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October 25, 2022

Volume 22-49


Welcome to Artist Alley,

ï»żWashington County Arts Council's electronic newsletter.

We hope this publication will engage you with the arts in your community.

WCAC welcomes your ideas and support as it continues to take the lead in bringing together the community's art organizations to strengthen our region's arts culture.

For artist information, arts events, calls for art, and more visit WCAC's web page...

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“Robin Shaner: A Stitch Through Time,” creates the opportunity to “travel” through history with the costume drawings, sketches, and dress of Robin Shaner a designer with over 30 years of extensive costume experience from concept to development.

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Call for Entries

2023 Cumberland Valley Artists Exhibition

& Cumberland Valley Photographers Exhibition

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The WCMFA Treasure Sale returns in-person at the museum for the first time in two years! The Treasure Sale will be in the museum's atrium. The Preview Party is Friday, Nov. 4, 2022 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Admission costs $30. Registration is required for the preview event by Friday, Oct. 28, 2022. Admission is free for the rest of the event. Hours for the remaining days are Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022, 1p.m. to 3 p.m. (fill a bag for $25); and Tuesday, No. 7, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (fill a bag for $15). To register for Friday's event, contact Donna Rastelli at 301-739-5727 or

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The Washington County Playhouse Dinner Theater is holding Auditions for GREASE on Sunday, October 30. Sign-in begins at 1:30pm. Auditions begin at 2:00pm. Those wishing to audition must be signed in by 2:30pm. Auditions will be held at The Playhouse which is located at 44 North Potomac Street, Rear in the heart of Hagerstown's Arts and Entertainment District and City Center.

Here is Rydell High's senior class of 1959: duck-tailed, hot-rodding "Burger Palace Boys" and their gum-snapping, hip-shaking "Pink Ladies" in bobby sox and pedal pushers, evoking the look and sound of the 1950s in this rollicking musical. Head "greaser" Danny Zuko and new (good) girl Sandy Dumbrowski try to relive the high romance of their "Summer Nights" as the rest of the gang sings and dances its way through such songs as "Greased Lightnin'," "It's Raining on Prom Night," "Alone at the Drive-In Movie" recalling the music of Buddy Holly, Little Richard, and Elvis Presley that became the soundtrack of a generation.

This production will be directed by Shawn R. Martin, musically directed by Francesca Aguado, and choreographed by Shannen Banzhoff. All roles are open. Must be 16+ to audition. Please prepare 16 bars of a song in the style of the show. You may also be asked to learn/sing a song from GREASE, so familiarity with the cast recording is highly encouraged, but not required. Be prepared to perform cold readings from the script. There will be a dance audition, so please bring or wear clothes that you can move in and that show our choreographer how you move.

All performers will be paid a per-performance stipend. Additionally, those cast will be given the opportunity to join the restaurant service staff (if legally eligible and following training) where they may earn gratuities.

Performance Dates (all performances in the evening unless specified): February 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, March 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19 (matinee), 24, 25, & 26 (matinee), 2023.

Gala Showcase Concert

October 30 at 3:00pm

Thomson Hall Chapel

In person or virtual ticket options


Tim McClure, violin

Fred Davison, voice

Scott Ziegler, bassoon

Mark Bryson & Ted Guarriello, ukulele

Marlin Barnes, Amanda Bietsch, Zack Grass & Heather McEndree,

flute, tuba & tamborine


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Valley Art Association Mansion House Exhibit

“Cityscapes”, exhibit by Valley Art Association member artists November 4 - November 27, North Gallery of the Mansion House Art Center & Gallery, 480 Highland Avenue, Hagerstown City Park. Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sundays 1-5 p.m. FREE Admission. Website:, Facebook:; Phone: (301) 797-2867.

Valley Art Association "Art in the Hallway"

A collaboration of the VAA and Meritus Medical Center exhibit, works by artist Chris Shingler will be on display during the month of November in "the link" between the hospital's main entrance and Same Day Surgery Center, Hagerstown. Sales are handled at the Meritus gift shop with a portion of the proceeds donated to the Auxiliary.


Valley Art Association November General Meeting – Open to the Public

November 16, 2022, 7pm - VAA business meeting followed by demonstration by Shippensburg artist Kent Roberts who will demonstrate his caricature art.

Mansion House Art Center & Gallery in Hagerstown City Park (480 Highland Avenue). Free and open to the public. Website:, Facebook:; Phone: (301) 797-2867.

Valley Art Association

Grants for Organizations - Call for Panelists

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The orphans of Annie at the Children's Theater of Annapolis. Photo by Kelsey Casselbury.

The Grants for Organizations (GFO) program provides general operating support to nonprofit organizations, as well as units of government, that produce or present ongoing arts programming that is open to the public.


MSAC relies on a diverse array of experts from across the state of Maryland to do the important work of evaluating applications. MSAC selects Grants for Organizations (GFO) panelists with a focus on diversity of experiences, diversity of location, and expertise in the disciplines of the organizations under review. Panelists must be Maryland residents. 


What does a panelist do?

