July 19, 2022
Dickinson Research Extension Center Updates

Lifelong Learning


Ryan Buetow
Dickinson Research Extension Center
701 456-1106
Throughout the year Extension and other organizations host a wide range of workshops, field days, and other educational events. These are great opportunities to sharpen your skill set and share ideas with others. Working in agriculture, there are many inter-connected relationships with both people and the environment. We deal with the weather, soil, pests, equipment, economics, and more. Each of these factors is constantly changing. Who we surround ourselves with can impact how informed we are with each of these moving pieces. Author Jim Rohn once stated, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If this is true, then as you improve you also improve those around you. By adding relationships and new ideas you are adding new tools to your toolbox. There is a large marketplace of ideas that you can draw from by surrounding yourself with diverse viewpoints and by talking to others. Many of the same challenges you experience on your farm or ranch are faced by other farmers and ranchers. By seeking out other viewpoints you are able to view a problem from a different angle. Networking with people is one way to find a wide range of viewpoints. There is also a wide range of literary resources available to you, including Extension publications. By reading you are able to borrow somebody else’s brain and apply their information to your situation. There are two upcoming field tours to help you sharpen your skillset. On July 26th NDSU Extension Bowman County is hosting a field tour in Scranton from 2:30-7pm and July 28th NDSU Extension Morton County is hosting a variety tour north of Glen Ullin starting at 6:30pm.

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