17 September 2021

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
A return of even a mild La Niña could pose a flood risk to already wet catchments this summer. (Supplied: Jordan Cantelo)

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has moved to a La Niña watch, indicating there is now a 50 per cent chance of the rain-bearing climate driver returning this spring. While that is double the normal chance, there is no guarantee it will eventuate.
Rodents can be a tasty snack for owls, but if they've eaten long-lasting rat poisons, they can be "toxic time bombs". (ABC New England North West: Donal Sheil)

Experts have major concerns the mouse plague will return even worse than before, with high mouse activity already reported nationally. Residents had a brief reprieve from the plague over winter, but the rodents appear to have survived in high numbers.

When historian and retired educator, Margaret Ford OAM, leans on the fence to view the historic grove in Kate Cocks Park, she ‘time travels’ back more than 150 years to the early life of the City of Adelaide and the South Australian colony.

The grove was an integral part of early South Australia’s economic success and is a significant part of the state’s history. SA industry members may want to get involved in the move to protect it.

Scientists are aiming to grow Australia's agriculture and food production by $20 billion over the next decade. The CSIRO plans to spend $150 million in three main areas, what it calls missions. Those missions aim to tackle drought, boost food exports and continue its controversial push into the alternative protein or fake meat industries.
Volunteers needed for Farming and Rural Employees Sleep Health (FRESH) Study
Researchers at the Department of Sleep and Respiratory Medicine at Newcastle’s John Hunter Hospital are investigating sleep disorders, and the role that sleep may play in accident risk, physical and mental health in Australian Farmers, through the Farming and Rural Employees Sleep Health (FRESH) study. 
The study aims to better understand the sleep problems that Australian farmers may experience and how to best manage these issues, and is being undertaken via an anonymous online survey. Farmers over 18 and working more than eight hours a week on a farming property in Australia are invited to participate. 
Access the information sheet here and the survey here.
Is your grove on the Australian Tree Crop Map?
The Australian Tree Crop Map (ATCM) Industry Engagement Web App was developed by the University of New England as part of the Hort levy project Multi-Scale Monitoring Tools for managing Austrian Tree Crops. 
Most groves across the country should now be mapped, providing vital information for rapid biosecurity action and important research and management opportunities.
The map can now be accessed directly through the AOA website here - find your olive grove or put it on the map! 
COVID restrictions: stay informed
The continuing lockdowns across the country reminds us all that it’s important to keep up with the changing status of pandemic regulations across the board. You can access state-specific information on COVID-19 from the links below:

The Victorian government has introduced legislation to improve transparency and compliance, to make sure the state's irrigation water is being used fairly and in line with the rules. Water Minister Lisa Neville introduced the Water and Catchment Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 into the Victorian Parliament this week.
NEW DEAL: Another 1500 Pacific Island seasonal workers will now come to Victoria, to help supplement existing employment schemes.

The Victorian government has opened the door to another 1500 Pacific Islander seasonal workers to come to the state. Agriculture minister Mary-Anne Thomas said a new agreement had been signed, to continue the subsidised, demand-driven quarantine pathway. It covers the Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme.

The Weekend Australian Magazine paid tribute to Greek migrants in Australia on Sunday with a special feature looking at how they enjoy a life expectancy that is not only greater than that of other Australians, but also one of the highest in the world.
Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, and if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
SA Business Pulse Check

In partnership with SED Advisory, South Australian RDA offices are surveying businesses to ascertain regional business confidence, the ongoing impact of COVID, emerging challenges for businesses and strategic initiatives being considered by businesses.
Take the survey here and read the results of the 2020 Regional Victoria survey here.
2022 Science and Innovation Awards

Hort Innovation is a partner of the 2022 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, providing a $22,000 grant in the horticulture category. The competitive grant program is designed to attract innovative projects that will tackle key issues in agriculture, and boost the early-career development for researchers, scientists and other innovators in the sector.
Grants are available to 18-35-year-olds who are working or studying in agriculture or a related field, with a project that will contribute to the ongoing success and sustainability of Australia’s diverse and resilient primary industries.
Applications for the 2022 round are now open and close at 5pm AEST on Friday, 1 October. More information and apply here.
Austrade Insight – Japan’s Green Food System Strategy 

