Inside Student Government provides weekly summaries of all major board meetings within student government - the Judiciary, President's Cabinet, Business and Finance Committee (BFC), Lobby Corps, and the Senate/Board of Directors - as well as monthly summaries of University Student Union and Student Recreation & Wellness Board of Trustees (URECBOT) meetings.
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Hi Beach Family,
We’ve made it to week four of the semester! I hope it’s been a good first month so far.
I’m Andre Achacon, your Vice President of Finance for Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI). I’m excited for an amazing year at The Beach. Here are some financial resources that ASI has in store for you:
Did you know...
ASI has a food pantry which provides food items for students in need. Stop by and pick up FREE groceries this week from the Laurén Chalmers '83 Beach Pantry.
Click here to get your free groceries!
Apply for ASI Grant Funding
Being a college student is tough and comes with financial challenges. Whether you’re an artist, athlete or organization officer, ASI offers a range of grants to help with research, travel or event planning. ALL Grant Applications are out NOW and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Receive up to $700 for individuals and up to $3,000 for organizations.
Click here to learn more about grant funding!
Attend ASI Fiscal Certification 101
Are you a club officer and need help navigating reimbursement checks and program grant applications? Organizations can get all that information by attending ASI’s Mandatory Fiscal Certification 101 Training.
RSVP now, before our last training session on Sept. 27.
I'll see you around campus, Go Beach!
Andre Achacon
Vice President of Finance
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Biweekly on Mondays - 12:30 p.m.
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The Judiciary did not meet. An update for the next Judiciary meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the Judiciary, click here.
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Mondays - 2:30 p.m.
The President's Cabinet met Sept. 9 to approve its minutes and listen to new business. Closing comments were heard from Achacon, Butt and Zamora.
Action Items Summary:
- Cabinet Agenda, Meeting #1, Sept. 9 – PASSED
- Cabinet Minutes, Meeting #26, May 6 – PASSED
- 2024-25 Cabinet Working Rules – PASSED
To learn more about the President's Cabinet, click here.
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Tuesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Business & Finance Committee (BFC) met Sept. 10 to approve its minutes, listen to new business and hear member reports. There were no closing comments.
Action Items Summary:
Business and Finance Committee Agenda, Meeting #5, Sept. 10 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee Minutes, Meeting #4, Sept. 3 – PASSED
Student Travel Fund Grant, Mario Rodriguez, Obesity Society Annual Meeting – PASSED
Student Travel Fund Grant, Shivam Dhir, 2024 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) National Convention – STRICKEN, RE-AGENDIZED
Andre Achacon, ASI Vice President of Finance – Reminded everyone of the fourth Financial Training Workshop that took place 5 p.m. via Zoom on Sept. 11. Met with College of Business (COB) Dean Mark Suazo to discuss a partnership and finalize that COB faculty will be the Financial Empowerment Conference keynote speaker. Announced the ASBO Processes Training would take place that Thursday for them and Senate Representatives.
ASI Senate Representatives – Regarding the last Senate meeting, they stated that Dr. Osuna provided the Invocation for the first meeting of the fall semester, elected College of Engineering Senator, Paris Talebi and received a Day 1 Textbook Access presentation.
CSULB Representatives – Nazarian met with Orozco to discuss ASI at-Large Senator partnership with Student Life and Development’s student organizations. Randig received these following updates from a recent meeting with Administrative Services Managers:
- Medical insurance vendors must now show proof requirements for students/minors and must now include abuse and molestation coverage.
- Congress passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2024. This will have impact on BFC funding requests. Starting December 2025, anyone receiving federal grant funding will also be prohibited from purchasing drones made in China, Russia, Iran and North Korea or drones that use certain components made in those countries. Also starting December 2025, the government, as well as anyone receiving federal grant funding, are prohibited from operating drones made in those countries.
- The New Waiver of Liability form is available.
Dr. Miles Nevin, ASI Executive Director – Announced that the Day 1 Textbook Access opt-out ended last night and 61% of students remained in the program. Stated that they are finalizing USU relocation plans.
To learn about the Business & Finance Committee, click here.
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Thursdays - 3:30 p.m.
Lobby Corps met Sept. 12 to approve minutes, discuss both new and unfinished business and hear member reports. There were no closing comments.
Action Items Summary:
Lobby Corps Agenda, Meeting #2, Sept. 12 – PASSED
Lobby Corps Minutes, Meeting #1, Sept. 5 – PASSED
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reported on work completed, current projects, upcoming events/meetings and Ballot Bowl updates.
ASI Lobby Corps Vice Chair – Recommended a more visible location for Weekly Farmers Market tabling.
ASI Lobby Corps Representatives at-Large – Announced a successful tabling experience at Rec Fest. Agreed that the Weekly Farmers Market tabling needed to be more visible.
ASI Senate Representatives – Nieto stated Donuts with CLA dean and ASI Senators will include Lobby Corps information at the table, and invited Lobby Corps members to attend the event. Garcia-Guerrero established contact and will be setting up meetings with campus directors. They are working on tabling ideas for the Educational Equity Committee.
CSULB Associate Vice President University Relations’ Designee – There was none.
To learn more about the Lobby Corps, click here.
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First Friday of the Month - 1 p.m.
The URECBOT did not meet. An update for the next URECBOT meeting will be provided soon.
To learn more about the URECBOT, click here.
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Wednesdays - 3:30 p.m.
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The Senate met Sept. 11 to approve its agenda/minutes and hear member reports. Closing comments were heard from Kaur, Gonzalez, Cabrera and Melendrez.
Action Items Summary:
Senate Agenda, Meeting #5, Sept. 11 – PASSED
Senate Minutes, Meeting #4, Sept. 4 – PASSED
Business and Finance Committee (BFC) Minutes, Meeting #3, Aug. 13 – PASSED
Senate Audit Committee (SAC) Minutes, Meeting #1, Jul. 17 – PASSED
Nikki Majidi, ASI President – Reviewed work completed, current projects/initiatives and upcoming meetings.
ASI at-Large Senator Reports – Reviewed work completed in their respective communities, current projects/initiatives and student concerns.
Dr. Miles Nevin, ASI Executive Director – The Caffeine Lab now offers boba and has moved from serving Starbucks to an Italian vendor.
Dr. Matt Cabrera, CSULB President's Designee – Announced Leadership at the Beach Oct. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Stated this event features workshops, teambuilding activities, lunch/snacks and a $5 admission. Reminded that attendees that register by Sept. 25 will be entered into an opportunity drawing.
Odalys Zamora, ASI Associate Director, Government Affairs and Initiatives – Stated the ASI Government vacancies that include Chief Legislative Officer, CHHS Senators and Lobby Corps Representative at-Large. For university committees, they stated the vacancies list will be distributed soon. Announced Smorgasport will be taking place Sept. 13 from 6 to 10 p.m. and the ASI Government office will close from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to support event set up.
To learn more about the Senate, click here.
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