Monthly news & updates

St. Johns County Democratic Party
71 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 6
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: 904-825-2336
September 5, 2021
This is a critical time for the Democratic Party. Women’s rights may be reversed, climate change is causing disastrous events, children are at increasing risk of COVID, voting rights are in jeopardy, another round of gerrymandering is upon us, and the 2022 election is on the horizon. Still, there is good news. Here in St. Johns County, Democrats are committed to action on all these fronts and more. I hope you will join us as we fight the good fight! Check out all the ways you can be involved below.
Save Schoolchildren in St Johns County:
Call to Action Tuesday 9/7
March to Protect Women's Rights Oct. 2nd
October 2nd in St. Augustine
With Texas's new law banning abortions after six weeks with no exceptions and a Supreme Court that has done nothing to stop it, women's rights to control their own bodies are under fire like never before. The time is long past for Congress to codify Roe v. Wade, it must become a top priority.

We must not stand by while anti-choice extremists turn back time. In the words of the Women's March: "There has never been a more crucial time for women and their allies to show up in support of our health care, our rights, and our freedoms. We must rise to the urgency of this moment. We must make it clear to anti-choice extremists that we will not stand by quietly as they attempt to control our bodies. We must call out the misogyny and racism that is fueling their authoritarian agenda."

Join us in St. Augustine on October 2nd, part of a nationwide rally for women's rights. Location details coming soon.
Redistricting: Coming Soon to a District Near You
What is redistricting? Every 10 years, every state, county, city, town, and special district must redraw their district boundaries to reflect the changes in population based on Census data. Per Federal law, the new boundaries are supposed to be drawn to be as equal as possible regarding population, compact and contiguous, and minorities are supposed to be fairly represented.
What’s happened so far? On Aug. 24th, a contractor shared data from the 2020 Census for St. Johns County with a joint session of the School Board and County Commission. The data show that compared to 10 years ago, Districts 1 and 4 currently have more people than the ideal while Districts 2, 3 and 5 have fewer. 
What are the next steps? The next step is to begin discussion of redrawing the districts, which will occur at the next meeting on Sept. 16th. Let's all plan to speak up during the public comment period at the October and November meetings. The plan is expected to finalized on December 9th.
Help Us Elect DEMs Who Share Our Values!
Increase Democratic Turnout! 
Sign Up or Renew Your Request to Vote by Mail

Did you know that signing up to get your ballot in the mail significantly increases Democratic turnout and is essential to help us win elections? 

This is especially true for mid-term elections, like the one coming up soon where we will elect a governor, senator, state house and senate members, county commissioners, school board members, and many many more. Turnout is always higher during a presidential election, but tends to be lower during mid-terms. We can't afford that this time!

Vote-by-mail is like an insurance policy in case of unexpected illness, travel, injury, or other circumstances that may prevent you from going to the polls in person. You can still choose to forfeit your mail ballot and vote in person if you prefer, but getting that mail ballot a month before the election has additional advantages: (1) it reminds you that the election is coming up soon, (2) it gives you plenty of time to research the candidates, (3) it allows you to track when your mail ballot is received and counted, and (4) it's convenient and keeps you safe from potential exposure to viruses such as COVID at the polls.

As the Democratic party, we have thoroughly researched the implications of our state’s attempts to suppress the vote through Vote-by-Mail, and concluded that it continues to be a safe and effective way to vote in St. Johns County. Vote-by-Mail is what led to our 85% Democratic turnout in St. Johns County in 2020! Let's not lose this advantage -- you can request a mail ballot for yourself AND your immediate family members by using one of the methods below:

Help Democrats Win in 2022:
Become a Precinct Leader
An alarming news piece just published in ProPublica shows that since the beginning of the year, Republicans have been adding thousands of Precinct Leaders to their county Republican parties in battleground states. Precinct Leaders – REP or DEM -- are the backbone of a party and guide its direction (for example, they elect the party’s officers and influence key decisions including strategy, messaging, and sometimes even candidate endorsements). But they are also – importantly -- the foot soldiers of the effort to turn out the vote. Collectively, Precinct Leaders can make a big difference in whether candidates win or lose.

