Elementary School Sponsors:
Poppy and Bubby Ambush in memory of the Yahrtzeit of Esther Bas Aryeh Dov, loving great-grandmother of Shoshana Yaffa and Nechama Leeba Feintuch. We love YOU and are so proud of you.
Bubby Brown in honor of my granddaughters, Sara and Avigayil.
Savti Burstein on behalf of Huvi, Leah, and Rikki Burstein who would like to thank the principals, teachers, and support staff for a wonderful year.
Joel & Rachel Gedalius in appreciation of our daughters' teachers: Morah Shani, Morah Sara, Morah Nessia, Morah Neuberger, Mrs. Moskowitz, Miss Mandelbaum, Morah Rubin, Mrs. Herzog, and Miss Lerner. Thank you for a wonderful year.
Yitzy and Malki Goldberg in honor of Michal, Shaindy, and Connie's moros and for the incredible year they have given them.
Joyce Kalish in memory of Paul Kalish, Papa of Ilana Leipnik. May his neshama have an aliya.
Zaidy and Bubby Lesser in honor of our granddaughter Devora Lesser and all of her teachers.
Shloimie & Goldie Lesser in honor of Devora Lesser’s elementary graduation. With much appreciation to all of her preschool and elementary teachers.
Totty and Mommy Mikeladze wish a happy birthday to Chana Mikeladze whose birthday is on the 1st of the month of Sivan.
Motti and Anna Sheynman with gratitude to Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Berger for your hard work. It is very much appreciated. Chodesh Tov to our amazing daughter Dina Sheynman. We are so proud of you. Chodesh Tov to all of Dina's classmates and cousins Sima and Chani Sheynman.
Dovid and Rivka Weingot with tremendous Hakaras Hatov to the Bais Yaakov Family.
Abba and Mommy Simanowitz in honor of our daughter Tziporah Simanowitz, our BY kindergarten graduate!
Lower Middle School Sponsors:
Sponsored Anonymously with a lot of Hakaras Hatov to all the Middle School teachers and administrators for a fantastic school year!
Thank you to Mrs. Zapinksy for all of her hard work in coordinating the magnificent Mei'arba Kanfos Ha'aretz Immigration Fair. Sponsored Anonymously