services to help reduce stress and promote health or wellness. My personal favorite is the full-body massage chairs, which you can reserve through the SRWC Go app!

Long Beach State has so many resources and experiences to offer, so take the time to explore different parts of campus! You never know what you’ll discover or who you’ll meet. One of my favorite hidden gems is the statue of Po from Kung Fu Panda by the Fine Arts Building. Legend has it, touching his paw brings good luck on midterms and finals! Don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Go Beach,

Matt Melendrez

ASI Executive Vice President

ASI Government Judiciary branch
Biweekly on Mondays - 12:30 p.m.

The Judiciary did not meet. An update for the next Judiciary meeting will be provided soon.

To learn more about the Judiciary, click here.

Descriptive flayer for Beach Team. Read below for more information.
President's Cabinet


Mondays - 2:30 p.m.

The President's Cabinet did not meet. An update for the next President's Cabinet meeting will be provided soon.

To learn more about the President's Cabinet, click here.

Descriptive flyer for the Weekly Farmer's Market. Read the description below for more information.
Business & Finance Committee ASGV


Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m.

The Business & Finance Committee (BFC) met Sept. 3 to approve its minutes, listen to unfinished business and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Randig.

Action Items Summary:

  • Business and Finance Committee Agenda, Meeting #4, Aug. 13 – PASSED
  • Business and Finance Committee Minutes, Meeting #3, July 23 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Iris Lieu, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Annual Meeting – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Maegan Schmitz, HFES International Annual Meeting 2024 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Mai Phuong Pham, HFES International Annual Meeting 2024 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Jenny (Hao) Tran, HFES International Annual Meeting 2024 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Jaclyn Caballero, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Live 245 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Nicholas Chow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) VIS 2024 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Zhangying He, Design Automation Conference (DAC) The Chips to Systems Conference 2024 – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Heer Kirtibhai Shah, 29th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC2024) – PASSED
  • Student Travel Fund Grant, Annie Lin, Society for Neuroscience Conference (SFN) 2024 Annual Meeting – PASSED
  • 2024-25 CYUF Funding Guidelines (2nd Reading) – PASSED


  • Andre Achacon, ASI Vice President of Finance – Finalized Financial Empowerment Workshops' keynote speaker, Brielle Bryant-Erales. Planned meeting with College of Business (COB) Dean Mark Suazo to discuss support in providing certificates for the Financial Empowerment Workshops. Completed 3 out of 8 Fiscal Certification Trainings for student organizations. Announced they are working with Zamors and ASI Communications on BFC webpage revisions. Stated they are working with David Roman on finalizing 2023-24 VPF Tu's sponsorship packet. Joined meeting on potential USU capital project donor. Completed ASI Fall 2024 Government Retreat. Stated they are focusing on student organization outreach.
  • ASI Senate Representatives – Announced they are working on a meeting for a resolution writing workshop. Discussed they are working on an outreach campaign. Said Senate Audit Committee exit meeting is next week.
  • CSULB Representatives – There was none.
  • Dr. Miles Nevin, ASI Executive Director – There was none.

To learn about the Business & Finance Committee, click here.

Trash Talkers descriptive flyer. Read the information below for more details.


Thursdays - 3:30 p.m.

Lobby Corps met Sept. 5 to approve minutes, discuss new business and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Regina.

Action Items Summary:

  • Lobby Corps Agenda, Meeting #1, Sept. 5 – PASSED
  • Lobby Corps Minutes, Meeting #23, May 9 – PASSED
  • Approval of 2024-25 ASI Lobby Corps Working Rules – PASSED
  • Election of one (1) ASI Lobby Corps Vice Chair, Jacob Tauro – PASSED


  • Nikki Majidi, ASI PresidentReported on work completed, current projects, upcoming events/meetings and Ballot Bowl updates.
  • ASI Lobby Corps Representatives at-Large – Tauro had recent conversations about voter registration partnership opportunities with League of Women Voters and the Long Beach Young Democrats. Zendejas tabled at Week of Welcome.
  • ASI Senate RepresentativesNieto stated they are working with ASI Senator Obert to craft language to include voter registration in the 5 Classes Presentation Senate Initiative. Garcia-Guerrero discussed setting meetings with directors to provide voter information/engagement and gather information on how to best support those who aren't eligible to vote. Rostampour suggested voter literacy initiative for the student organization leadership.
  • CSULB Associate Vice President University Relations’ Designee – Bugener touched upon the Beach Voter Coalition that is comprised of students, faculty, staff and community members. They announced Farmers Market tabling and the dates for the following events:
  • Sept. 10: Presidential Debate Watch Party and post-debate question/answer. Hosted by the Political Science Department in Lecture Hall 150.
  • Sept. 17: National Voter Registration Day and Constitutional Day
  • Oct. 10: Long Beach City Council District 4 Candidate Forum

To learn more about the Lobby Corps, click here.

University Student Union Board of Trustees (USUBOT)


First Friday of the Month - 1 p.m.

The URECBOT did not meet. An update for the next URECBOT meeting will be provided soon.

To learn more about the URECBOT, click here.


Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m.

The Senate met Sept. 4 to approve its agenda and minutes, hear member reports, discuss new and unfinished business including legislative and non-legislative business. Closing comments were heard from Melendrez.

Action Items Summary:

  • Senate Agenda, Meeting #4, Sept. 4 – PASSED
  • Senate Minutes, Meeting #3, Aug. 7 – PASSED
  • Business and Finance Committee (BFC) Minutes, Meeting #2, Jul. 23 – PASSED
  • University Student Union & Student Recreation and Wellness Center (UREC) Board of Trustees Minutes, Meeting #1, Jun. 14 – PASSED
  • UREC Board of Trustees Minutes, Meeting #2, July 12, 2024 – PASSED
  • BOD #2025-03 Election of one (1) ASI Senator, College of Engineering, Paris Talebi – PASSED


  • Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reviewed work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
  • Andre Acachon, ASI Vice President of Finance –  Reviewed available grant funding, work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
  • Odalys Zamora, ASI Associate Director, Government Affairs and Initiatives – Thanked those who tabled at a successful Week of Welcome (WOW) Day 1 and reminded tablers of Day 2.

To learn more about the Senate, click here.

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