From the CVCA Administration
Thank you for your overwhelming and ongoing support through a successful first-semester. It was a blessing to see how God moved in and through our students in unmistakable ways. We are certainly reminded of God’s ongoing faithfulness in the midst of another semester adjusting to COVID-19. And, as always, we remain passionately committed to Educating and Cultivating Servants for Christ

We want to clearly communicate with you and partner with you as we prepare for the second-semester in the midst of now typical uncertainty. We understand that each family must make prayerful, prudent decisions (masks, vaccinations, etc.) for the health of their family members based on the protocols set by CVCA. 
At this time, here are the updated protocols and reminders:

  • We are very aware of the rising case numbers in Summit County (and surrounding counties). We will continue to monitor the data and be ready for adjustments if deemed necessary.

  • Our decision-making formula for any needed adjustments will be focused primarily on the numbers in our building (e.g. number of staff absent, number of students absent, number of positive cases, evidence of transmission within the building).

  • The CVCA COVID Dashboard will give you the most current and accurate picture of what is happening in the building as it relates to individuals that have tested positive for COVID. 

  • Please notify the CVCA Health Clinic ( if your son or daughter tests positive or has been directly exposed outside of CVCA. If your student is directly exposed to positive cases and/or in close-contact within our school setting, you will be contacted by the CVCA Health Clinic regarding details of quarantining/isolation. 

  • Most importantly: Please keep your student home when they show any symptoms. This is the paramount practice that will allow us to stay in-person with the fewest limitations for the longest period of time. 

  • For the next two weeks, we will provide *asynchronous classwork/recordings (without academic penalty for absences) for students who:
  1. Exhibit symptoms
  2. Test positive for COVID-19
  3. Are required to quarantine
  4. Need to self-quarantine based on family decision

  • Faculty will prepare class materials (e.g. assignments, class recordings, etc.) for students who are absent and posted in Canvas later that day after the conclusion of school. 
  • When absent, students are responsible for all academic work and need to check for assignments in Canvas.

  • Lastly, our current plan is to continue to watch the numbers on our campus and in the community. If our stated criteria above continues to increase, we have strategies to implement temporary measures that will attempt to slow any building spread and ensure that we can continue to offer a mission-focused experience for our students.
We will have late starts on both Wednesday, January 5 and Thursday, January 6. Both days will be used for additional professional development for faculty to begin the second-semester. Students may still be dropped off at 7:30 a.m. if needed, but school will begin at 9:22 a.m. on both Wednesday and Thursday this week only. 
We are excited to Finish Excel Still More (learn more HERE), but that will cause some campus adjustments for the second semester:

  • Pick-up and Drop-off: There will be a construction fence line in the parking lot adjacent to the Gym and Chapel. Middle school pick-up and drop-off will remain the same, but you will notice the exit traffic pattern has shifted away from the building.

  • Parking: Based on the construction, we will lose 30 parking spots closest to the Gym and Chapel. There is ample parking in the lot closest to the tennis courts. 

  • Entrance for After-school Events: The typical entrance to the Gym and Chapel will be closed for the remainder of the second-semester. Entrance to all after-school events will be the front entrance of the school.

Thank you again for your partnership and support as we remain Gospel-centered and student-focused. May the Lord continue to work in and through the CVCA Community that we will impact hearts and minds for Christ in Northeast Ohio and the world.

CVCA Administration
4687 Wyoga Lake Road | Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224 |