September 2021
monthly newsletter
Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance
Annual Watershed Conference:
Aligning Actions for Clean Water

October 25-28, 2021
Virtual Conference
Our 2021 Annual Watershed Conference will be held virtually October 25-28, 2021, with a different session each day.

This year's conference theme is Aligning Actions for Clean Water. We will focus on watershed planning as a process and product to help build consensus and develop strategies that inform watershed management.

The conference sessions will share processes, resources, and case studies for watershed-scale planning that leads to coordinated actions that improve clean water and reduce flooding.

Each session will walk through the planning process: from setting goals and engaging stakeholders, to monitoring and modeling, to implementing actions. While we are focused on planning, the content will also be more broadly applicable to watershed work.

Monday, October 25, 7-8 PM:
Environmental Justice

Tuesday, October 26, 1-4 PM:
Watershed Planning Foundations

Wednesday, October 27, 1-3 PM:
Understanding Watershed Conditions

Thursday, October 28, 1-3 PM:
Implementing the Plan

You can view the full conference agenda on our conference webpage here.

Participants may choose to attend some or all of the sessions, and pay for their selected sessions only. All sessions will be recorded, and links to the recordings will be shared with registrants after the event.

Our virtual Annual Watershed Conference will be hosted on the Whova platform. You will need to register for the conference, and then sign up for Whova with the same email address. A link to sign up for Whova will be provided with the registration confirmation email.

If registration cost is a barrier, please contact us.
Sponsor the Annual Watershed Conference

More information is here. Your sponsorship will help to fund the conference proceedings and support individuals and groups in need of financial support.
Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Conference Sponsors
River Sponsor
SLR (formerly Milone & MacBroom)

Creek Sponsor
D&B Engineers and Architects
Delaware Engineering

Stream Sponsor
Gordon & Svenson LLP
GroundPoint Engineering
Rockland County Soil & Water Conservation District

Brook Sponsor
Wallkill River Watershed Alliance

Scenic Hudson: Advocacy Community Organizer

Under the direction of the Director of Environmental Advocacy and Legal Affairs, Scenic Hudson seeks an Environmental Outreach Organizer to coordinate community engagement in advocacy campaigns, develop strategic messages, and grow and diversify grassroots coalitions in support of Scenic Hudson’s mission.

Scenic Hudson: Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail Director of Park and Facilities Management

The Director of Park and Facilities Management will lead the maintenance and management of the Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail park with immediate priority to: reviewing draft designs with an eye to maintenance and management efficiency, managing the Dutchess Manor facility as it heads into a reuse study and construction, advancing implementation of a comprehensive parking and trolley system, coordinating with construction managers on park construction, leading the staffing and equipment decisions as phases of the park shift from construction to operations, and developing and implementing an operations and maintenance plan for the park.


Arbor Day Foundation: 2021-2023 Environmental Justice Initiative Grant Application due September 30

The Arbor Day Foundation aims to partner with Alliance for Community Trees organizations to address climate and race-related inequities through strategic support of tree planting, tree care, and community engagement initiatives in cities around the United States. The Arbor Day Foundation will collaborate with corporate partners to make strategic investments in the organizations and urban forests that will benefit most from tree planting, capacity building, and community engagement. Lastly, we will collaborate with local partners to report on initiative success using innovative reporting technologies and rubrics. Application details are available here.

Hudson River Valley Greenway: Planning and Trails Grant applications due November 8

The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects. Plans can include natural resource inventories, open space plans, comprehensive plans, and more. The Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy Trails Grant Program is dedicated to funding recreational trail projects.

Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve: Margaret A. Davidson fellowship applications due December 10

The two-year Margaret A. Davidson fellowship brings a graduate student to conduct research at the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve to address a key coastal management question. These questions help Hudson River communities understand coastal challenges and impacts to influence future policy and management strategies. The annual stipend for a Margaret A. Davidson fellow is $41,000 for research and travel, and an additional equipment and supply budget of approximately $7,000. The research that is conducted at the Reserve is intended to be a substantial part of the fellow’s degree research. At least six weeks must be spent at the Reserve each year.
The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect their local water resources