Scouting News
Happy New Year!
The HOVC Leadership Center and Scout Shop will be closed Saturday, January 1st through Monday, January 3rd in observance of the New Year. We'd like to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday, and a prosperous 2022!

Thank you for supporting our Scout Shop in 2021! We look forward to serving you in the new year.
Last Call for Pizza!
🍕 We're counting down the seconds on the special Scouting for Food Papa John's Pizza Central VA offer for 25% OFF your online or app order! Use code SCOUTS and enjoy a generous discount on your lunch, dinner, or both, this New Years Eve. We're not sure if the best part are the jalapeno popper rolls or the fact that Papa John's donates $1.00 of each sale made with our code to the Heart of Virginia Council, directly benefitting local Scouts. This offer ends TONIGHT (12/31)!
2022 Camp Card Fundraiser
Beginning March 1st2022!  Looking for an easy fundraising opportunity? Camp Cards are a great way to raise dollars for your unit and can also be used to provide the necessary funds needed for summer and fall camping programs! Cards are sold for $5 each with 50% of the proceeds kept with the unit and 50% returned to Council. Unsold cards can be returned by the scheduled end date without penalty making this a RISK FREE fundraising opportunity.

NESA Scholarship
Scouts who have earned the rank of Eagle, are attending four-year colleges or universities, trade schools, or other approved programs, are active participants in school, Scouting activities, and community service, are eligible to apply for the NESA Scholarship. The Award Portal closes on January 31, 2022.

Friends of Scouting
Heart of Virginia Council is proud to announce the Keynote Speaker for the 2022 Friends of Scouting banquet at the Greater Richmond Convention Center on March 1stKevin Lacz, decorated former US Navy Seal, sniper, and combat medic who served with "American Sniper" Chris Kyle and was the technical advisor and co-star in the movie, "American Sniper," will join us for what we are sure will be an inspiring evening.

HOVC Adult Derby
Come race Pinewood Derby Cars and socialize at an event benefiting the Heart of Virginia Council, BSA. This adults-only event is presented by Midas of Richmond and hosted by Hardywood Brewery. Beer and pizza will be provided for all competitors, and spectators are welcomed and encouraged. #Richmond540 #PINTwoodRVA

HOVC Alumni
Calling all Heart of Virginia Council Alumni! New Alumni communities have been created to keep you in the loop regarding special events and announcements on both Facebook and Linked In. The camaraderie continues below!

Do A Good Turn Geocache
Scouts, treasure hunters, adventurers, and the like... the warmer weather and mid-winter-break lull might have you itching to head outside! Now is the perfect time to find a new hobby, like Geocaching, and hone in on your GPS, map, and orienteering skills. You don't have to go far to get started! The Leadership Center has its own geocache, "Do A Good Turn," built with our Scouts in mind. Swing by to see if you can crack the code and sign the log.

Scouting at Mt. Vernon
Pack 876 and Troop 888 let us know that Mount Vernon is currently FREE to uniformed Scouts and discounted for Scout leaders through February 18th. They also have a special Scout program with pins and badges available for purchase for completing the program. You can also use the visit to complete merit badges and belt loops. Mount Vernon has curated a list of program adventure requirements that starts at Tigers in the Wild and takes you all the way through to the Landscape Architecture merit badge.

Scouts Trash the Trash Day
Scouts Trash the Trash Day is an international project for Scouts around the world, where each Scout is challenged to pick up at least 2 pounds of trash on May 7th, 2022.

Sign-up for this annual event starts on January 1st, 2022, so mark your calendar and prepare for a great spring service project.

Scouting with Heart Newsletter Submissions
We continue celebrating the awesome accomplishments of the youth we serve here in the Heart of Virginia Council and would love to feature your Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers in our Scouting with Heart newsletter. We have numerous very special editions for you to enjoy and would love to feature YOUR Scout!

Journey to Excellence
The Heart of Virginia Council is offering free rank badges in 2022 to units that fulfilled certain criteria.

Upcoming Opportunities
OA Lodge Leadership Development is the primary training program for local lodges, providing lodge leadership with the skills needed to plan and run a successful lodge program. The LLD program is designed to equip lodges with the tools to stimulate creative ideas and develop lasting solutions that will enable and enhance growth. This event is open to all members, so everyone should plan to attend! The day will be filled with multiple Lodge training topics, tools you will be able to take back to your units, and skills to enhance building leadership. Mark your calendars for January 29, 2022.

