Stories from the Stacks

The Monthly Liaison: June 2024

Version en español

Fifty-one teachers from around southern Idaho filled the Lecture Hall June 12-14

to study how children learn to read.

Around Words

A teacher from Stone - a town on the Idaho/Utah border with a single school that covers just kindergarten-3rd grade (and only two teachers for the whole school) - stood next to a teacher from an elementary school in Idaho's biggest metropolitan area, Boise.

A teacher from Sun Valley Community School stood next to a teacher from the one-room school in Leadore, a tiny ranching enclave south of the town of Salmon.

Fifty-one teachers from around southern Idaho formed a circle in the Library's Lecture Hall.

Between them all, they teach nearly a thousand students. Some of those students have only known their small Idaho town. Some have arrived in recent months from Texas, California, Ghana, Peru.

All of those students need to learn to read.

These teachers are intent on helping them. They gathered at The Community Library in the first days of their summer break for the third annual Sun Valley Early Literacy Summit, because they believe in the urgency of literacy, and they believe in the capacity of their students to learn.

So those teachers huddled at tables and over big sheets of paper, around words and around a shared commitment to help every child learn to read. When they made a big circle to practice a teaching exercise together, it was like a parachute rising.

Jenny Emery Davidson, Ph.D.

Executive Director

The Lemonade Stand

Building Community: One Book, Activity,

and Cup of Lemonade at a Time

By DeAnn Campbell

Children's and Young Adult Library Director

DeAnn boards the Bloom Truck to showcase its reach and results in the Wood River Valley.

One hot summer day my brother and I decided to embark on the entrepreneurial hallmark of childhood and have a lemonade stand. Equipped with a rickety card table, a hand stenciled sign, and a stack of paper cups, we set up shop on our front lawn. My mother supplied a pitcher of lemonade with an extra measure of sugar. We had never had a lemonade stand before.

We were excited: it was a scorching hot day and we were going to be rich.

We sat on the front lawn and waited for our customers. We waited. And waited. And waited.

After a while, we realized that our location was not ideal. We lived eight miles from a one-stoplight-town along a very rural road. I am not sure when we gave up. I think our determination lasted several hours. During that time, a total of two cars passed by. Neither of them stopped.

For us, summer was a magical time, but it was also a time of isolation. We weren’t saddled with the rigors of the school day, but we lived far away from anyone else and spent a lot of time alone.

As I traveled this week with the Bloom Truck – a partnership between The Hunger Coalition and The Community Library to bring free lunch and free books to the children of the Wood River Valley – I was struck by the sense of community at the locations we visited. The lunches were delicious, the books were colorful and fun...

...but I was particularly excited by the way that kids and families came together to socialize, interact, and play.

At the Bloom truck, I watched one child hold the blue drink dispenser so a new friend could push the spout and get a cup of lemonade. I thought about the day I spent with just my brother waiting along a dusty country road for someone, anyone. Here at The Community Library, we hope that the Bloom Truck is part of the magic that is summer. It brings delicious food. It brings fun, engaging books. Our community partners bring activities for kids.

More than all that, though, the Bloom Truck brings people together. It builds community. Our community. Come visit. Find our schedule in English and Spanish here.

You Can Submit an Acquisition Request!

Looking for a book that’s not on our shelves?

We can help! Fill out our Online

Acquisition Request form, and we’ll do

our best to get what you’re looking for.

We’ll either purchase the item, or we’ll borrow it from another library via Inter-library Loan. Both options are free.

Acquisition Requests are received by Library Collections Manager Aly Wepplo. Aly holds a master’s degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. She works to maintain a relevant and responsive collection that meets the needs and interests of our users. Request a book today 

and help build our library’s collection.

Herald from the Hemingway House

“I am not a writer but a dancer, and yet the Hemingway House has stirred the well of creativity in more ways than one. This place invites one to list and hear nature’s great orchestra, to observe and witness the transitions of time, and to express by any means the gratitude one feels for the gift of being alive. Music sounds better here, books enchant more, and the desire to dance is ever present. Thank you to all the lovely people I met, for the inspiration.”

~Dana Genshaft, Dancer, Choreographer, Educator, and

Artistic Director at SFDanceworks

Recommended Titles

We're celebrating summer at The Community Library, with special reading programs - that include prizes! - for everyone from preschoolers to adults. Why? Because adventure begins at your library!

Our librarians have curated some of the hottest, coolest, and most compelling reads for your summer reading adventures.

Find these and more recommendations, across genres, here.

