October 2021
Happy Halloween!
October is here and for us at Nature’s Treasures that means it's time for our 16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Sale starting October 16th and running until November 14th. It sure is a good thing we started preparing for this event months ago. Yes, we will still have our auditorium filled with tables full of merchandise for you to choose from but we’re not sure how much new inventory we’ll have after the holidays. Due to the impact of COVID on shipping and supplies, they are advising shoppers to start their holiday shopping now to ensure product availability and lower sticker pricing as eventually these extra charges caused by COVID are going to trickle down to consumers.

As I’m sure you have heard in the news, getting merchandise bought and delivered is becoming a nightmare. A container of minerals from China that once cost $700 for two week shipping, now costs $4,000 and took over 4 months to arrive. The shipping conditions at the LA port is so backlogged ships are having to float at sea for over 2 months and they now charge double plus to cover the cost of not being able to travel for more product to deliver. Once the containers are unloaded they are forced to sit in the yards incurring storage fees every day starting at $250-$500 per day because they can’t find truck drivers to deliver to destinations. In Brazil the mines are unable to fulfill orders not because of a lack of minerals or healthy workers, but because they can’t get cardboard or containers to pack the mined minerals in. Fortunately we have had orders in for months and have a huge list of vendors we have been doing business with for years, so we will be able to maintain stock inventory for a while but the word on the street is we won’t see the end of this mess until next year.

Holiday observations in October include Columbus Day on October 11th and be sure to not forget your boss on Bosses Day, October 16th. We have to give a shout out to National Fossil Day on October 13th and remember Mercury will go direct on October 18th. Of course Halloween on the 31st is your annual chance to try on an alternate personality so be brave and creative. Put a smile on your face and enjoy the freedom of being someone else for a day and stop by the shop to see how everyone here decides to dress up!

A quick reminder we will be out and about this month. On October 2nd and 3rd we’ll be at the 4th quarter Metaphysical & Holistic Life Expo at Norris Conference Center on Anderson Lane, and we will have a booth at the Austin Gem and Mineral Society at their Annual 2021 Gem Capers at Palmer Event Center on October 22-24. We also have a booth every month in San Antonio on the first Sunday of every month. Be sure to stop by and say hi, we’d love to see ya. All our booths offer products found in our retail location plus specialty items selected for each event. See below for more detailed information on these events.

Great news for our online store customers. Starting in September the online store has started offering the opportunity to purchase merchandise using our new installment payment process, just in time for holiday shopping. The online store has its own purchasing department, so be sure to check out what they have available. Oftentimes the online store receives products and special pricing we are unable to offer in the retail store. They just received a new small shipment that included a few polished pieces of Shungite from Karelia and some Lemurian Quartz from Brazil that is causing quite a buzz of excitement on our social media. You can check out our informative blogs, specials and selected goodies available online 24/7 at or just go to our web site and click on Shop Online.

Our daily practitioners are back in the store during the week now so check out who is available below.

We feel your love ❤️
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.

Karen and the Staff
16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Show
Coming Soon!!!
October 16th through November 14th
We are so excited to bring you new treasures from around the world! This year we continued with our new process of restocking inventory and have been steadily amassing pallets of orders in preparation for this event. In addition to limited supplies of some high demand stones like Carnelian, Rose Quartz and Aventurine, we will also be restocking some other popular stone choices and even bringing in some completely new finds like Malachite with Fluorite and the yet unnamed impact glass only available through us!

During the 16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Show we will have some event related protocols in place due to COVID-19. Many of you have been to our Trunk Shows during the pandemic, and may remember some of these protocols. First off, our Main Entrance will be moved to the Auditorium Doors, and our Exit Only will be where our main entrance normally is. We will have checkouts available at the Front Counter as well as in the Trunk Show. Our capacity will also be increased since we will have extra square footage, so up to 150 customers (200 if we reach Stage 3 by then) will be allowed in the Retail Showroom/Auditorium at a time. Our fans will be circulating air 24/7 to minimize the risk of COVID spreading. Please remember to BRING YOUR MASKS as we will have a limited number of masks available for purchase.

