August 27, 2021
What's FRWA Been Up To?
The Florida Rural Water Association is still out there every day doing everything in our power to help the water and wastewater systems in Florida. We have over 1950 water and wastewater members, with a total of over 2200 members. This year, we have had 157 new members enjoying an 8% growth rate. With the loss of systems due to consolidation and regionalization, we have still maintained a 96% retention rate. The stats below demonstrate what FRWA is doing for you!

• Made over 7500 onsite visits to utilities throughout the state averaging 1.9 hours spent per contact
• Driven over 700,000 miles to complete onsite visits
• Held 44 training sessions in the last year with 27 being certification preparation classes
• In the last 20 years, we have held over 2000 instructor led sessions with over 81,000 attendees
• Added over 148 different pieces of equipment with a value of over $342,000, giving us a total of $2.2 million dollars’ worth of equipment.
• Completed 106 Source Water/Groundwater Protection plans in the past two years.
• Assisted 235 different systems with engineering, consulting, and permitting assistance spending an average of fifteen hours on each project.
• In the last two years, we have assisted 149 systems with rates, fees, and similar studies
• Our Asset Management Program has had 154 referrals and completed 123 of them and are actively working on the other 31
• Our SRF Inspectors have completed 245 inspections in the last year

So, if someone asks you what FRWA can do for them. Just show them the list above!
Protect Against Active Exploitation of ProxyShell Vulnerabilities
CISA has published Current Activity: Urgent: Protect Against Active Exploitation of ProxyShell Vulnerabilities (TLP:WHITE) to the following URL:
ProxyShell consists of three CVEs (CVE-2021-34473CVE-2021-34523, and CVE-2021-31207), all of which are addressed by the Microsoft May 2021 security update. CISA recommends users and administrators identify and update vulnerable systems; threat actors have been observed exploiting ProxyShell vulnerabilities in the wild.
As COVID Limits Access To Chlorine,
Water Systems Ask EPA For Help
For the first time since the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established an avenue for water systems to request help with supply chain issues in 1974, they are using it to ask the federal government for chlorine-based treatment chemicals.

“Local water officials say they fear chlorine suppliers are prioritizing deliveries to swimming pools instead of local water utilities,” Bloomberg Law reported. “Water systems in California, Utah, New Mexico and New York turned to the [U.S.] EPA under Section 1441 [of the SDWA], which authorizes the Commerce Department to order supplies to provide chemicals to water systems in need.”

The chlorine shortage has likely been caused by ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as a happenstance disaster at a major supplier’s facility.

“As the pandemic forced families to stay at home, swimming pool demand surged while chlorine production sank,” Business Insider reported. “The supply of chlorine is still being limited by a Louisiana chlorine plant that caught fire last summer, cutting off a large percentage of the nation’s chlorine tablet supply… The Chlorine Institute said reports suggest the Louisiana plant will be out of order until 2022.”more
The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday issued a joint memo with the U.S. Department of the Army allowing states and tribes to extend the finalization process for water permits after a Trump-era rule imposed a one-year window.

The memo directs the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to wait the maximum amount of time to finalize 41 Nationwide Permits proposed under the act in September. The Trump-era rule provided a window of only a year to make a final decision under the Clean Water Act for oil and gas project permitting. While the CWA allows states and tribes to weigh in on projects that run through waterways, the 2020 rule reduced the approvals required at the state and tribal level.

The memo outlines scenarios under which state or tribal governments may take longer than a year to approve or deny projects, such as cases where “they identify factors and circumstances that warrant extending the reasonable period of time.” more
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Mitigation Grant Program
Open Application Period for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program
Begins September 30, 2021

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced the opening of the FY 2021 Application Period for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program. FEMA’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is attached and can be found at
The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) is soliciting eligible subapplicants to prepare and submit subapplications for the BRIC grant program. All subapplications must be submitted to FDEM via the FEMA GO grant application system on or before November 12, 2021 by 5:00 PM EST. Only complete subapplications will be accepted and reviewed.
A schedule of webinars supporting the FY2021 Notice of Funding Opportunity is attached. For information on training and resources on FEMA’s grant application system (FEMA GO), please visit FEMA’s website at or contact the FEMA GO Helpdesk at 1-877-611-4700 or via e-mail at
The attached FY 2021 BRIC Grant Program Fact Sheet provides Key FY 2021 BRIC Grant Program Changes and FEMA’s evaluation criteria and priorities. Detailed information regarding BRIC and application development can be found at and
City Of Durham, NC Improves Water Quality With 3-In-1 Hydro-Guard® Remote Pressure Monitoring, Sampling And Flushing Stations The City of Durham is committed to providing safe drinking water to a service population of more than 289,000.  more

La. town raises water rates as it struggles to pay bonds Water rates go up in town of Slaughter, revenues not enough for bond debt coverage. more

Lead contamination doesn’t come from the water itself, but rather pipes/fixtures that contain lead  Water systems test for lead regularly. If you’re concerned about the plumbing in your house, you can have your tap water tested. more

NRWA Presses for USDA Provisions in Congressional Infrastructure Bills as House Deals with Factional Brinkmanship on Both Bills The House of Representatives is scheduled to begin debate on two massive spending bills this week. more

Why USDA Water Funding Should Be Included in Both Spending Bills The communities most in need of assistance (those paying the highest percentage of income in water rates) get outcompeted in the EPA SRFs' programs because, coincidentally, they tend to be rural, small, and lack the sophistication to manage the application process. more

