News & Notes - August 22, 2021
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
The Holy Eucharist: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
From the Rector: Be Still and Know
Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.
(Psalm 46:10)

Dear friends,

Just a couple of comments this week.

First of all: there is a lot going on in the world, and a lot of it is hard. We are smelling smoke from wildfires up in the Sierras and hearing all-too-familiar stories of evacuations and lost homes. We are seeing images of catastrophe from Afghanistan and Haiti. We are seemingly stuck in a pandemic holding pattern, with the Delta variant upending our hopes for a quick ending.

It can be easy to get discouraged and do one of two things. One is to shut down: to take refuge in apathy. Since we can’t fix everything, why bother to pay attention? The other is to overfunction: to let our compassion become a compulsion, eyes glued to news and social media, a baseline of anxious guilt gnawing at us for not solving the problems of the world.

God calls us to do what we are able to do. As I mentioned in my note about Afghanistan and Haiti earlier this week, that is almost always to pray. It also often means giving of our money, time, or energy. We can’t do that for every single issue, and some of us are called to one thing and others to another. There are times when we need to simply be still and let God be God. The Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber posted an insightful essay about this this week (warning, she does use some language not usually found in this e-newsletter!).

Second: at our meeting this week, the wardens and I agreed that in light of the increased case counts in Sonoma County right now, we will return to requiring masks at the outdoor service for now. While it’s been wonderful to see each other’s faces, this is a small precaution we can take for the time being to help reassure one another and protect our unvaccinated and higher-risk members.

And third: you may remember that our baptismal font broke shortly before the pandemic, and that a group of Worship Committee members has been working with me on a plan for replacing it. We’ve had some exciting progress, and next week I’ll share more about our plans for the font.

God bless you. See you Sunday.

In Christ’s love,
Worshiping Online
As we resume regular in-person services, our 10:00 liturgy will continue to be livestreamed on both Zoom and Facebook. Those participating on Zoom will be able to be seen and heard by in-person participants, reflecting our unity in Christ even as we are together at a distance.
·    To use Zoom for online services: Visit
·    To dial in: Call (669) 900-9128. Enter meeting ID code: 997 787 434 #

We are also livestreaming each Zoom service on our Facebook page, so you can also watch the service on Facebook, and it will be archived there for viewing later in case you're not able to join in live. You don't need to be a Facebook member to see the live stream on the Facebook page.

Our service bulletin will continue to be screenshared on Zoom. To allow for a better viewing experience on Facebook, we will no longer screenshare bulletin slides on Facebook; instead, a link will allow you to download the bulletin. If you prefer to see the bulletin onscreen, you can still do so by joining the Zoom meeting.
Communion at Home
If you aren't able to attend in-person services and would like to receive Communion at home, please email Pastor Stephen at or call the church office at (707) 579-2604 to make arrangements to pick up a Communion kit or have one brought to you. We will not have kits available for pickup in the parking lot or create a separate Zoom gathering for home Communion as we’ve done for earlier occasions—just call or email and we will make a plan to get Communion to you. If you would like to receive Communion during the 10:00 a.m. livestream on a given Sunday, you may get a Communion kit in advance containing the reserved Sacrament from the previous Sunday's service.
Coming Right Up...
Friday, August 20, 1:00 p.m.: Memorial Service for Marilyn Payne
Our beloved member Marilyn Payne died a year ago, last August. Because we could not gather in person at that time, we held a vigil service for Marilyn on Zoom, and her ashes have been awaiting burial. Now it is time to gather in her memory, celebrate the burial Eucharist, and commit Marilyn's ashes to their resting place here at Incarnation. All are welcome to attend. The service will be in the church; masks are required. At family's request, no reception is planned.
Vestry Meeting
The vestry meeting is next Tuesday 8/24 6:30 pm via zoom. If you would like to attend, please contact Senior Warden Inese Heinzel,, for zoom sign-in information.
The Incarnation Book Group
We continue to meet on the Third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm via Zoom. Please join us in reading the second half (chapters 6-10) of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together, by Heather McGhee.

The Sum of Us is an excellent follow up read for those who have completed a Sacred Ground Circle. Please join this important discussion even if you haven’t read the book or participated in Sacred Ground. 

"Heather McGhee's specialty is the American economy--and the mystery of why it so often fails the American public. From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, she found a common root problem: racism. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. But how did this happen? And is there a way out?” — Goodreads

See you Tuesday, September 21, at 6:30 pm PST

Contact Linda Sevier to order your copy through Incarnation’s Bookstore
For more information please contact Paul Mallatt at 707-312-3870 /
The Sum of Us is available on Kindle and available Audible
(Please note: Financial assistance to purchase your copy is always available through Incarnation’s Bookstore)
The Women of the Table Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King
We will resume meeting the first and third Saturdays of the month from 3-4:15 PST. This will be a hybrid Zoom-In person meeting in the clergy room. Women of the parish who would like to attend our meeting are welcome. If you need to attend via Zoom or have any questions, please contact me at for Zoom meeting information.