If you would like to receive our weekly announcements and features, please Subscribe to receive Special Events e-mails below!

Sign-Up HERE!
OCTOBER UPDATES: COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Please Visit Our Website for Full Information
Nature's Treasures will continue to review recommendations made by local government and the Center for Disease Control to move forward in a socially responsible way to best support staff, customers, the community and the economy.

If you would like to be added to a COVID-19 Response Notification to stay updated on the Nature's Treasures plan-of-action, please update your e-mail subscriptions HERE.
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
Shipping Orders Daily

Free Standard Shipping for Domestic Order over $50.00
Free Local Curbside Pickup

Shop online with confidence -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Free Return Shipping. Details HERE.

Protect Your Package!
Customers are excited about our new Package Insurance!

Route Package Protection covers full replacement of missing, lost, stolen, or damaged packages, just add it to your order during checkout! Filing a claim is a snap, and replacements are shipped out promptly.
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!

Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
Satya Oodh Incense 15 Gram
International Best Seller!

Online Exclusive

Mother Earth Fragrance Oil

Online Exclusive

Selenite Windows from Mexico
Limited Stock Available -- Online Only

Available in Jumbo Sizes too!
Aqua Aura Quartz Clusters!

Mined and processed in the US, these energetic clusters are favorites year after year!
Featured at the Counter
Chip Bracelets - RESTOCKED!
HUGE Assortment of Stones
In-House Cut & Polished Agates
Now Available in the Showroom!
Featured in the Depot
Rockhounding Tools & Equipment
Hammers, Chisels, Hand Lenses & More!
Lapis Lazuli A- and B-Grade
$21 Per Pound!
Featured in the Showroom
New: 2022 Calendars - Many others not pictured
Amethyst Clusters with attached stands
Coming Soon!
Thank you for your continued patience as we reorder and restock some of our most popular items! We hear your needs and are doing our best to order and process new inventory as quickly as possible despite the delayed supply chain due to COVID-19 (although things are getting better, many manufacturers and vendors had to reduce production or stop completely).
Keep an eye out on the Showroom Floor later this month for these and other popular items!
Stuffed Animals
Crystal Wisdom: Information & News
Zodiac Stones:
Crystals for Libra

Libra season is here, time to find your balance! Read Crystal Healing Expert Adrienne Goff's recommended stones to capture the essence of Libra for yourself!

Stones for Every Season:
Crystals for Transformation

Learn which crystals can help support each step of transformation and renewal as you change and grow in this lifetime.

Featured Agate - Alianza claim Laguna
From Chihuahua Mexico, this agate is known for its combination of beautiful contrasting color bands. New materials are in stock in the Depot.

This is a well known claim from the famous Laguna agate near Estacion Laguna south of El Paso, Texas about 150 miles.
Meet Our Staff

Nance has been an Event Coordinator with Nature’s Treasures. She recently has taken the seat as the Practitioner Coordinator. Nance has retired as an Optician. She loves learning and growing in her spiritual journey and is currently taking a Reiki course. In addition, she utilizes her intuitiveness, reflexology certification and massage training in ‘assisted touch meditation’. Nance applies her love for nature to have fun with photography, create gardens, having outdoor ‘round table’ visits with friends and hike and exploring with her grandson when a busy life allows her to do so.

"I am a quartz lover with a draw toward macrocrystalline quartz to include favorites of amethyst, Herkimer diamonds and just about any yummy sparkly quartz with rainbows that wink as I walk by."
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium will be available for events and classes once we reach Stage 3 or lower COVID designation!

The Studio will no longer be available.

Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event. 

