Thank you so much for your support in 2021. Because of your donations, Paws A Cure has been able to help 67 families by providing $30,532.22 in veterinary care for their furry family members. See the Paws Recipients at the bottom of this newsletter.

2021 has brought some extremely hard times for so many people. It also brought joy. I hope that 2022 is better for everyone. I wish for you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy new year.

This cartoon is very accurate as I fall asleep sitting up EVERY night with my hands on my laptop while working on Paws 4 A Cure. Whether it be processing applications for assistance, responding to applicants, approved Paws Recipients or veterinary practices, updating the Paws 4 A Cure website and Quickbooks, sending out tax deductible donation emails and so much more. Paws 4 A Cure is a labor of love for me.