In St. Johns County, we need to build our ranks in the precincts. Your DEC provides lots of support and information and works as a team so you are never alone. Please contact us here if you are interested in learning more about the role and what's in it for you. We will be happy to look up your precinct to see if there is a vacancy.

Putting your values into action can be one of the most significant things you do in your life. Contact us now at
Welcome our New Officers!
Due to out-of-state moves by two officers and a medical condition in a third, the St. Johns County DEC elected a new Recording Secretary, Second Vice-Chair, and State Committeeman on August 19th. We also appointed a new Parliamentarian.

We are deeply indebted to Lisa Hampton, Elizabeth Balaschak, Richard Briggs, and Dan Hampton for their exemplary service to the St. Johns Democrats.

Please join me in welcoming:

Rebecca Davis -- DEC Recording Secretary
Joanne Pero -- DEC Second Vice Chair
Richard Finke -- State Committeeman for SJC DEC
Rhona DiCamillo -- Parliamentarian
Temporary COVID Hours at HQ
As you know, COVID's Delta variant is ripping through northeast Florida, including St. Johns County. According to the NY Times coronavirus tracker, there have been 35,510 COVID cases in St. Johns County and 221 deaths as of today. After a decline in COVID cases from January to June, cases have risen to nearly the same levels seen at the beginning of the year (the daily average for last week was 228 cases, a 26% increase over the past 14 days).

Yet our governor is doing all he can to ensure safety practices are not required, including his recent announcement that as of Sept. 16th schools, businesses, and government agencies in Florida will be fined $5,000 if they ask for proof of vaccination.

To keep everyone as safe as possible, we made an emergency decision to restrict the hours the DEC office will be open to the public at this time. Headquarters will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 11 to 3 pm starting this week until further notice. We will continue to require masks, social distance, and limit occupancy to 6 people during this time. It is best to call 703-862-1890 before coming in if possible. Thank you for your patience and please continue masking up!
September Calendar of Events
7 - Action Tuesday at HQ, 11 - 3 PM
8 - Environmental Caucus Meeting, 6:30 PM. Guest speaker Ken Russell, candidate for U.S. Senate.
11 - Voter Registration, St Augustine Amphitheater, 8-12
14 - Action Tuesday at HQ, 11 - 3 PM
14 - St. Augustine Club Meeting, 7 PM. Guest speaker Vicky Oakes, SJC Supervisor of Elections.
15 - Voter Registration Training, 6:30 PM 
20 - Young Democrats Meeting, 6:30 PM
21 - Ponte Vedra Democratic Club Meeting, 6:30 PM. Guest speakers Robin Dion and Marie Garnes.
21 - Action Tuesday at HQ, 11 - 3 PM
25 - Voter Registration, St. Augustine Amphitheater, 8-12
28 - Action Tuesday at HQ, 11 - 3 PM

Almost all meetings are virtual. To attend via Zoom, please click on the meeting or activity you wish to attend and email the host for the link.
Save the Date - Oct. 7th!
On October 7th at 6:30 PM, the St. Johns County Democratic Party and the Environmental Caucus of St. Johns County are pleased to co-host Nikki Fried, Democratic candidate for governor, and YOU are invited!

Please note the purpose of this event is to educate ourselves about this candidate; it does not constitute an endorsement. Other candidates will have a similar opportunity to share their platforms with us.

The event will be held via Zoom, but depending on the COVID situation we may be able to also accommodate a limited number of people at DEC headquarters, where we have a large screen. Stay tuned!
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Every year from September 15 to October 15, Americans celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by appreciating the community’s history, heritage, and contributions of the ancestors of American citizens who came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and South- and Central America. Learn more about how you can honor the culture and contributions of both Latino and Hispanic Americans here.

Thank you!

You may also contribute by check, payable to
St Johns Democratic Party. Please mail to
71 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 6, St. Augustine, FL 32084.
Please note your address, phone, and email, and
Include occupation if contribution is $100 or more.

Please Note: Contributions to political parties are not tax-deductible.
Political advertisement paid for by St. Johns Democratic Party, 71 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 6, St. Augustine, FL 32084. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.