Check our calendar for availability.
To schedule events, e-mail
October Practitioners
Daily Practitioners are Back!
We are so happy to welcome back our practitioners this month.
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:30a-5p.
Denise Nitti - Intuitive Reiki - 7th, 11th, 20th, 28th
Freedom Jennings - Reiki, Tarot 13th, 25th, 27th
Sheela Goodrich - Healer of Healers - 29th
Madam Zee - Magikal Life Coach - 5th, 14th, 19th
Tara Ventura - Psychic Medium - 1st, 15th
Kramer Wetzel - Astrology - 12th, 26th
Renatus Ren - 6th, 21st
Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Guide - 4th, 18th
Jamecha Dodd - 22nd
In the Community
Crystal Labyrinth for Meditation and Finding Peace
We decided to donate some new yard rock (calcite and chrysocolla) to one of our neighbors, St. George's Episcopal Church, so that they could spruce up their walking labyrinth that so many of our employees use for their own personal meditation on breaks. They excitedly got to work that very day and added some beautiful calcite to their newly landscaped courtyard as well!

"May Peace Prevail on Earth" and may peace be with us all as the world continues to turn and the seasons change.
Providing Safe Spaces for Our Friends at Maplewood Elementary School
As an active part of our neighborhood, when the neighborhood association reached out asking if we could help fund the neighborhood elementary school, Maplewood Elementary, to provide tables for outdoor seating during lunches and even some studies, we happily did out part to help minimize risk of COVID transmission in schools. Local news even went so far as to acknowledge the creative solutions put forth by our neighborhood parents and patrons.
Metaphysical & Holistic Life Expo
Enjoy Two Fairs for the Price of One! Austin's finest Holistic & Metaphysical Practitioners: Energy Workers, Reiki Practitioners, Essential Oils, Nutritional products and more.
  • Admission: $10
  • Days/­Hours Open: Sat 10am‑6pm, Sun 11am‑6pm
  • Address: 2525 West Anderson Lane #365, Austin, TX 78757
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
Sunday, October 3, in San Antonio!
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!

Gem Capers Show
October 23 | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CDT
October 24 | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm CDT

900 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78704 United States + Google Map
Phone: (512) 404-4500
Featured Affiliate - Austin Gem & Mineral Society
This past August, Chris and I had the opportunity to go on one of the Austin Gem and Mineral Society Field Trips. This trip was fairly local and took us just north of Leander, where we were able to dig for our very own Texas Calcite Clusters and Texas Celestite Nodules.

The adventure began at around 8:30a for the two of us as we got tools and supplies together such as heavy duty canvas bags to carry any treasures we might find, chisels, rock hammers, sledge hammers. We met with about 5 other members at the AGMS Clubhouse on Burnet Ln before heading out at around 9a.

We made our drive and ended up at the North San Gabriel River. After a short hike along the water, we came upon a limestone cliff; the home of dogtooth calcite clusters. After a couple of hours of chiseling out crystals from cavities in the cliff face we packed up our treasures and headed to the next site.

A short drive later, we found ourselves at another part of the San Gabriel River. We made our way down to the water's edge, excitedly looking around for celestite crystals. The trip leader came down and began
Colorless to yellow Calcite
Dogtooth (Scalenohedron) Clusters
Colorless to bluish-gray Celestite
large, broken-up Nodules
Colorless to bluish-gray Celestite
small, crystalline pieces w/ Cleavage
explaining what to look for, and it took us a while, but sure enough we found colorless to bluish-gray celestite along the river bed. Even in the short time we were digging some of the celestite started losing color when exposed to bright light!

We picked out our favorites to keep and gave the rest to Nature's Treasures to share with all of you in the store! Now you can get your very own local Calcite and Celestite, hand-picked by your Nature's Treasures Family!

We are so grateful to the Austin Gem and Mineral Society for making this trip possible and helping us find such amazing local treasures!

Click HERE to learn more about joining AGMS!
Our Affiliates
Karen in Amethyst

Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p

Visit for Holiday Hours 
Look For Us On Social Media