Let’s Stand Together
Dear member investor,
As you know by now, a gunman killed three innocent people this past Sunday at the Greenwood Park Mall. This violence has hit at the heart of our community. We join our fellow neighbors in prayer for all the families and first responders impacted by this senseless act of violence.
As a local business leader, our call to you is to support how you can. Our first responders handled the situation with the utmost professionalism to return our community to the safe place we know it to be.
WE, as the business leaders, need to show that we not only stand together but are a caring and strong community.
If you feel inclined, attend a service, write a note of support to the mayor, police chief, sheriff, or other elected officials and when possible, patronize the businesses impacted.
You and your organization are important threads in the fabric of our community. I hope you will consider doing something to show your support.
Thank you for all you do,