Housing Connection
May 2020
Building communities together.

TSAHC believes in the power of education and building capacity for our nonprofit housing partners. Through Housing Connection, we help affordable housing and counseling organizations access trainings, promote themselves, build capacity, as well as provide a network where best practices can be shared. 
Monthly Spotlight:

Free Upcoming Webinar:

The CARES Act and Mortgage Relief: Understanding Your Options as a Homeowner
May 19th, 2020
12:00pm-1:00pm CDT

People who attend this webinar will g ain insight on mortgage relief options and other resources for homeowners impacted by COVID-19, and understand the perspective of the mortgage servicing industry as they respond to changes in mortgage loans.
Mark Your Calendars:

Wednesday, May 20th 1:00pm - 2:30pm CDT

Housing Connection has been rescheduled to
December 7th-11th, 2020. The course offerings and
scholarship  application may be found via the link below:
Recent News:

Source: Housing Matters

With each passing week, the COVID-19 pandemic is making it harder for an ever-growing share of families to  afford basic needs. State and local governments were  quick to recognize that job and income losses have hit low-income renters hard, and many are already racing to stabilize housing by providing direct rental assistance through new programs or by retooling existing ones.  But we know little about rental assistance programs designed to respond to COVID-19, including how they are structured, who they serve, how they could inform new programs in other states and localities, and how they could  shape future federal relief .

To help fill these knowledge gaps, we examined 43 state and local rental assistance programs-from  big cities to  small towns and in states with leadership that  spans the political spectrum-that were created or repurposed to help keep renters stably housed through the pandemic.

Source: GreenPath Financial Wellness- CNBC

Many people are facing unprecedented financial challenges right now. This webinar explores options to help address these challenges.

During our time together, we guide you through building a now, near, and far plan, focusing on prioritizing income and expenses in the now. You're not alone, and GreenPath is here for you.

Source: Business Insider

With  more than 20 million people filing for unemployment recently, paying the bills is a struggle for many. And if you don't have an  emergency fund, you may be turning to other options to make ends meet.

If you've lost a source of income or are otherwise unable to pay off your accounts, the opportunity to take out a cash advance on your credit card could also seem like a viable option. But is it? Here's what you need to think about before you turn to your plastic.
Thanks to Our Supporters:

Jael Zelada, TSAHC Approved Lender
Southwest Funding

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