Adults Main Collection

by Hampton Sides

New Books Nonfic

910.92 SID

by Dolly Alderton

New Books Fiction


by Ruth Ware

New Books Fiction



by Erik Larson

Available in print and eAudiobook on Boundless

by Xochitl Gonzalez

Available in print, and eAudiobook on Libby

by David Baldacci

Available in print, eBook, and eAudiobook

Spanish Titles

por Javier Zamora

en Languages Spanish


por Brene Brown

en Languages Spanish


por Elizabeth Acevedo

en Languages Spanish


Young Adult

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Young Adult New


by Jenna Evans Welch

in YA Fiction


ed. Stephanie Perkins

YA Fiction



by Steven Rinella

Children's New

J 796.5 RIN

by Galen Goodwin Longstreth

Picture Books


by Sarthak Sinha

Picture Books


Spanish - Juvenile

por Jesús Trejo

Children's New


por Mo Willems

Juv Easy Spanish


por Megan McDonald

Juv Easy Spanish


Sip, Shop & Celebrate at J.McLaughlin

Join us for sips, summer shopping, and a celebration of The Community Library... J.McLaughlin from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 5. 15% of all sales will go to help support books, literacy, and programs at

The Community Library. J.McLaughlin is located at 520 Fourth Street East in Ketchum. We look forward to seeing you there!

And don't miss the Wood River Museum

of History and Culture 

two doors east on 4th Street!

THANK YOU to Our May Donors

"The Pokemon saves people." 

Ethan describes the books he loves most.


100 Men Who Care

Anonymous (1)

Ann Adamson Leonardo

Judith Austin

Virginia Bachman

McNair and Will Bailey

Janet Barsy and Larry Altman

Julene Bassett

Susan and Arnold Blair

Karen Bliss

Hillarie and Taylor Brigode

Amanda and Sam Brown

Elaine Bryant

Carina-Anne and Dr.

Anthony Buoncristiani

Christina E. Carroll-The Bundy

Family Foundation

Lucy Chubb

Lindy Cogan

Russell Crawforth

Cherie and Steve Crowe

Priscilla and Hillyard R. Danforth

Heather Flood Daves and Art Daves

Donna Delahorne and Andrew Tian

Sara Donkersloot

Ann M. Down

Ramona and Will Duke

Catherine Ehrlich

Kathleen Fox-Limburg and Wallace


Dr. Jory G Magidson and

Caren Frankel

Nancy and Gary G. Goodenough

Jill Grossman and Andrew Fradkin

Courtney Hamilton

Eileen Matthews Hansen

Roberta and Thomas Heinrich Jr.

Mary and Alan Hogg

Barbara and Daniel Hurlbutt

Benjamin Huynh

Courtney and Ron Jelaco

Gurumukh Khalsa and

Jason McIlhaney

Cathleen A. Leamy

Robin Leavitt and Terry Friedlander

Brandon Lever

Leslie and Jon Maksik

Kevin Marsh

Mary Maxam

Connie McGowan

Kyla Merwin

Victoria and Ted Miller

Susan Moscrip and David Hummon

Andrea Nelson and Rod Harten

Holbrook Newman and Geoff Isles

Martha Olson

Robert Ordal

Bundy Family Foundation-

Kristin E. Orr

Sue Padden

Harriet Parker Bass and

Dr. Richard Bass

Sara and Ben Pettit

Maxwell Reniers

Kathryn Keefer Reynolds

Cheryl and James Rice

Beverley Robertson

Nancy and Dr. David Sheffner

Jeannie Shroads

Jessica and Jeff Sisson

Clare Swanger

Amy Trujillo

Chris and Dan Turner

Karl Uri

Ellen Usenik and Jonathan Roman

Charlotte Van Duser

Leslie and Jason Vontver

Carol and Mike Wade

Lisa and Greg Wendt

Julie Weston and Gerhardt Morrison

Lisa and Dave Whorton

Willard and Pat Walker Charitable


Mary Katherine and James Williams

Susan H. Wolford

Margie Woodward


Maggie Baxter in memory of Lyman Drake

Peter Henderson in memory of Lyman Drake

Connie Hoffman in memory of Les Reid

Joanne and Terry Hogue in memory of Jan Mason

Holbrook Newman and Geoff Isles in honor of Frances Newman

Duella Scott-Hull and Tom Hull in honor of Sheri Kostal

Mary Tyson Paisley in memory of James Paisley

Carter and Wayne Hedberg Schmidt in memory of Lyman Drake

Page Turner Society

Robyn and Todd Achilles

Susan and Brad Brickman

Daphne Coble and Patrick Murphy

Kathleen Diepenbrock and Kelley Weston

Claudia and John D. Gaeddert

Diana Hewett

Kevin Lavelle

Patrick J. McMahon II

Kyla Merwin

Elaine Phillips

Narda Pitkethly

Gay Weake

Anita Weissberg

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out of Your Investments?

The Community Library is supported by people who are believers

in learning, literacy, and libraries.


You might want to consider making a gift from your investments including appreciated stock, donor advised fund, or a qualified charity distribution to support the mission of The Community Library. Director of Philanthropy, Carter Hedberg, is here to assist you. 

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