Relocating a ship the size of the SS United States is complex and costly. It requires funds for insurance, tugs, surveys, and dock preparations to ensure the ship’s safe passage to a new home.
The Conservancy has been actively exploring potential pier locations in the Philadelphia area and along the East Coast able to accommodate the nearly 1000-foot-long ocean liner. We have also been engaging in targeted outreach to federal and state officials who could help with that effort.
When the SS United States has faced imminent danger before, our supporters from across the country and around the world have always stepped up to save her from destruction. While the Conservancy is responsibly preparing for all possible scenarios, we have great faith that our global community of supporters will help us meet this latest challenge.
As we approach our nation’s 250th birthday, the loss of this American masterpiece could be viewed at home and abroad as a tragic metaphor. A unique historic achievement that bears the name of our great nation should not be at grave risk of destruction.
We will continue to keep you closely informed of our plans and will share how you can help us in the days to come. We are very grateful for your continued support of the SS United States Conservancy and our tireless efforts to save this soaring symbol of American pride and innovation.