Sierra Club's Widespread Cultural Problems Revealed In Consulting Firm Report The forthcoming report will detail how one of the most influential environmental organizations has issues with race and equity in the workplace. more

The Taliban Do Not Have Technical or Managerial Expertise to Oversee
Afghanistan's Public Water System The takeover by the Taliban not only affects people’s immediate lives and security, but will also have long-term implications for the country’s and the region’s water security. more

High-tech Finds Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to PFAS  Pack It Up PFAS: Zume And Solenis Are Open-Sourcing A Recipe To Eliminate The Use Of ‘Forever Chemicals’. more

Water Systems with Chlorine Shortages Request Assistance from EPA Fifteen drinking water systems are asking the EPA for help (for the first time) obtaining chlorine amid a nationwide shortage under Section 1441 of the SDWA. more

EPA Stops Enforcement of Seminal WOTUS Case Last week, the Ninth Circuit ruled that EPA’s decision withdrawing an order to restore wetlands at a site in Idaho didn’t change the agency’s original finding that the property contained wetlands subject to protection under the Clean Water Act and that EPA could change its position under new leadership (lawyers). more

Tropical Update 08.26.21 There is a near 20% or 1 in 5 chance of tropical storm force winds for portions of the Panhandle (from Apalachicola to Pensacola), with about a 10% or 1 in 10 chance along the Florida Keys and West Coast. more

Tampa Bay Water suggests users cut back as COVID-19 saps oxygen supplies Hospitals and municipal water systems are in competition for crucial supplies of liquid oxygen. Facing a shortage, utilities are switching chemicals. more

Pipeline upgrade announcement for Palm Coast utility customers | Palm Coast Observer City officials do not anticipate any real impact on services; however, some customers could notice minor pressure and flow changes. more

A carrot, not a stick: Pasco wants to increase employee vaccine rates with bonus | Tampa Bay Times County employees who have been vaccinated would receive $500 bonuses. more

ECUA Approves Water, Sewer And Sanitation Rate Increases | North Escambia For the average water and sewer customer using 6,000 gallons per month, the added cost will be $1.06. more

JEA proposed fee increase could hurt future home-buyers | First Coast News The Northeast Florida Builders Association is warning future homeowners that buying their first house could get more expensive, due to a proposed JEA fee increase that would more than triple capacity fees. more

Century Accepts $468K In State Funds For Water Well Upgrades | North Escambia Century has three water wells — two provide drinking water to the residents of Century and one provides water exclusively to the Century Correctional Institution. more

Lynn Haven Adopts Stormwater Assessment; Tax Bills To Go Up Lynn Haven residents’ tax bills will soon go up to pay for stormwater costs. more

JEA discusses higher rates | Action News Jax A new push by JEA could have some local customers paying some of the highest water and sewer fees in the country. more

Doctor addresses Florida's coronavirus delta surge, including liquid oxygen shortage | WMNF Doctor addresses Florida’s coronavirus delta surge, including liquid oxygen shortage August 24, 2021 by Seán Kinane and filed under COVID19, News and Public Affairs. more

OUC sees slight drop in water usage over the weekend after asking customers to start conserving | WFTV The Orlando Utilities Commission saw a slight drop in water use over the weekend, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to where they need to be to keep up with demand as they wait for liquid oxygen deliveries to pick up. more

How Florida intends to reuse sewage water | A new mandate requires Florida utilities to transform sewage into drinking water without triggering the public's gag reflex. more

Orlando water supply threatened due to rising COVID-19, could Jacksonville be next? | First Coast News Orlando’s water supply is suddenly in jeopardy as surging COVID-19 creates shortage of liquid oxygen. more

Florida mayor urges water limits because of COVID-19 surge | Associated Press The mayor of the Florida city of Orlando asked residents on Friday to stop watering their lawns and washing their cars immediately, saying water usage needed to be cut back because of the recent surge of COVID-19 hospitalizations. more

Flood insurance map updates ahead | Jackson County Floridian A federal and a state agency are working together on updates to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps in the Apalachicola and Chipola watersheds, with those changes potentially having an effect on insurance rates and requirements for property owners. more

FEMA approves additional funds for Hurricane Michael recovery | WJHG FEMA has approved two additional grants totaling $7,427,525 to reimburse Mexico Beach and Panama City for recovery efforts following Hurricane Michael in 2018. more
This Week in Water History
New Sewage Pumping Station for Washington DC
August 22, 1908: The Engineering Record article. The New Sewage Pumping Station, Washington, DC. “The pumping station is…housed in a 138 x 304-ft. structure that is located centrally in a 200 x 6oo-ft. plot, between the lower extensions of New Jersey Ave. and Second St. and between N St. and the river. It is of steel frame and brick construction, with trimmings in light stone. The design of the building has been rendered particularly attractive architecturally for the purpose of concealing to a degree the purpose for which the station is intended, and the grounds surrounding the station have, in fact, been carefully parked and attractively laid out, rendering the structure a decided advantage to the locality….

The design of the sewage pumping equipment has, like that of the revised sewerage system…and the outfall, been based on the requirements for the handling of the dry weather sewage flow from a population of 1,000,000 inhabitants in the city. There are installed five sewage pumps in all, which have an aggregate capacity of about 360 cu. ft. of sewage per second, which is, however, a capacity largely in excess of the present normal requirements. Two of the sewage pumps are, in fact, reserve equipment, the flow capacity of the outfall line being but 250 cu. ft. per second.” more
To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.