OA Lodge Leadership Development
Hampden-Sydney College Merit Badge Day
Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia is hosting a Merit Badge College Day on Saturday, February 19th, 2022, open to all Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council. Thanks to the support and involvement of the college administration, faculty, staff, and community, they are able to offer a great day and merit badge opportunities taught by qualified instructors. While you are there, we hope you will explore the 1330 acre historic campus.

Commissioner College, February 12th, 2022
If you have just completed a tour as a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or any other adult Scouter position and want to continue to service Scouting in a different capacity, consider becoming a Unit Commissioner. A Unit Commissioner normally supports three units and draws on your experiences to help new leaders provide the Scouting program to their unit. Unit Commissioners are the “behind-the-scenes” support that ALL units need. Commissioners are district and council leaders who help Scout units succeed.

Battlefield Klondike Derby
Based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush, the Klondike Derby is a competitive winter event that inspires units to learn new skills and work together to transport gear on a homemade sled. Battlefield is working diligently to prepare an incredible event at Dorey Park the weekend of March 4th, 2022. Registration for this special event opens on January 1st, 2022.

The Trainer's Edge
The Trainer's EDGE helps develop the skills of leaders and trainers. It focuses on improving the participant’s training and communication skills. The Trainer’s Edge is the required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge, Commissioners’ College, and NYLT staff. The Course is highly beneficial for all trainers and leaders. Take advantage of this great opportunity to impact the quality of the programs our youth receive through well-trained leaders!

Scoutmaster-Specific Training
Scoutmaster-Specific Training introduces you to everything you need to know about running a Scouts BSA Troop. This in-person training concentrates on Troop operation and is open to Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters. Registration is open for this March 19th training at Albright Scout Reservation.

Huguenot Trail is offering both BALOO and IOLS at Albright Scout Reservation the weekend of April 23rd and 24th. IOLS is required for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, and Associate Crew Advisors. Packs and Webelos Dens must have a BALOO trained leader in attendance.

2022 Back at Camp Council Camporee.jpg
Council Camporee
After a tough couple of years, it’s time to get back to what we all love to do – Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Join in on the fun May 20th through 22nd at the HOVC Scout Reservation. Registration opens on January 3rd.

Spring Orienteering at Albright
The Central Virginia Orienteering Club - CVOC - is presenting its Ninth Annual Orienteering Weekend in conjunction with Albright Scout Reservation. CVOC members, Scouts, and the public are welcome. No experience is necessary and instruction relative to compass and map basics can be provided. Registration is officially open for the SaturdayMarch 262022 event at the link below!

Orienteering at Albright Spring 2022
Commissioner College 2022

Join in on a post-Winter Camp Wilderness First Aid course built specifically for adults, Venture Scouts, and Eagle Scouts. Meals are included and classes will be held indoors and outdoors, so please dress accordingly. A flyer with more information, including an equipment list, can be found on the registration link below.

Spring Cooking Merit Badge
Registration is open for the Cooking Merit Badge course taking place April 5th-8th, 2022 at Cub Adventure Camp. Scouts will have the opportunity to earn the complete cooking merit badge during this intensive class, where they will learn how to make many things from scratch including bread, pie, and much more! Must be at least 13 years old to attend. Parents are welcome.

January District Roundtables
District Roundtable is a monthly program offered by districts that give leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. Each District offers special supplemental training for volunteers in the first week of the month. Upcoming dates can be found through the link below.

Summer Camp Registration
Unit registration is open for Summer Camp 2022 at Camp T. Brady Saunders. There are six total weeks available to choose from, running from June 19th through July 30th. There are 16 separate campsites, four shower houses with individual rooms, a large air-conditioned dining hall, trading post, health lodge, aquatics program, and so much more. Don't miss out on the best week of summer!

Save the Date for the Buckskin 2022 Leadership Experience coming to Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council the week of July 31st through August 7th, 2022. More details will be shared in the coming weeks and registration will open soon.
Recognition and Honor
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
District Websites
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!
Heart of Virginia Council  
804.204.2635 | | #ScoutingVA

Prepared. For. Life.