What inspires you, Revolution or Reinvention?

I’m inspired by a new year. The changing of the seasons has the same effect as do pregnant women. And my grandchildren inspire me to appreciate what is growing and what is anchored in our lives. 
It’s easy to tumble into what scares us and holds us back from growing and enjoying what is still in front of us to discover. The sun comes up, the holidays roll across our calendars, our children become adults and we have multiple decisions to make on a daily basis…. this is life unfolding. And for some, everyday life is inspiring. 

Inspiration may come knocking at our door.  But we must invite it in. Every day, any day can be inspiring, the invitation is wrapped in our ability to let it in.  
In the last few months, aside from the holidays, relationships, work and activities, I found inspiration in several books and articles and a book signing I attended at an ASU fundraiser for the Political History and Leadership course of study. I heard Donald Critchlow author of Revolutionary Monsters and Ken Starr author of Religious Liberty in Crisis, present a pattern of growth and anchoring, Reinvention through Revolution.  They asserted that before we can experience reinvention, we will most likely experience a revolution. Although this pattern of innovation seems to be out of our control and most times occurs globally during political and social disagreements, I thought of our personal revolutions and reinventions that occur in our smaller private lives. 

The quote, "break downs, lead to break throughs," comes to mind. How many times have we had this very personal experience in our own lives? Lives reinvented and inspired through tragedy, a mental or emotional revolution, and eventually a new way of life is born within us. Not easy, but an anchor that will remind us of our break through. We are on an individual continuum of reinvention through revolution.  

One of my favorite inspirational periodicals, SUCCESS Magazine is celebrating its 125 years in publication in 2022. Innovative and trendsetting, the magazine continues to encourage the "classics" as its anchors, through the masterworks of authors, ideas and structures for entrepreneurial growth and personal development.  Every article poised for the possibilities of reinvention, no doubt the magazine has experienced its own revolutions along its long journey to success. Every article an inspiration.

In yet another magazine article, I found Scott Hamilton "Overcoming Impossible Odds." Olympic gold medalist in men’s figure skating (1984), multiple cancer survivor, husband, father, and American patriot, and all of 5 foot 4 inches tall. At the age of five he had stopped growing. Later on in his adult life, doctors would discover a brain tumor had caused the temporary inability to grow.  Although challenged by his size he went on to play most sports and settled on skating after falling 41,000 times before he found Olympic gold.  His ‘limitations’ drove him to his amazing success and a reinvention of the man he ultimately became. A champion in many ways, he was undeterred by failure; his story is about bondless optimism and relentless realism. Reinvention through revolution…. Inspiring? You bet. 

Yes, inspiration is everywhere. I encourage you to invite it in. It’s a good year to be inspired. 

With love,

Eufora Product of the Month

Sculpture Glaze and Illuminate Shine….
the Color Lock-In System 

Quotes of the Month

Can you imagine someone waiting for a rosebud – yearning to smell its heavenly fragrance and eager to see its impossible beauty – yet becoming so focused and impatient for its impending bloom that they become blind to all the others that already have? -The Universe

Happiness is not about getting all you want; it’s about enjoying what you have.  -Author unknown 

Yes, We Wax!

Are your eyebrows a little out of control? A nicely shaped eyebrow adds lift to your face and makes the eye appear larger and more youthful. Contact us for an appointment.

Pluma Book Club
Book of the Month: Finding Freedom
by Erin French
Personal Development: Revolutionary Monsters
by Don Critchlow 

Fable of the Porcupine
submitted by Bob Day

It was the coldest winter ever.  Many animals died because of the cold.
The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions.
After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So, they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth.
Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.
The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.
The moral of the story is: Just learn to live with the pricks in your life!    -author unknown

Creations by Connie Recipe of the Month

Chef Connie shares a delicious recipe for lighter eating after the New Year. Click below for a printable recipe and enjoy!

Scholarship Endowment

Thank you for your donations to the cosmetology school and program.

Dr. Hilda Villaverde Hairstylist Scholarship Endowment: or by check payable to Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation. Mail to Gateway Community College, 108 N. 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ. 85034

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Mission Statement: At Pluma we create lasting beautiful days in every client's life through healthy, gorgeous hair. We Anticipant-Listen-Connect and Deliver results.