The Order of the Daughters of the King is an Order for women who take an oath of Prayer, Service and Evangelism.
Joan Hans-Stafford, President  
Please Take Note...
Notes from the Organ
Maurice Greene (pronounced “Morris” please, in the British style), came from a well-to-do family with long-standing roots in Essex. He was born in London on August 12, 1696 and, as a boy, sang in the choir of St. Paul’s cathedral under Jeremiah Clarke. When his voice changed, he was apprenticed to the cathedral organist and took his first appointment as organist at St. Dunstan-in-the-west in Fleet Street in 1714. In March of 1718, he was chosen to be organist at his alma mater, St. Paul’s. He is buried there along with his friend and colleague, William Boyce. He was involved in the beginning of the Academy of Ancient Music, and was instrumental in founding a musician’s aid society later known as the Royal Society of Musicians. By the time he reached the age of 40, he held every major musical appointment in England. Being principally a writer of vocal music, he wrote over 100 anthems, 3 oratorios and many canticles and services. His instrumental music is for keyboard only, and with the exception of 12 voluntaries for the organ (1779), consists of collections for harpsichord meant for publication and home music-making.
Face Mask 1
COVID Corner
Just a reminder about our current COVID-19 practices for in-person worship:

  • Masks are required for all participants indoors.
  • Masks are required for all participants outdoors (this is a change from last week, and will be in place until further notice).
  • Please be mindful of others' space and refrain from close contact with those not in your household group or "bubble."

Thank you for helping us gather in as responsible a way as possible and reducing the risk for our congregation and our wider community.
Ministry Groups: Request to Meet On Campus
Since the beginning of the pandemic, all our various ministry groups, classes, etc., have been meeting online. Now, as pandemic restrictions ease, we are starting to have the possibility for small groups to meet on campus. If you are the leader of a group that would like to request permission to meet in person on Incarnation’s campus, click here to fill out a brief request form. The rector and wardens will review requests at their weekly meetings and will be in touch to let you know how you can move forward.
Oct 26-28, 2021 The Cloud of Unknowing: Transfiguration Associates Retreat, Mercy Center in Auburn CA

Excerpt from the flyer...

God is not an idea to be grasped, but a presence to be enjoyed. This is the central message of The Cloud of Unknowing, a medieval mystical text that offers practical instructions for deepening one’s connection with the God who is ultimately beyond all knowing. During the retreat, Fr. Daniel will introduce the author, the text and the ancient prayer practice endorsed by The Cloud. He will also guide participants through the reading of his distillation of the entire text while providing time for discussion, reflection, and engagement with the prayer practice itself. Although not required for the retreat, The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled is available to order on Amazon.

Please click here for the complete flyer and here for registration.
Morning Prayer Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.
Our celebration of Morning Prayer is expanding from one to two days a week! We’ll now be gathering in the church building on both Tuesdays and Thursdays to begin the day with the prayers of the Church. Morning Prayer is built around praying the psalms, hearing scripture, and lifting up our prayers for the world, ourselves, and others. Masks are required for all until further notice. We are usually a group of around 4 to 8, and welcome all to come join us.
Prayer requests will stay on our list for 3 weeks. After that, if you would like long-term which is for 3 months, please notify the office. Prayers for those who have died will remain on for 6 months.

Your prayers are requested...
...Anne, Sarah, Bob, Sam, Ella, Linda, Ashley, Gretchen, Manuel, Elizabeth, JoAn Blackstone, Nate, Peggy Zimmerman, Caroline, Alyce Sugiyama, Kate, Shelby, Demi, Ethan, Drew, Susan, Grizel, Pamela H., Alice, Sonja, Cindy Leonard, John C., Ed, James & Priscilla Carvalho, Lila Kane, Mary Knutsen., Amy C., Don Baier, Matt, Gene & Elizabeth Wright, Francoise LePage, Hugh & Angela Stevenson, Robyn Chew-Gibbs, Amanda Cortese, and Nancy Hanke.

...for those who have died: Lila Kane, Joe T., Katrina, Don Green, Mary Wolfskill, Gabrielle Jefferess, Mickey Halberg, Shawna, Doug Cannedy, Sally, Shirley, Brenda, Rob McIntyre, Janet, Geoff Wright.
...for the victims of COVID-19:  especially we pray for those affected by the COVID-19 virus, and for all who are in danger.
...for our city, county, and community; the city council, the board of supervisors, for those who serve the common good in law enforcement and the courts.
click here for the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer.
click here for the Anglican Cycle of Prayer.
This Coming Week...
Sunday, August 22

Monday, August 23

Tuesday, August 24
  • 8:30 am: Morning Prayer in the church
  • 6:30 am: Incarnation Book Group
  • 7:00 pm - Through the Ear to the Heart: contemplative singing. Contact Devi Mathieu to request the Zoom invitation:, 707-829-0815.

Wednesday, August 25
  • 6:00 pm: Alleluia Choir

Thursday, August 26
  • 8:30 am: Morning Prayer in the church
  • 6:00 pm: St. Cecilia Choir

Friday, August 27
  • 9:00 am - 12:00 pm: Open Table Prep

Saturday, August 28
  • 9:00 am - 11:00 am: Open Table Prep

Sunday, August 29
Talk with Stephen
Could you use a prayer or a listening ear? Do you have ideas you'd like to share? Pastor Stephen is available to talk in person, by phone, or via Zoom. If you'd like to find a time to talk with Stephen, you can call Alison at 707-579-2604 or email Stephen directly at
Need Support?
If you know of anyone, including yourself, who could use a communion visit or a prayer, please call the church office (707-579-2604) or email
If you have a pastoral emergency after hours or on weekends, please call the church office (number above) and follow the prompts for the Priest-on-Call.

To sign up for the Diocesan Newsletter click HERE.