A Call to Prayer...Continually
Although we are living in some of the most perilous times in the history of humanity, we also are living in some of the most glorious times in the history of the Church. This world is waxing worst and worst, but the Kingdom of God is waxing greater and greater!
This is not a time for the Church to be asleep. Awake, A CALL TO PRAYER has gone out! (Romans 13:11) Don’t you hear it? TODAY we have the most splendid opportunity to make an impact. As we pray with passion and perseverance for our government leaders and the challenges facing our nation and our world...God will “Hear” us; God will “Help” us; and God will “Heal” our land! (II Chronicles 7:14)
Is there not a cause? Choose to be a catalyst of change. Why even wait for the UPCI, WNOP, or Church leadership to ask us to pray and fast? The Spirit of the Lord prompts and leads us to do so...continually. (Daniel 9:3, Joel 2:12, Acts 6:4, I Thessalonians 5:17, I Timothy 2:1-4) “The signs of the times” speak volumes alone. The Lord beckons us to be faithful in standing in the gap. (Ezekiel 22:30) He has deployed us as His army, and we have the awesome responsibility to fulfill His divine assignments. Commit to consistent intercession. Consecrate unto Christ with constant fasting. The hour that we live in demands it! Pray for America! Pray for the world!
This world and all therein shall pass; only what we do for Christ shall last! Do you want to maintain your salvation? Do you want others to obtain salvation? Well, make the most of your temporal life…by investing in all that matters for eternal life! Please commit to consistent prayer! It is time to awake and to arise and shine, and answer A CALL TO PRAYER...CONTINUALLY! (Isaiah 60:1-3)
Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
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Prayer of Calling Forth
Romans 4:17 reveals great spiritual insight to increase our faith and effectiveness in intercessory prayer. “As it is written, I have made thee a Father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” The word "calleth" has two meanings: 1.) to bid to come forth, as when Jesus called dead Lazarus to come forth in John 11:43, and 2.) to call as in referring to, as when the messenger of God in Judges 6:12 spoke to a fearful, cowering Gideon and called him a mighty man of valor.
If we apply these two concepts in prayer, as we have been given authority by the Word and the name of Jesus, then we can call forth people out of dead religions, out of addictions, out of unbelief and a self-led life. We can speak Spirit words of life in prayer in alignment with God’s will and how He sees they can be saved, healed, Christ-like, and fruitful.
- Pray that we may be sensitive to hear what God would have us to speak in prayer. (Matthew 8:8)
- Ask the Lord to increase our faith to believe we can do the same works that He did. (John 14:12)
- Pray that throughout our fellowship, we will begin to see dead situations and spiritually dead souls, not as they are now, but as God wills them to be and sees them in the future so we can agree with Him in prayer. (Mark 5:39)
- Call forth in prayer, your church family to be a mighty center of intercession, revival, and restoration.
- Call forth the backsliders out of their desolate situations to a reconciliation and faithful service to our Father.
- In prayer, speak quickening words of life to a weary pastor and pastor’s wife. Call them forth into a greater anointing and renewal in the Holy Ghost. Call them forth to walk in joy and peace as they labor to watch for souls and equip others for the ministry.
JulieAnn Reynolds
Communications Coordinator
World Network of Prayer
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The World Network of Prayer Presents
24/7 WATCH: A Year-Round Initiative for 24/7 Prayer
As of January 1, 2022, WNOP launched an annual 24/7 prayer and fasting chain worldwide in coordination with our existing “Year of Prayer.” Each week WNOP is posting a prayer focus as daily prayer for the entire week. Also weekly, a video is posted on the WNOP Facebook Page of a prayer leader and/or minister leading in periodic prayer. We encourage your participation by joining in prayer.
Will you commit and join with others throughout the world in united prayer and fasting? Sign up by committing in your heart unto God that you will consistently set aside a day each week to do some prayer and fasting. WNOP also has partnered with those in local churches who are already a part of a current 24-hour prayer chain. All of these hours of consecration are culminating to help provide a complete mass prayer covering the entire Church body and to help bring greater success in all that we do in Christ! Together, let’s “watch and pray” and behold great and mighty things in the kingdom of God! Let’s prevail over the enemy with victory and declare, “Not on My Watch!”
Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
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GOVERNMENT: Supreme Court
Following is the “24/7 Watch” daily prayer focus for this week. Join us in consistent prayer & fasting.
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- Pray for God to help countries and people as China has encountered floods which left at least 12 dead and thousands evacuated. Western Europe also is being ravaged by wildfires with hundreds of people reported dead from the heat wave.
- Pray for the Lord to give wisdom, knowledge, and direction as the CDC has indicated Monkeypox cases have exceeded 1,000 documented cases.
- Pray for the state of Virginia as severe flooding inundated a rural Virginia county ripping homes from their foundations, damaging roads and bridges and placing numerous people in danger. Pray for search efforts as over 40 people remain unaccounted for.
- Continue to pray for Sri Lanka as President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled to Singapore and formally resigned. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was appointed acting President. Also pray for God’s perfect will to manifest in Sri Lanka as the country’s declaration of bankruptcy has negative impacts on food insecurity and the economic well-being of the people and the country.
- Continue to pray for the Lord’s will to be accomplished in our world as the Covid-19 season has been affecting us for almost two-and-a-half years.
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Make plans to attend now! Registration is free. Come, and expect great things! | |
Small Group Video Series: Rev. John Hanson, Bishop of Acts II Ministries, has produced some in-house video series for prayer groups and made these available online as free resources for churches with limited budgets. Please visit www.ActsII.org to access these remarkable resources, as applicable.
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Rev. David K. Bernard
General Superintendent
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Access Challenged Nations
Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.
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2022 WNOP Events
- 24/7 WATCH: WNOP Facebook Worldwide Prayer Initiative (January 1 - December 31)
- New England Territory Summons (NETS) - Regional (August 18-20). Christ Temple, Tiverton, RI
- UPCI Day of Prayer (September 28)
- *Oklahoma District One-Day Prayer Conference (October 22) North Point UPC, Sperry, OK
- International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (November 6)
- *Arkansas District Summons (Dates TBD). First Pentecostals of Benton, Benton, AR
- *Washington District Summons (Dates TBD). Location: TBA
- *South Texas District Summons (Dates TBD). Houston, TX
- *Ontario District Blitz (November 1-6). Location: Various Sections in Ontario, Canada
- National Apostolic Day of Prayer (Date TBA). Apostolic Fellowship Summit
- YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD). Location: TBA
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Switzerland” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Operation Turkey” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Operation Jamaica” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
*Pending Board approval. Note: Events and schedule subject to the restrictions and impact of the ongoing pandemic.
Also, more 2022 event dates to be added to the WNOP Calendar later as approved by the Board throughout the year.
(For more info on these specific listings, please contact WNOP at 636-229-7986)
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Consider supporting WNOP with a tax-deductible donation. Give the gift that keeps on giving:
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WNOP Personal Prayer List
To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.
You may submit requests by email at pray@wnop.org.
"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you."
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World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International
36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304
636-229-7986 | wnop.org | pray@wnop.org
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