Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk:

Designate a Sober Driver for the Big Game 

This year, The City of Houston's Vision Zero program joins the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration campaign, Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk, to spread the message and invite all Houstonians to keep our roads safe during Super Bowl weekend. 


In 2021, 331 people died, and another 1,620 suffered serious injuries on Houston streets. This means nearly every day someone lost their life and close to five people every day suffered a serious injury in a traffic crash. One of the top contributing factors to traffic deaths and serious injuries was impaired drivers, representing 28% of fatal crashes and 14% of serious injuries. 

We encourage all Houstonians to enjoy the Super Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 12 with responsibility and a plan that keeps themselves, their families, and our communities safe.


  • Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve had only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or plan to use a ride service or call a taxi or sober friend to get home safely.  
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, call 911 
  • Don’t forget to wear your seat belt. It’s your best defense in a crash.  
  • If you are hosting a Super Bowl party, be sure all your guests have a sober ride home. 


Be an exemplary fan and Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk! 


For more information about the Vision Zero Houston program and initiatives visit our website: 

 For more information on the dangers of drunk driving,


Super Bowl ¡No dejes que los aficionados conduzcan ebrios!