Volume 19 | Issue 11
#GiveForDV and #GivingTuesday
This year, we are joining domestic violence programs across the country for #GiveForDV, a campaign that calls on individuals to step up and give back to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and the programs that help them find safety. #Every1KnowSome1 who has suffered abuse; 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men experience severe physical violence in their lifetimes, but abuse is so much more than physical - it's psychological, emotional, verbal and financial, too. Help us build a safer New York by participating in #GiveForDV.
Here are some ways you can support the #GiveForDV campaign in New York:
Participate in #GivingTuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving, and it's a great opportunity to make a difference. We hope you will join NYSCADV on November 30 for this annual day of community, connection, and giving back. Join us on #GivingTuesday by making a gift to support our work to end and prevent domestic violence. If you'd rather not wait until November 30, you can also make your gift early!
Spread the word! Follow NYSCADV on our social media platforms. Encourage your friends and family to join you in making a real impact on November 30. Share what our mission means to you and why you support NYSCADV. We will also be posting #ThankfulThursday posts throughout November to express our gratitude for our amazing network of advocates, volunteers, sponsors and supporters. Follow along and participate in our #ThankfulThursday messages!
Join our Facebook Fundraising Challenge! Set up your own Facebook fundraiser supporting NYSCADV. Any fundraiser that raises $100 by December 31 will be entered into a raffle to win a $50 gift card!
Special Thanks to #GiveforDV Sponsor, CDPHP!
We are thrilled to announce that sponsor and supporter, CDPHP, is partnering with us on our #GiveforDV initiative in New York. We extend our thanks to CDPHP and look forward to encouraging New Yorkers to #GiveForDV this November and December!
The Governor signed several domestic violence related bills into law in recognition of October Domestic Violence Awareness Month, including:
A bill simplifying the process for DV survivors to ensure the confidentiality of their voting registration information by removing the requirement for a court order and allowing DV survivors to self-attest to their status as a victim (Chapter 521);
A bill permitting DV survivors to break utility contracts without penalty if they provide documentation of the abuse (Chapter 517);
A bill expanding the crime of coercion in the third degree to include cyber sextortion (Chapter 484);
- A bill preventing extortion and coercion through immigration threats (Chapter 447); and,
A bill directing the courts to consider the best interests of a companion animal when awarding the possession of the pet in a divorce proceeding (Chapter 509).
On the appropriations front:
Governor Hochul announced $6.5 million in OCFS grants for OCFS-licensed DV programs to offer survivors of DV and their families options for housing assistance and support, instead of shelter-based services, and to enhance prevention programs at five non-profit organizations. More information is here.
The federal government has awarded $797.5 million in American Rescue Plan funding to support survivors of DV and sexual assault and their children. The funds will cover COVID-19 testing, vaccines, mobile health units and other support for DV services programs, as well as increase support for sexual assault service providers and culturally specific services. More information is here.
The U.S. House of Representatives approved the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act (H.R. 2119) which would re-authorize the FVPSA program, increase authorization levels, expand support for and access to culturally specific programs, strengthen the capacity of tribes and tribal programs and meaningfully invest in prevention. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.
Please contact NYSCADV’s policy team at policy@nyscadv.org if you have questions or would like additional information.
This October, NYSCADV and domestic violence service providers throughout New York focused on raising awareness, and engaging communities.
NYSCADV hosted a Facebook Live session, "Realities of Domestic Violence: Raising Awareness in New York." to share information about myths and realities of domestic violence, domestic violence in New York State, and how to get involved in the cause and support the domestic violence movement. To view the recording, visit the NYSCADV Facebook page.
Our virtual pumpkin decorating contest was a great success this year! Thank you to all the contestants, supporters, and sponsors for your participation!
We received many incredible entries - thank you to all those who submitted pumpkins!
Congratulations to the contest winners!
Thanks to Purple Pumpkin Sponsor, Times Union!
Thanks to Purple Pumpkin Sponsor, Sunmark Credit Union!
Thank you to our Pumpkin Patch Sponsors
and Jack O'Lantern Sponsors!
Pumpkin Patch Sponsors:
Sponsorship in memory of
Robert Sirotkin
OVW Fiscal Year 2022 Support for Tribes Exercising Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Initiative (O-OVW-2022-15900)
The OVW Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Program (Tribal Jurisdiction Program) (CFDA# 16.025) is authorized by the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, 25 U.S.C. § 1304(f). This invitation to apply under the Tribal Jurisdiction Program assists Indian tribes that are currently exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction (SDVCJ) by providing financial support for discrete costs that result from the exercise of SDVCJ and related training and technical assistance (TTA).
Closing Date for Applications: Nov 16, 2021
E-Learning Collaborative for Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention (CDC-RFA-CE22-2202)
Sexual violence (SV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) are preventable public health problems that have long-term physical and mental health impact on victims and affect millions of Americans. The purpose of this NOFO is to support an E-Learning community and peer learning platform that uses multiple communication channels, including interactive web conference series, podcasts, online education resources, translation products, and planed and strategic social media to build and strengthen violence prevention systems for the Division of Violence Prevention’s funded recipients, sub-recipients and prevention practitioners nationally. This will be accomplished by providing technical assistance, training, and information on how to utilize the best available evidence to select, implement, and evaluate efforts to decrease SV and IPV and to incorporate health equity into prevention efforts.
Closing Date for Applications: Nov 17, 2021
Continuum of Care Notice (CPD-2021-01)
The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, states, and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking; and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.
Closing Date for Applications: Dec 31, 2021
Host a Fundraiser for NYSCADV!
Are you interested in hosting a fundraiser to support NYSCADV's work to end and prevent domestic violence? Reach out to NYSCADV's Deputy Director, Gina Peattie for more information.
GJ Attitude is a clothing company focused on projecting courage, confidence and power to women. The company is generously donating 5% of all sales to NYSCADV. Visit the GJ Attitude website by clicking here to view t-shirt collections and place an order. Thank you, GJ Attitude, for supporting NYSCADV's work!
Shop on Amazon Smile by following the link to Amazon Smile, login to your Amazon account, and select New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence as your charity of choice. Amazon gives to NYSCADV every time you shop!