On 12 May 2021, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) finalised the Green Food System Strategy (the Strategy). Among other environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) goals, the Strategy aims to:
  • achieve net-zero emissions in agriculture by 2050
  • encourage imports of sustainably and ethically produced ingredients.
Japan will pursue these targets by adopting more sustainability standards and schemes. Japanese importers will likely adopt certification schemes. Australian exporters may have to show their ESG credentials to access the Japan market. 
More information here.
Register now for 2021 National Olive Industry Virtual Conference
Registrations are now open for the 2021 AOA National Olive Industry Virtual Conference. Running from Tuesday, 12 October to Friday, 15 October, the event will consist of four two-hour sessions held each day at 3:00-5:00pm (AEST). Held via Zoom, the sessions will feature informative presentations from experts with delegates invited to ask questions and contribute comments live.
Registration is required, and you can register for all sessions or sign up separately for each.
Cost: AOA Members - Free; Non-Members - $30 plus GST per session or $100 plus GST for all sessions.
Tuesday, 12 October – The Big Picture (the economy, trade, export, local markets) – register here
Wednesday, 13 October – Biosecurity (Xyllela, fruit fly, other threats) – register here
Thursday, 14 October - Factors Influencing Olive Yields (frost, biennial bearing, canopy management) – register here
Friday, 15 October - Olives & Olive Oil in Food - (table olives, cooking with olives, health and wellness) – register here
Followed at 5:30-7:00pm by 2021 Australian International Olive Awards Virtual Gala Presentation – FREE registration here
Full week of sessions - register here

Webinar: UK import certification requirements

A webinar from the Institute of Export & International Trade in partnership with Austrade for Australian food and drink exporters about how they can achieve market access to the UK.
Who should attend: Australian companies interested in exporting to the UK.  
Details: 22 September - 4:30-5:30pm AEST.
Cost: Free – register here.
Register now for next AOA Technical Webinar series: Table olive cultivars with Professor Stan Kailis
The next in the AOA’s ongoing program of productivity and profitability webinars, this technical session will be a presentation and discussion with WA olive specialist Stan Kailis around broadening the selection of Australian table olive cultivars. It will include the outcomes of the AOA 2021 survey results on table olive varieties grown in Australia and cover considerations around table olive cultivars including:
  • What makes a good table olive cultivar?
  • Styles of table olives suitable for the Australian market
  • Major table olive processing cultivars – International
  • Major table olive cultivars – Australia (AOA 2021 table olive survey outcomes)
  • Opportunities for Australian table olive producers
28 September 2021, 12.30pm AEST - 30-40 minute presentation followed by a 30 minute interactive Q&A session.
Attendance is free to all industry members. Don’t miss out – register here

Researchers in France say the label would grade foods' environmental footprint based on its farming practices, biodiversity impact and effect on climate change.
If olive oil gets cold enough, then yes, it will freeze. But most of time, what you are seeing isn't frozen olive oil, it's just... chilly oil. Oh, and we'll explain why Dr Oz was totally wrong.

Really interesting explanations in language everyone can understand – a great one to share around!
403 Kochs Road, The Gap, Frances SA
60,0000 olive trees, made up of:
Barnea - 30,895; Frantoio - 12,098; Pendolino – 4970; Picual – 3511; Koroneiki – 2820; Coratina – 2507; Arbequina – 2112; Picholine – 1200.
The olive grove is 19 years old and has been well maintained.
For terms and conditions and further information please contact Ben on 0422850699 or Greg on 0407599409, or email
NEW MEDITERRANEAN Pty Ltd - 75 Agincourt Road, Marsfield NSW 2122

Researchers caution that one-fifth of Spain is at risk of desertification. Poor agricultural and land-use practices paired with historic mismanagement are largely to blame.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
We’re now more than half-way through 2021, and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

The Association of Young Farmers and Ranchers in Catalonia (JARC) has called on the Spanish government for more funds to help olive growers impacted by Storm Filomena in January.

Olive oil, a cooking necessity found in pantries the world over, has long been known as a helpful cooking aid, a flavorful ingredient boost and a staple of a healthy Mediterranean diet. Used for cooking and seasoning, this liquid gold is extracted when olives are pressed.

The varietal oil flavour guide at the end is interesting … 

The World Trade Organization’s deadline to decide the future of a 35-percent tariff imposed by the United States on black Spanish table olive imports has come and gone, but the sector continues to feel the strain.

Using new investigative techniques, researchers from the University of Kent determined that olive oil constituted 20 percent of caloric intake among residents of one Roman city.
What's On

24 September
Entries close, Hunter Olive Show

28 September
AOA Technical Webinar - Table olive cultivars

5 October 
AOA Technical Webinar - EVOO storage considerations

9 October    
Olives NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Wellington, NZ

15 October
Results announced, Australian International Olive Awards

12-15 October
2021 Virtual National Olive Conference - Online

20 October (TBC)
Results announced, 2021 WA Olive Awards

World’s Biggest Virtual Olive Oil Tasting

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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