Selected panelists: 

  • Participate in two virtual training sessions - one in late November/early December, and one at a mid-way point in the winter (late January/early February).
  • Review and evaluate applications on MSAC’s online grants management system, SmartSimple.*
  • Complete assigned extension assignments (Artistic Site Visits and In-Depth Conversations). Please note, some in-person activities will be a part of the extension assignments. 
  • Participate in one GFO panel meeting (Virtual - late March/early April 2023). 
  • Panelists receive compensation of $50/training meeting, $50/completed extension assignment, a minimum of $200 for all online application reviews, $100/panel meeting, and a travel stipend, if applicable.

*Each panelist can expect to review up to approximately 25 applications and to complete up to approximately 12 extension assignments each. Each application may take approximately one hour to review. Extension assignments may occur throughout the state of Maryland. The average commitment of hours varies based on the total number of applications and travel requirements. The majority of work happens on the panelists’ own time from late November 2022 through the panel meeting in March/April 2023.


What We’re Looking For:

  • Independent artists, arts administrators, fundraisers, arts enthusiasts, and students interested in the grantmaking process.
  • Individuals to represent expertise in the following panel disciplines: 
  • Theatre
  • Multi-Disciplinary Arts
  • Folk/Traditional Arts
  • Service 
  • Individuals to fill a multi-disciplinary Performing/Literary Arts panel (including those with backgrounds in Music, Dance, and Literary) and a Visual Arts and Media panel.
  • Individuals representing the wide geographic diversity of the state of Maryland - we are especially looking for individuals from the Western, Southern, and Eastern Shore regions.
  • Individuals who have some flexibility and time in their schedules to allow for daytime and/or evening availability of the applicants.


Panelists must have access to a computer with internet connection to complete reviews.


How do I apply to be a panelist?

Submit your application via MSAC’s online grants management system, SmartSimple. 

  • Click the Apply Now button below to log in or create a free account in SmartSimple (you will need to be registered as an Independent Artist to apply).
  • Under Funding Opportunities, select "Public Call."
  • Select "Panelist" from the drop down options and click "Save Draft" to populate the application.
  • Select “Grants for Organizations” as the Grant Program.
  • Complete the application and click “Submit.”
Apply Now

Deadline: Friday, October 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.ï»ż

Paid opportunity for artists: revising the Independent Artist Award program

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This fall, MSAC is facilitating a public-led revision of the Independent Artist Award (IAA) program, which has recognized achievement by Maryland artists making work independent of institutions or organizations. This revision effort is based on data collected since 2020 from applicants, panelists, and award winners, who have made suggestions on how to improve the IAA program’s service to the public. The next step of this process is to identify a panel of editors who will work with MSAC staff to further refine the suggestions into clear policy recommendations, which will be carefully considered as MSAC further develops the IAA program.


Consider completing an application to serve as an editor in this process. All selected editors will be expected to:

  • Become familiar with previously collected data and current MSAC efforts to support artists through the IAA program.
  • Work with MSAC staff to consider how to improve the service of the IAA program to Maryland artists in light of other MSAC opportunities, including the Grants for Artists program, set to pilot in winter 2023.
  • Participate in at least two virtual meetings discussing the above issues and developing procedure and policy recommendations for further consideration by MSAC staff, council, and Department of Commerce leadership.


What we are looking for:

  • Maryland artists with backgrounds in a variety of disciplines (e.g., literary, performing, visual, media, and traditional arts, etc.), or who are interested in learning how changes are considered and implemented within MSAC.
  • IAA winners, applicants, and panelists from the past three years are strongly encouraged to apply.


How to apply:

  • Click the Apply Now button below to log in or create a free account in SmartSimple. You must be registered as an “Independent Artist” to apply to be an editor. 
  • Under Funding Opportunities, select "Public Call."
  • Select "Program Editor" from the first drop down option. 
  • Select “Independent Artist Awards” as the Grant Program from the second drop down option.
  • Click "Save Draft" at the bottom to populate the application.
  • Complete the application and click “Submit.”


Editors will receive a minimum of $400 upon completion of assigned tasks, with the possibility of additional compensation if more than two virtual meetings are needed.

Apply Now!

Deadline: Friday, November 11, 2022

Opportunities for Artists

Explore MSAC grants and opportunities available to independent artists, click here for details.


To include your art events in the arts calendar of the Washington County Arts Council’s website

To join the Artist Registry of the Washington County Arts Council

To include your art events in future editions of Artist Alley, the electronic newsletter of the Washington County Arts Council, email art information to

Please specify organization, program, dates, brief description, location, ticket price and contact information. Please also include a photo or graphic.


To stay connected,

please join the

ï»żWashington County

Arts Council page

ï»żon Facebook.

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Links for Artists


ï»żMaryland Artist Registry

Maryland Artist Marketplace


Arts Across Maryland


Opportunities for Artists


The Washington County Arts Council, Inc. is funded by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC), an agency of the Department of Business & Economic Development.


Supported in part by:

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The Washington County Arts Council is a proud member of

County Arts Agencies of Maryland,

Maryland Citizens for the Arts, and Americans for the Arts



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The WCAC facility is wheelchair accessible!

Thank you for providing your email address to the

Washington County Arts Council. Your information was obtained from

at least one of the following methods: signing our guest book,

becoming a member, donating, entering a contest, or exhibiting with us.

Join Our Mailing List

34 S. Potomac St., Suite 100

Hagerstown, MD 21740

(301) 791-3132