August 6, 2021
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Dover Community Trail. (SRPC Photo)
With the majority of the summer behind us, now is the time to fit in as many beach day, grilling, and outdoor activities as possible. Sadly, the endless summer is not a reality for us here in New England. Here's to the last 47 days of summer!
In this issue you will find information on our POP! weekly raffle for the summer recreation passport program, information on our latest YouTube video and reports, an update on drought conditions in NH, staff news, planning events of interest, available grant funding, a new report from NH Housing on rental costs, SRPC's new Consultant Technical Assistance (CTA) program for small businesses, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
POP! Summer Recreation Program Raffle Begins
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
SRPC's Latest Reports
Drought Conditions in NH
Staff News
Planning Events of Interest
Grant Corner
NH Housing Releases 2021 Annual Rental Cost Report
In Case You Missed It: SRPC Launches Consultant Technical Assistance Program
Community Happenings
Communications and outreach planner, Shayna Sylvia, attends National Night Out in Somersworth to talk about POP! (SRPC Photo)
Planning technician Stephen Geis sets a traffic count in Rochester. (SRPC Photo)
POP! Weekly Contests for Exploring Regional Recreation Begin
SRPC's Promoting Outdoor Play! project team has launched its summer recreation passport raffle contest, and will be drawing its first winner next week! This prize is a gift card courtesy of the Noggin Factory in Dover.
Those interested can enter in one of three ways:
3. Email pictures of your site visits to
*You will not be entered unless you tag us, as posts using the hashtag made from private accounts will not appear to us.
We hope you will engage with and explore the awesome recreation in our region!
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
Strafford Regional Planning Commission is excited to announce that its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), and new Data Snapshot are all finalized and on the SRPC website for public consumption.
In updating two of its guiding documents, SRPC staff took the opportunity to revamp the process of writing the CEDS and MTP by making each more concise and user-friendly, using formatting and a new structure to ensure this.
Additionally, SRPC staff created a complimentary Data Snapshot, that includes all of the data normally encompassed in each plan. Information in the data snapshot is broken down into sections that include demographics, economic vitality, livability and quality of life, mobility and accessibility, and resiliency.
In comparison to early July, drought conditions in New Hampshire are looking better, especially in the SRPC region. The NHDES recently put out an e-bulletin with updates on the drought, given the increased rain fall over the past month. It is important to consider that while the the sudden rainfall throughout the month was beneficial to overall drought conditions, it didn't have the opportunity to saturate the ground for a protracted period of time so it still wasn't enough to recharge water supplies.
On this same topic, SRPC hosted its resiliency roundtable last month with the theme, "“Water Resiliency and the Region’s Future: Drought, Development and Day-to-Day Dependence.” For this meeting SRPC staffers were joined by guest speakers included NHPR’s Annie Ropeik, who reports on environmental issues and Ted Diers, who runs NHDES’s Watershed Management Program. They presented on what drought is, challenges with water supply that communities are facing, how communities are affected, how to better prepare for inevitable droughts in the future and how the geology and topography of the region effect water conditions. Participants also learned that despite the substantial rain in recent weeks, our water table remains at significant risk, and discussed how municipalities can improve collaboration to address water issues.
Congratulations to Environmental Planner, Alaina Rogers
Alaina Rogers, SRPC environmental planner, welcomed son Casper on June 19, 2021. Casper is the firstborn for Alaina and husband, David. He was born weighing 7 lbs and 15 ounces. Join us in congratulating Alaina!
Equity and Engagement Planner Welcomes New Puppy
It has become a trend at SRPC that every time a SRPC staffer has a baby, another gets a puppy. Nancy O'Connor welcomed Winnie to her family on June 20. Winnie is a bernedoodle and loves laying in front of the fan to cool off on a hot summer day.
Planning Events of Interest
REMINDER: NNECAPA 2021 Conference, Wednesday, Oct. 13- Friday, Oct. 15 at the Hilton in Burlington Vermont
The Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) is pleased to host its 2021 Conference in downtown Burlington, Vermont at the Hilton.
The theme for this year’s conference is virtual reality, and "Envisioning a New Normal."
Register online or download the agenda for more information.
SAVE THE DATE: 2021 Municipal Land Use Law Virtual Conference, Saturday, Sept.18, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The NH Municipal Association (NHMA) will host its virtual conference for municipal land use officials in mid-September. This event is geared towards planning and zoning board members, planners, land use administrators, select boards, town and city councilors, building inspectors, code enforcement officers and public works personnel. As explained on the NHMA website, "Presentations will focus on the legal authority and procedures these land use boards must understand with content structured to be beneficial to both novice and experienced municipal officials."
The cost of this training is $70. Find more information online. Registration opens in August.
2022 Local Source Water Protection Grant, deadline: Nov. 1
The NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is pleased to announce that grant funding is now available through its Local Source Water Protection program. This funding supports the development and implementation of programs to protect existing (active or planned) sources of public drinking water by water suppliers, municipalities, regional planning agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, conservation districts, watershed associations and state agencies.
In comparison to past years, funding amounts have been increased.
The application packet is now available online to provide sufficient lead time for applicants to work with stakeholders in determining what protections are necessary to address potential contamination threats, coordinate with working partners and determine a budget. NHDES is happy to confer with potential applicants in advance of the development of an application.
Those interested in partnering with SRPC on a project, or those needing assistance with the grant application should contact principal regional planner Kyle Pimental.
Fall 2021 NH Children's Health Foundation Grant, LOI due: Aug. 15
The NH Children's Health Trust opened its responsive grant application period on Aug. 1, with Letters of Inquiry due Aug. 15. Applicants' projects should be aligned with one of the following three strategies:
- Preventing childhood obesity
- Promoting oral health
- Reducing food insecurity
NH Housing releases its 2021 Annual Residential Rental Cost Survey Report
Each year NH Housing releases its annual statewide survey of market-rate apartments in an effort to provide a comprehensive view of the rental market not available elsewhere.
This year, NH Housing was able to hear from close to 25,000 owners and managers of unsubsidized (market-rate) rental housing from around the state.
As explained on the NH Housing website, "The survey results show that there is a high demand for apartments, a limited supply, and a low vacancy rate, meaning that it remains a very challenging market for New Hampshire renters. This is paired with a limited supply of homes to buy, hindering the ability of renters to become homeowners."
The report also explains that this year’s statewide median gross rent (including utilities) of $1,498 for two-bedroom units increased 6% from the previous year. Vacancy rates have also decreased significantly.
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Launches Consultant Technical Assistance (CTA) Program
Dover 400th Series: Dover's Shipping Seaport & Black Day
Aug. 10 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Join the Dover 400 Series featuring the Garrison City's once thriving and bustling seaport for its next webinar. Learn about all manner of vessels from gundalows to 3-masted schooners and how the City's river access supported many businesses and industries. The area along Cochecho Street was the commercial center of Dover for 200 years, until the great flood of 1896, called “Dover’s Black Day”, wiped out most riverfront businesses and deposited vast amounts of silt and sand into the river, essentially ending large-scale shipping.
Register for this session online.
2021 Woods, Water, and Wildlife Festival
Aug. 14 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The 2021 Woods, Water, and Wildlife Festival at Branch Hill Farm is returning this year on Aug. 14.
In order to follow COVID safety guidelines, attendees are asked to pre-register online for either the morning (10-12) or afternoon (12:30-2) session. These are arrival windows and attendees may arrive at anytime in their chosen window. Tickets are FREE for MMRG Members and are only $5.00 per person or $10.00 per family for non-members. These must be shown upon entry.
Activities will include live animal demonstrations, nature craft making, pollinator gardens, and more!
Durham Farm Day
Aug. 21 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Durham Farm Day is back and will occur rain or shine on Aug. 21.
For this year's event
Farm Day contests taking place at LaRoche Farm include homegrown food competitions – longest green bean, heaviest zucchini, and funniest looking tomato!
You can also join in the fun by taking part in hay bale tossing and stacking competitions, scything demonstrations, sheet mulching for your garden demonstrations, and arts and craft activities for kids!
Returning activities at LaRoche Farm include information on bees and other pollinators, local honey sampling, hayrides, sugar shack tours, antique tractor display, visiting with farm animals, sheep shearing demonstrations, spinning and weaving demonstrations, the list goes on!